Armor Frenzy

Chapter 442: take one's own risk

"Damn it!" Ye Han scolded angrily, turned his head and shouted, "Xiao Yuan, where are you?"

"I'm here!" Xiao Yuan, who was stuck by the cobweb, reluctantly raised his arm.

"A few people got on and off the car, drag them all out for me; Zhang Cheng, let's see how those two people are." After that, Ye Han walked to the navy's armored battalion.

Entering the lighting range of the armored battalion, the nervous armored battalion soldiers instinctively pressed the shooting button. If the identification device on Ye Han's body had not locked the shooting system, Ye Han would have to let the friendly troops fire a few shots.

Ye Han approached the armored battalion, and a tracked armored vehicle's roof was lifted and a person came out. He greeted politely: "Hello, I'm the battalion commander..."

"Go back!" Ye Han jumped onto the roof of the car and shoved the battalion commander into the car.

The battalion commander was angry, but seeing Ye Han's rank of lieutenant colonel, he had to swallow the swear words that rushed to his mouth.

Ye Han squatted on the roof and looked around vigilantly: "I'm Ye Han, I won't tell you the exact number, what's your name?"

"My surname is Zhou." The battalion commander managed to remain polite.

"Listen to me." Ye Han looked down at Camp Commander Zhou, "The bugs that entered Hue Mountain are a group of spiders. They are very large and very aggressive. If you come out so recklessly, you may be stared at by giant spiders. So, at any time and under any circumstances, you and your people can't leave the armored vehicle, understand what I mean?"

Battalion Commander Zhou's face looked better, but he still looked through the roof to the dark night outside the car: "Understood."

Ye Han emphasized again: "I'm not joking with you, let me know immediately if you have to get out of the car."

"Okay." Commander Zhou nodded.

Ye Han looked back at the people he brought: "We need to replenish 30mm artillery shells, do you have any extra?"

"No problem, we brought the ammunition supply vehicle."

"Very good." Ye Han said, "Give me the communication frequency, we will communicate by radio."

The two exchanged the frequency of communication. Ye Han was about to ask where the supply truck was when he heard An Dongli's shout again: "If there is a situation, it's nine o'clock!"

Ye Han turned around suddenly, and was stunned to find that there was a spider silk hanging across the road on the roof of the left side of the car No. 1. A giant spider was hanging upside down under the spider silk, and quickly moved to the top of the armored vehicle.

"Above!" Ye Han yelled, but he was still a step too late. The giant spider had already climbed to the top of Zhang Cheng's head, spewing a spider silk, and stuck Zhang Cheng, who was about to raise his gun, with the man and the gun. The giant spider quickly retrieved the spider silk, Zhang Cheng ascended as fast as if he was in an elevator, and he was hugged by the giant spider in a blink of an eye.

Everyone did not dare to fire, Ye Han shouted frantically: "Go back to the car, all go back to the car."

"I can't go back, I'm still stuck here!" Xiao Yuan said weakly.

"Just stick there!" Ye Han yelled, "Go into the car if you can!"

At this time, the giant spider in the air had already embraced Zhang Cheng, and a large amount of spider silk spewed out of his abdomen wrapped around Zhang Cheng, completely turning him into a spider silk cocoon and hanging it on the spider silk that crossed the road. , looks like a mummy hanging upside down in the air.

Ye Han asked anxiously, "Zhang Cheng, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tall...and shaking a lot." Zhang Cheng said.

"Don't worry, we'll save you right away..."

The giant spider did not end its hunting trip because it caught the prey, but spewed another spider silk and pulled the victim lying on the ground.

"Fuck!" Ye Han pulled his legs and ran back, "Zhang Cheng, can you move?"

"No." Zhang Cheng said.

Ye Han's mood changed rapidly, but he couldn't think of any way to deal with the giant spider.

The armored battalion has artillery shells, and it is certainly no problem to blast the giant spider, but the possibility of affecting Zhang Cheng is also very high.

The best weapon against this kind of thing is a flamethrower, not a 12.7mm large caliber rifle.

The question is where is he going to find the flamethrower at this time? There is a batch in the warehouse of the Sports Apparel, but they can't quench their thirst from afar.

In desperation, Ye Han couldn't care less, and rushed to the giant spider in one breath, holding a gun in his right arm and a lighter in the left, and stretched his arms to look up at the giant spider in the air, whispering: "Come on, comeonbaby! "

"Captain—" Xiao Yuan exclaimed, before he could say the next words, the greedy giant spider had already stuck to Ye Han with spider silk and lifted him up in the air.

Ye Han, who rose suddenly, felt obviously overweight, but was quickly embraced by the giant spider. The short legs covered with bristles on both sides of the spider's head were aimed at his chest and stabbed heavily, knocking on the armor with a loud sound. .

A trace of doubt flashed in Ye Han's mind, not knowing whether the two short legs were degenerate spider legs or some other organ.

At this time, Ye Han didn't know that the short legs on both sides of the giant spider's head were actually chelicerae, and the chelicerae at the tip had venomous glands that were specially used to inject spider venom into the prey. Tooth inject venom.

The giant spider lacking intelligence did not find that the spider venom was blocked by the armor. The venom was sprayed on the surface of the armor and the injection was The long legs sent Ye Han to the bottom of the spider's abdomen, and the six spinnerets were symmetrical on the left and right. All aimed at Ye Han.

How dare Ye Han let the giant spider spin silk to entangle himself? The right-hand rifle swung horizontally, pressed the trigger on the belly of the giant spider, and there was a muffled sound. All thirty rounds of 12.7mm rifle bullets penetrated into the spider's belly in a very short time, and even penetrated the giant spider's body.

The little spider silk on his body didn't affect his movements at all. If Zhang Cheng hadn't been stuck to his arm by the spider silk, he wouldn't have been hung in the air and helpless.

Five of the six spinnerets were broken by Ye Han in one go, and only one spinner successfully spewed spider silk and stuck to Ye Han's legs.

The life force of the giant spider is really strong, and it doesn't matter if the abdomen is beaten to rotten flesh. Several spider legs slammed into Ye Han's body, and the huge spider mouth bites on the armor, making the armor squeak. .

Ye Han, who was ravaged by the giant spider, felt remorse. Isn't the heart of the worm all on his belly and back? Why is the belly of the giant spider smashed, and this thing still has so much strength?

He wanted to get a new magazine, but as soon as his arm was leaning against his body, the spider silk on his arm stuck to his body. No matter how hard he tried, his arm couldn't be separated from his body.

Although the giant spider can't pierce the power armor, if the stalemate continues, the situation will only get worse!

In desperation, Ye Han retracted his left arm, and his left hand just happened to stick to the position where the arm and the body were tightly bonded. He wiped his fingers lightly, and a wisp of flame jumped out of the lighter.

The spider silk near the flame quickly lost its viscosity, and the titanium alloy armor conducted heat to the surroundings under the scorching of the flame, and the scope of the spider silk loss of viscosity became larger and larger.

At the same time, the armor also conducted heat to the inside, Ye Han's arms and chest felt burning together, and the temperature was getting higher and higher, but he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

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