Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1848: must be taught

After more than 20 minutes, the special team successfully left the abandoned city and entered the jungle on the outskirts of the city.

From withdrawing from the villa to rushing into the jungle, the whole process took less than 40 minutes, but everyone felt a little bit of escaping from life. looks like.

No one blamed them, because even Ye Han couldn't avoid being afraid for a while.

If it is an ordinary person who encounters this rotten thing, I am afraid that even if he does not die now, he will have to peel off his skin, that is, the special service team can get out of this situation.

Looking back at the abandoned city, Ye Han felt agitated for a while, and he couldn't figure it out. He said that the negotiator attacked the delegation again. It was also the resistance army, and they could fight on their own. What are these bugmen trying to do?

Although the special team had left the abandoned city and entered the relatively safe jungle, Ye Han did not dare to relax at all, and arranged the soldiers to be vigilant as soon as possible, and then contacted Beiyuezhou to give Wu Han a detailed account of what had just happened. 's report.

Wu Han instructed Ye Han to stay near the abandoned city temporarily, waiting for further orders, and then cut off the communication.

Ye Han didn't understand what was the use of staying here, but the order had to be executed, so he could only keep his doubts in his heart.

How did he know that Wu Han, who ended the communication, immediately reported the situation in Australia to Beidu.

At this time, Beidu was only in the early days. A group of bigwigs from the military and political circles were pulled out of their beds by the emergency in Australia, and they got together to hold an emergency meeting.

Although the secret service team did not have any casualties, Bei Du believed that the attack on the abandoned city was very bad and must be paid enough attention to, and the response must be tough, otherwise it would inevitably leave the impression of being weak and deceiving, even to other countries.

The Jagged Prime Minister said: The truth is only within the range of the cannon.

A folk saying also says: The big fist is the truth.

Although it has been a long time since human beings entered modern civilized society, war has never been far away from human beings. It is said that violence cannot solve problems. However, looking at the history of human beings for more than 5,000 years, violence, as a means of solving problems, is more powerful than any other means of solving problems. There are far more problems to solve!

Therefore, Beidu finally decided that the resistance army must be taught a deep bone lesson!

At about 1:00 a.m., Beidu held an emergency press conference to publicize the causes and consequences of the abandoned city incident, publicly accused the resistance army of misbehaving, and stated that it would reserve the right to take further measures on the matter.

These words were very restrained, but when the news reached Australia, the resistance army was unable to calm down.

John, who was woken up by his mistress, heard the news of the ruined city, and knew the reaction of Beidu. He was stunned for a few seconds before he recovered. The enraged John almost lost his mind, and kept clamoring to plan all this. The **** is smashed to pieces.

However, the difficulty before him was how to find this man!

John quickly controlled his emotions and contacted Phil who was far away in the abandoned city to ask what was going on.

Phil was a grievance, and he never thought that he himself was sitting in the abandoned city, and there was still such a bad thing. If it didn't happen to leave the abandoned city, it might end up in the air raid in the northern capital.

And Phil also reported a situation to John: at the same time that the Beidu delegation was attacked, a group of insects attacked his temporary residence in the abandoned city, killing more than a dozen entourage. If he did not leave unexpectedly, the consequences would be Incredible.

John took a deep breath. He never imagined that his spy chief had almost an accident. This big boss of the resistance army realized the seriousness of the situation for the first time.

He judged the current situation very rationally, and immediately instructed the communication department to make a public announcement, declaring that the abandoned city incident was a complete conspiracy and the personal behavior of some people within the resistance army. While expressing regret for the abandoned city incident, We promise to investigate the matter thoroughly and promise that nothing like this will ever happen again.

The news reached Beidu and immediately caused another wave of discussions at the top.

Not long after the news of the resistance army was made public, neither the northern capital nor other countries were aware of the internal situation of the resistance army.

Although the statement of the Resistance Army was simple, it revealed a bit of unusual news, which made Beidu realize that the Resistance Army was not only an iron plate, but instead was full of contradictions.

As far as the north knows about John and others, none of these people are real heroes, and they lack both military and organizational skills. In other words, although the Resistance Army is a very large military group, its organizational structure is too loose and its power is too decentralized, making it a very immature military organization.

Beidu originally planned to reach cooperation with the resistance army through negotiations to jointly fight against aliens, but after the abandoned city incident, Beidu realized that the resistance army was not a suitable partner for cooperation. On the contrary, an imperfect military organization is likely to become a hindrance in cooperation. Pig teammates!

Beidu believed that no matter whether the statement of the resistance army was true or not, the abandoned city incident could not be left alone. Beidu quickly took further countermeasures and publicly announced that a large-scale air strike against the resistance army would be launched.

Countries either openly support Beidu, or treat Beidu's decision with silence. It's not that they don't want to say it, but the coalition is a friend in the trenches. Although there are constant internal conflicts, it is not very pleasant to cooperate, but the issues of right and wrong have always been consistent.

In the future, all countries have to continue to cooperate with the Northern Capital. Can they support the Resistance Army without supporting the Northern Capital?

Just kidding, what is the Resistance? It's just a grass-roots team created by a few worms, and it has offended the northern capital, one of the two poles of mankind. Looking at the unfortunate organization that is about to sing What is there to support?

Just a few hours later, Beidu issued an air strike order to the Youzhou battle group. At the same time, Beidu issued a public declaration and announced the first batch of air strikes.

Not only the location, but also the specific time of the air strike, the bombing time, and the weapon used.

Many people are a little confused when they hear this news. Air strikes are just air strikes. Why did they bring advance notice? Is this because the resistance army doesn't know about it?

Really let these people guess right, Beidu is afraid that the resistance army will not know.

"Too bullying!" Rand, who heard the news, was furious and wanted to lead troops to capture the northern capital immediately.

Carter looked dignified and analyzed deeply: "This is likely to be a plan by Beidu's suspicious soldiers. They deliberately released this news, on the one hand, it will put more pressure on me, on the other hand, it is also to confuse us, the real air strike target is definitely Not these places!"

"I also think Beidu is talking nonsense. There are so many military operations in history, which one have you seen to notify the opponent in advance?" Mick said.

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