Armor Frenzy

Chapter 510: evacuate

The sniper team must not only cover the main assault villa, but also ensure the safety of the retreat. Δ┡E"FictionWw"W. ㄟ 1XIAOSHUO. COM

Ye Han was stunned when he heard the words, but time could not allow him to think too much. He immediately ordered: "The Xiao Yuan team continues to search for the target, the sniper team is ready to fight, the others come with me!"

After talking, he rushed out of Building No. 1, and the four people were divided into two groups. Two people were ambushed on both sides of the gate, and the other two climbed up to the room and prepared for battle.

While the situation is unclear right now, the worst option is better than doing nothing.

The two groups of snipers turned their attention from the villa to the convoy for the first time.

There was still a little time before the convoy arrived, Ye Han asked anxiously: "The sniper team, can you confirm the identity of the person who came?"

"Can't be sure, there are no signs."

"Are you armed?"

"can not tell."

"Fire reconnaissance!" Ye Han gritted his teeth.

It takes time to clean the battlefield, and the purpose of the convoy is unclear at present. If it is placed close, it is likely to affect the follow-up operations, and it is more conducive to the operation to drag potential enemies far away.

Two inaudible gunshots fired one after another. The head car of the convoy was shot twice in a row, and the tire was punctured and burst by bullets. The loud tire burst spread far and wide in the quiet night.

The car rushed out crookedly, and soon stopped on the side of the road. The people inside did not get off the car, and the other vehicles behind did not stop, bypassing the leading car and continuing to move forward.

The action of the convoy deepened the suspicion. Ye Han no longer hesitated, and ordered the sniper team to block it with all his strength. The two sniper rifles fired continuously. The two observers also took off their submachine guns and aimed at the convoy and kept shooting.

The effective range of the micro-sonic submachine gun is only 150 meters, and the distance between the sniper team and the convoy is more than 200 meters. Although the bullets fly to the vicinity of the target, although it can not be said to be a dead end, the power will be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, the observation hand is condescending, and the gravitational potential energy has a certain increase in the power of the warhead, and the power displayed is decent.

Several vehicles were shot in a row, and several vehicles rushed forward immediately, but because they could not dodge the serial collisions, the road became a mess.

The chaotic convoy did not appear to be well-trained at all. The two sniper teams made judgments at the same time, thinking that the crew of this convoy was not like armed personnel, so they took the initiative to stop the attack and report the situation to Ye Han.

While Ye Han ordered the sniper team to continue monitoring, he returned to Building No. 1 with his men, and at the same time ordered Xiao Yuan to speed up.

The villa said that it was not too big or too small, and the target might not even be in Building No. 1. These all needed to be confirmed by Ye Han one by one, and there was really not much time left for him.

Ye Han hadn't returned to Building No. 1 when he heard Xiao Yuan's excited voice: "Captain, it's here!"

"What now?" Ye Han hurriedly asked.

"Look!" Xiao Yuan gave Ye Han more than a dozen photos in one go. In the photos, there was a blood-stained corpse that was shot several times in the body.

The corpse's face was still clean. After seeing the familiar and somewhat unfamiliar face, Ye Han suddenly let out a sigh of relief: "Three fat? Mother, finally found him, immediately collect DNA samples, the person in that room One is counted as one, and all photos are taken for samples!"

That's right, the target of this operation is the three fat men who escaped from Beibang.

At the beginning, the three fat men and the pseudo three fat men sprayed each other in the air, and eventually disappeared. The military never found his whereabouts. Later, the insect plague intensified, and the military's control over Beibang became stronger and stronger. Pay attention to the situation of the three fat people.

It was not until the intelligence officers scouted the villa a few days ago that they judged from various clues that this organization was related to the three fat men!

The territory of Beibang was controlled by the Chinese side, and San Fatty lost his emperor-like status. His hatred for the Chinese side was like a torrent. It is not surprising that an extremist organization targeting the country was created. , enough for him to splurge for a while.

Moreover, some useless information obtained by the intelligence department has been comprehensively analyzed and obtained some information about the three fat men. It is found that he should have taken refuge with Maozi, or Maozi took the initiative to find the three fat men, and then Maozi secretly gave the three fat men political asylum, Since then, under the cover of Maozi's intelligence department, the three fat men have disappeared from the sight of the Chinese side.

Maozi holds the three fattys in his hands, and he must be planning to intervene in Beibang affairs in the future. Maybe the three fattys also made some political promises to Maozi, so the three fattys hid in Maozi for a while.

Since then, the global multilateral cooperation has become more and more in-depth. Maozi may feel that the three fatties are a little hot in his hand, or he may feel that the benefits promised by the three fatties are not as deep as the benefits of in-depth cooperation with China, so he sent the three fatties out. Meng, in this way, not only can I continue to control the three fat men, but even if the three fat men are violent, they can push themselves completely out of the incident.

The news was sent to Zhongnanhai, and the top officials of the Republic immediately fried the pot.

If the Chinese side didn't realize this situation, it would be fine. Since the three fat men and Maozi have colluded, no matter from which point of view, the hidden dangers must be stifled in the bud.

So there was the first cross-border operation after the formation of the power armored army.

In fact, Xiao Yuanxian's body has been seen once, but everyone never thought that the three fat people would lose weight.

Fortunately, Xiao Yuan was still careful, and after recognizing the identity of Fatty Three, he became more and more careful. He turned over the entire room and found a lot of documents written in Beibang script, as well as a few documents written in Mao Ziwen~www. If Xiao Yuan got the treasure, he immediately ran to Ye Han to offer the treasure.

Ye Han was also overjoyed, put away the documents he found, and wanted to order the soldiers to rummage again, but after thinking about it, the biggest purpose of the action has been achieved. The longer it is, the greater the chance of an accident, and it is better to take it as soon as possible.

So Ye Han decisively issued an evacuation order, requesting the troops to evacuate, but also installed several time bombs in the villa, and then left the house full of corpses and quickly evacuated the villa.

In order to ensure safety, the sniper group responsible for covering received the evacuation order only after the assault group had all boarded the vehicle.

The four members of the sniper team climbed on the bulge on the outer wall and slid directly to the ground, just like when they came, and got into the off-road vehicle with a few steps. Immediately, the four off-road vehicles left separately. After leaving the city from different directions, they met at the designated location and drove south.

At this time, the convoy of unknown origin was still in chaos. Worried about the attack of giant insects that appeared at night, the people in the car and the local police invariably chose not to do anything until no rescue arrived at the scene the next morning. It was only by the members of the convoy to save themselves that they finally escaped the danger.

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