Armor Frenzy

Chapter 335: Strategic Plan

There was a slight sound on the No. 590 ship on the sea, and an anti-submarine rocket flew towards the launch tube and landed on the water several hundred meters away, causing an inconspicuous wave.

A few seconds later, a huge water column more than ten meters high suddenly rose from the water surface, and everything was calm in the sound of rushing water.

A few seconds later, the radar of the No. 590 ship suddenly turned on and off immediately, and then Bu Zhoushan received a report that underwater targets were gathering at the explosion location.

Huang Lang exhaled a long breath: "Notify the ships that the underwater target is likely to be a giant creature, and one that likes to chase sounds, order the ships to fire on the sea surface, and use the sound of explosions to lead the target away!"

The ships that received the order complied immediately, and their guns fired at the sea in turn. The first landing point was seven or eight hundred meters away. After waiting for a few seconds, they fired another one kilometer away.

In this way, each cannon has to extend a certain distance into the distance, the sonar is turned on again, and it is confirmed that there is no longer any target within the effective detection range of the sonar.

Two hours later, the task force, which had circled around the sea, docked.

The lights on the pier were bright, and countless sailors seemed to emerge from the water, and the ship was busy on and off the ship.

At midnight, the submarine that was forced to sink successfully docked at the port. At this point, the military operations at sea were all over. Except for the damage to the hull of one submarine, there was no damage to the participating ships, which can be described as a great victory.

Although other participating troops suffered some casualties, the proportion of casualties accounted for only a small part of the participating troops, and the retaliatory action was a complete success.

However, the little sun didn't see it that way.

Xiaoyang negotiated with Nanbang representatives in person. Nanbang took advantage of the loss of Beibang's land to make things difficult. Even if Xiaoyang went into battle in person, he still did not repent.

After hard bargaining, the angry little Sun stepped back a few steps, and finally reluctantly reached an agreement with the representatives of the Nanbang, and this was the joint statement between the North and the South.

Little Sun, who returned to his residence, was very furious. He didn't know how many bottles he smashed before he calmed down. At this time, Little Sun received an urgent consultation request from Nanbang.

Although Little Sun is reluctant, he understands that he is asking for Nanbang, and he has to endure his anger to meet with the representative of Nanbang.

The representative of Nanbang went straight to the point and directly played the video of the Beidu press conference for Little Sun.

Little Taiyang was stunned, looking at the explosive news announced by the pseudo-Sun at the meeting, Xiao Tai's cheeks twitched with anger, and the blue veins on his forehead were exposed, and he almost went berserk on the spot.

The representative of Nanbang said on the spot that the official Nanbang believed in Little Sun's identity 100%, but the domestic people were very concerned about the declaration of Beidu, and hoped that Beibang would respond with due attitude and avoid further deterioration of the situation.

Xiaoyang left the venue after talking about the scene, and then Beibang issued a public statement, condemning Beidu's sinister intentions, and submitted an official note to Beidu, asking Beidu to clarify the facts.

Although Xinyang was furious, Beibang was already on the verge of subjugating the country and exterminating the species. In addition, he had just been beaten up, and he didn't dare to fry his hair at all. The powerless little Taiyang could only swallow his anger and keep speaking diplomatic words.

When the news spread to Beidu, the extremely dedicated Pseudo Sun jumped out in the middle of the night and sang the opposite show with Little Sun. Pseudo Sun always emphasized his experience and identity, regardless of what Beibang said.

In order to prove their identities, the two sides launched a series of games. Unfortunately, the things that the little solar energy took out, the pseudo sun can get it, and even the evidence that the little sun can't show, the pseudo sun also has it.

It is not surprising that this situation occurs. Who makes Beibang so difficult in China? The more senior Beibang is, the more he knows about foreign countries, especially the situation of Tufang. Now that Beibang is almost exhausted, it should not be too easy to buy the important officials around Xiaoyang.

Buying high-level executives in Beibang, re-photographing photos, objects, etc. that can prove Xiaosun's identity into high-definition photos and sending them to Beidu, whether it is to find a forgery expert, or play 3D modeling and three-dimensional printing, there are some ways to copy the fake and real fake.

Moreover, part of the evidence was originally from the authentic Beibang.

In the face of national strength, the truth is not important at all.

The pseudo-sun jumped up and down in the northern capital to brush up on his presence, and the little sun was so frustrated that he could not replace it. At the end of the war of words, even the little sun himself had to wonder if he was a counterfeit.

However, within a few days, Little Sun's anger was uncontrollable. The extremely angry Little Sun ordered the intelligence network hidden in Beidu to kill the false sun in Beidu who dared to pretend to be a great leader at all costs.

Little Sun's plan is perfect, but the relationship between Beidu and Beibang is so sensitive right now, and anyone who can have a little relationship with Beibang is under the focus of Beidu police.

The whereabouts of the pseudo-sun is not a secret. The intelligence officers lurking in the northern capital can easily find the pseudo-sun. However, before their operation began, they were devastated by the anti-international department.

Immediately, the Beidu Foreign Affairs Department issued a public expressing strong condemnation of the Beibang pro-Southern faction's assassination of Little Sun, protesting the pro-Southern faction and Nanbang's series of cross-border behaviors in Beidu, while retaining investigation and revenge power, the final emphasis is on the possibility of the use of force to solve the problem.

Later, the pseudo-yang no longer simply criticized the pro-South faction, but linked the pro-South faction with Nan Bang. Stir together.

Nan Bang, who was also shot while lying down, died innocently. When did we send people to make wind and rain in Beidu? Does this matter have anything to do with us?

This matter is clear in the north, but with such a good opportunity, it would be shameful not to pull Nanbang into the water.

If the Nanbang is left out, the scope of the military's attack can only be aimed at the Beibang, and with this reason, it can reasonably pull the Nanbang into the quagmire of war.

In terms of ambition, Beibang alone can't satisfy the appetite of a brother, and Nanbang is just barely wrapping his stomach.

From a military point of view, the annexation of the North Stick will directly face the South Stick, and strategically it is inevitable to backtrack. Conversely, if you swallow the north and south sticks together, you can push the strategic defense line to the east coast of the country in one fell swoop!

When the boundary is reached, the Yellow Sea will become an inland sea half-surrounded by the country. Coastal defense bases are set up on the left and right sides to clamp the entire sea area from east and west, thus protecting the coastline of nearly 1,000 kilometers.

At the time of the border, the coastal defense missiles placed on the east coast of Nanbang could easily fly over the strait of more than 50 kilometers, directly deterring the Japanese mainland, threatening the first island chain, and making the United States feel like a stalk in the throat.

When the border is reached, the north will gain direct access to the Japanese Sea!

In short, the strategic situation on the Eastern Front will undergo a fundamental and complete change, and what is happening now is a logical preparation for future plans. (To be continued.) It's like a book, a home for book friends! Unique URL:

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