Armor Frenzy

Chapter 456: situation

In a twinkling of an eye July, the number of giant insects across the country rebounded strongly, and the losses caused by the insect disaster have skyrocketed. Despite the military's best efforts, the number of people killed by giant insects every day is still as high as more than 100,000.

But giant insects have always had the characteristics of being numerous and fighting alone. Although the country tries to gather clusters to facilitate protection, there are so many mouths waiting to eat in the country that cannot be ignored. In order to obtain food, all places have to bear giant insects Attacking, planting food at the cost of human life, and protecting agriculture and food are also the most important duties of the military at this stage.

Grain quotas in various places have dropped again and again, and they have fallen to the point where they can only survive. Criminal incidents of looting and grabbing food have emerged one after another. Although the situation has not reached the point of squatting and eating, digging grass roots and eating tree bark is no longer a thing. In the news, there is even a case of escaping into the mountains and feeding on insect trees.

If it were not for the country's strict management and control of grain as a strategic material, I am afraid the situation would be ten times more serious!

The great famine has begun to appear, but the whole world is troubled by the plague of insects.

Although July is the summer harvest season, more than half of April is in the asteroid impact period. The sown area of ​​wheat and early rice in the country is less than half of that in previous years, and the highest harvest area is half of the planted area.

Moreover, both fertilizer and water are affected by the general environment, and it is inevitable that the yield per mu will decline. It is estimated that the output of summer grain is only about a quarter of that in previous years.

However, even if it is only a quarter of the previous year, it has solved the urgent needs of the northern capital.

Not only has the food problem troubled the northern capital, but the national finances have also reached the limit. Even the military's weapons and equipment have appeared faulty, so they have to shrink the defense line and improve the offense into defense.

In other words, the situation of human beings against giant insects has changed from an active strategic offensive to a retreating strategic defense.

The foundation accumulated decades ago has been consumed in nearly a year, but the production of the military industry cannot meet the consumption of the whole country.

It's not that the factory is unwilling to produce, but the raw materials are really not available!

Although the country's full implementation of the rationing system makes coins as cheap as dung, even if you don't understand the truth of the national crisis, at least you understand the situation where your lips and teeth are cold. There are not a few people who are conscious, but the severe situation has an impact on industrial and mining enterprises, especially resource-based enterprises. great.

The lack of materials eventually led to a change in the strategic situation, and Beidu had to start thinking about how to restore the production of key industries, even if it was only a part of it.

Beidu is trying its best to maintain the domestic situation, looking forward to the early growth of the ant colony and sharing the pressure of human beings to resist the giant biochemical insects.

The military deployed nearly 1,000 ant queens all over the country, but only four large ant colonies were formed in the end, and there were more than a dozen small ant colonies struggling under the pressure of giant insects.

The only good news is that the ant colony in Beibang has been led by the military to the north. The combat effectiveness of a single giant ant is indeed not as good as that of a biochemical giant, but the giant ant is currently the only social giant. With the advantage of coming, the ant colony strongly suppressed the biochemical giant insects in the north.

The military not only relied on giant ants to recover more than half of the forest state, but also relied on the confusion of pheromones to successfully sow a large area in the ant-occupied area and expand the output of autumn food.

When the people of Jingjiang heard the news, they were all overwhelmed with emotion.

Last year, Jingjiang was abandoned because of giant ants, but now he is using giant ants to recover Linzhou and even the country. How can we not make people feel embarrassed?

The military also felt the same way. A year ago, the military fought the giant ants desperately, but now the giant ants have become human talismans.

If it weren't for the limited number of giant ants, the current ant-occupied area has reached the limit of expansion, and Beidu might order the military to drive out the giant ants and regain the country.

What happened at home is just a microcosm of the impact of the global insect disaster. The situation abroad is even worse. There are endless reports of insect disasters around the world, and the military of various countries are struggling to cope.

Many countries that did their best to survive the first wave of insect plagues fell helplessly in the face of even more turbulent insect plagues. The government was unable to perform its duties effectively, and the people were not protected by the army, and finally followed in the footsteps of Africa.

Most of the occupied countries are located in underdeveloped areas, or simply island countries in the Pacific Ocean. The relatively closed environment is particularly vulnerable to the attack of giant insects.

Although some areas have not been attacked by biochemical giants, famine has broken out for a long time, and governments are powerless because of the global food shortage. The famine eventually evolved into a modern version of cannibalism. Human tragedy.

In contrast, the people who still have food to eat have been very lucky.

In order to save food, countries all over the world expel foreigners from their territories. Due to the inconvenience of transportation, the vast majority of them cannot leave the country where they live, and countless people died of The social situation that was barely maintained not long ago is comprehensive Decline, and there is still a tendency to continue to collapse, the doomsday theory is on the rise. In July alone, more than a dozen terrorist attacks instigated by doomsday sects occurred around the world, with nearly 1,000 casualties.

Of course, not all areas are plagued by pests. Deserts in North Africa, Middle East deserts and other areas lacking natural resources are naturally immune to pests.

There are not no insects in the desert. Beetles and scorpions are natives of the desert. There have been cases of giant transformation, but the barren desert cannot support the growth of giant insects. Before the giant insects grow up, they will starve to death.

As for the oasis... I'm sorry, it's human's territory. It is a miracle to support a giant insect in an environment like a desert. It is impossible to form a large-scale insect colony. Any giant insect that appears in an oasis will be mercilessly attacked by humans. wipe out.

The desert is the only area on earth that does not need to worry about insect swarms. Many people try to enter the desert area to live, but the ecology of the oasis is very fragile and cannot bear the large-scale entry of humans.

In order to safeguard their own interests, desert countries do not allow outsiders to enter at all, and as a result, local wars at the national level have even occurred, making the human world, which is already shrouded in the shadow of the insect plague, even more chaotic.

This summer is destined to be a frustrating season.

Under such circumstances, China's successful use of giant ants to expel biochemical giant insects is the only bright spot in the world. All countries that have some solutions have begun to think about how to use giant insects to contain giant insects, and have contacted China in hopes of obtaining ant queen.

Beidu doesn't want to send out giant ants in vain, but the insect plague on a global scale is not good for China, but these countries that ask for help are so poor that they are almost like pants, and they can't give anything in exchange for the queen.

But it doesn't matter, there are no materials and resources!

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