Armor Frenzy

Chapter 448: airdrop

The defensive pressure on residential areas has been greatly reduced due to air strikes, but air strikes cannot replace face-to-face defensive operations, and battles surrounding residential areas continue.

Ye Han and Captain Zhou still didn't know that this was the first large-scale contact between humans and biochemical giant insects, and it was also the first time that the modern warfare system had a head-on collision with biochemical giant insects.

The situation in the residential area is not very good, but the overall situation is still dominated by humans.

It's just that the cost of investment is disproportionate to the results of the war, and it is a sure loss-making business.

But neither Zhong Nanhai nor the military gave up on Eyama's idea.

Twenty-two minutes after the fighter group left Eyama, an army aviation formation consisting of twelve armed helicopters arrived near Eyama.

According to the data provided by Hainan Airlines and satellites, the helicopter formation was directly decorated with the spider swarm flying to Eshan.

The first time they saw the flying giant spider, the pilots were a little surprised, but the formation soon approached the target and entered the mission state, with cannons as the main, missiles as the supplement, and comprehensively attacked the giant spiders in the air.

HNA's combat aircraft are too fast to precisely hit the flying spiders. Slow helicopters have stronger attack capabilities in this situation.

The giant spider hanging in the air had no power to fight back at all, and was wiped out in large numbers by the helicopter formation. The alerted giant spider instinctively released the balloon-like silk web and spit the spider silk to slide to the ground.

The helicopter formation immediately separated several planes to deal with the fleeing giant spiders.

The pilots soon discovered that there is no need to deal with the giant spider so deliberately. They only need to fly the plane over the flying giant spider, and the strong downdraft will destroy the silk web that the giant spider relies on to fly, causing the flying spider to fly. The flying giant spiders fell in pieces.

But this method is not particularly effective. The fallen giant spider will spit spider silk in the air, slowing down the speed of descent, and the ground is full of woods. The spider silk spit out by the giant spider has a high chance of hanging on the tree, thus escaping the fall. the fate of death.

In desperation, the helicopter formation could only use force again to deal with the giant spider.

After going around in a circle and returning to the origin, how can the pilots not be depressed?

Fifty-four minutes after HNA's evacuation, the formation of transport planes arrived over Eyama.

The Huishan people, who were already prepared, lit more than a dozen bonfires in the residential area, indicating the airdrop position for the air transport plane.

After a while, dozens of tightly packed boxes escaped from the transporter and fell leisurely under parachutes.

A few minutes later, the headquarters received a report that only 11 of the more than 30 airdropped packages landed in the designated airborne area, and the remaining 19 all fell outside the residential area!

Captain Zhou was shocked and immediately said on the radio: "Open the box immediately, organize the reserve force to equip weapons, deploy vehicles under the condition of ensuring the safety of the residential area, and recover the scattered weapons."

After speaking, Camp Commander Zhou looked at Ye Han: "Captain Ye, I need your assistance."

"No problem, what do we need to do?" Ye Han simply agreed.

"My people can't get out of the car due to lack of protection. I plan to equip each armored vehicle with two mobile troops, who will be responsible for getting out of the car and recovering the equipment."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away. How many cars do you draw?" Ye Han asked.

"Ten vehicles, ten vehicles at most." Commander Zhou said.

Ye Han was startled and smiled bitterly: "There are only a dozen of us in total, and our armored vehicles can also go out."

"Then it's based on the head." Commander Zhou said, "You should keep your vehicles. Wheeled armored vehicles have poor adaptability, while our amphibious tanks have better adaptability."

"Listen to you, where to gather?" Ye Han said.

The soldiers of the armored battalion also used 30mm cannons, which made him subconsciously think that the armored battalion used a tracked armored vehicle, but he did not expect it to be an amphibious tank.

This thing must be able to float on the sea, and its dead weight cannot be too high. It is completely understandable that it is only heavier than an armored vehicle.

"Just over the bridge." Commander Zhou said.

Both of them were actionists, and they arranged the plan immediately. After a while, all the mobile troops and seven amphibious tanks were concentrated at the designated location.

No need to mobilize or talk nonsense, Ye Han gave an order, and everyone sat on the tank of the navy in groups - the internal space of the tank was too small, and the power armor took up too much space, and the mobile troops could not get into the tank at all.

Seven vehicles drove across the bridge one after another. Just as the amphibious tank was driving to the center of the bridge, several soaring fire dragons suddenly sprang from the periphery of the residential area, burning the dozen or so giant spiders close to the opposite bank into flaming candle heads.

Giant spiders are a certain threat to power armor, but as long as you pay attention, the possibility of being attacked by giant spiders is very small. The scattered seven armored vehicles did not make it easy to find the scattered packing boxes, and killed many giant spiders along the way.

Before dawn, sixteen of the nineteen packing boxes scattered outside were recovered, and the defensive situation was gradually becoming clear, so there was no need to rush to find the last three packing boxes.

This is still the power armor that has to go back to the residential area to replace the battery every once in a Otherwise, it will not waste so much time at all.

After dawn, the military conducted a comprehensive analysis of the situation in Eyama through satellite. The analysis not only determined the approximate number of giant spiders, but also found the locations of the last three packing boxes.

After a brief breakfast, the troops were about to set off to retrieve the last three packing boxes when Ye Han suddenly heard An Dongli's call: "Captain, communication from Beidu!"

"Give it to me!" Ye Han immediately said on the radio when he saw the instruction that the communication equipment was ready, "I'm Ye Han!"

"I'm the Beidu Command Center, Captain Ye, the command center has a new task for you."

Ye Han sighed quietly: "Guaranteed to complete the task!" Having said that, he knew very well in his heart that the order from the Northern Capital must be another big trouble.

"Don't shout slogans." The man on the radio said pragmatically, "I need your troops, catch me some giant spiders and send them back."

"Catch the giant spider alive?" Ye Han asked in surprise.

"Yes, giant spiders are of great experimental value. We can find the weaknesses of giant spiders through research. It is best to use them for me. Is there any difficulty?"

"I need anesthesia."

"No problem, the airdrop has been arranged, and the helicopter has also been arranged. After catching the giant spider, report to me directly, and I will arrange the rest."

"What about the exact number? What about the male-female ratio?"

"There are males and females, you can arrange the rest yourself."


The communication was interrupted, and Ye Han immediately said on the radio: "Brothers, there is work to do!"

"No!" Xiao Yuan wailed, "I haven't slept all night."

"It's not too late to sleep after the mission is completed," Ye Han said. "Our new mission is to catch a few giant spiders. Let's start solving personal problems now and set off in five minutes!"

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