Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1807: Plains Ambush

On the morning of May 1, 2037, Northern Capital Time, Languan.

As soon as Ye Han entered the bridge, Luo Qi passed a document: "Captain, this is yesterday's battle report!"

"Got it!" Ye Han floated to his place and fastened his seat belt, then opened the document and read it slowly.

Recently, no tasks have been assigned to the special team, but the wars in several directions have not stopped, so reading the battle reports every day has become the main channel for Ye Han to understand the situation in all aspects.

He first turned out his own battle report and read it again, um... everything went well in the Indochina Peninsula... Luzon Island was tense and orderly, and the troops in both directions were on schedule, without any abnormality.

Ye Han smiled with relief, put away his own battle report with a swipe of his finger, and opened the American battle report again.

The action of the Mi army was also smooth. It has already recovered a small half of the occupied area in the south of the United States. According to the current speed of the Mi army, the entire territory can be recovered in a month, and then it will fully march to South America...

Ye Han continued to look down, but as a result, the following words changed, no longer talking about the military operations of the Mi army, but talking about the Panama defense line!

This line of defense has been in the hands of aliens for many years. It is not mentioned sooner or later, but it is at the juncture of the counterattack of the Mi army.

Read it carefully, it turns out that last night, a group of giant insects suddenly appeared on the abandoned defense line. They dug soil and stone to strengthen the defense line, and it seemed that they planned to rely on the defense line to resist the rice army!

Ye Han just didn't know what to say. Back then, the Mi Army relied on the defense line to resist the aliens, but now he just happened to be transferred!

It wasn't clear what was said in the battle report. He simply used his authority to retrieve satellite data to see the current situation of the defense line with his own eyes.

It turned out that the swarm not only strengthened the old defense line, but also dug several wide and deep anti-tank trenches on the north side of the defense line!

Although the project of the swarm has just begun, and the final appearance cannot be seen yet, but Ye Han believes that the swarm will dig the trench into the canal and fill the trench with river water... The aliens don't know what a sapper is or what they don't understand. It's called Zhouqiao. Is it possible that the buggers who fell into the hands of aliens don't know?

Well, maybe the aliens didn't expect this line of defense to stop the Mi Army, they just wanted to buy more time!

who cares!

Ye Han read the battle report only to understand the situation, so as not to be smeared when he took over an overseas mission, but he didn't want to play the leisurely mind of the American countryman.

With a swipe of his finger, he closed the battle report for the Americas, and opened the European one.

The European side has a little more battle reports than the Americas, which is not surprising. After all, the American side is dominated by the US military, while the European side is joined by several.

First mentioned in the report is the record of the coalition forces, which direction the troops are advancing to which position, and looking at the map of Europe, it is immediately clear at a glance.

But looking further down, there is something wrong. In the past, it was taken in one stroke, but today I brought a detailed description!

What's the situation?

Ye Han was suspicious, and immediately looked down. The general idea of ​​the text was as follows: On the early morning of April 30, the Western Route Army of the European Allied Forces marched into the middle of the Western European Plain. The participating troops went all the way south and encountered a swarm in the afternoon.

The insect swarm adopted a new confrontation strategy. They dug a large number of holes in advance, and the insects were all hidden underground. When the coalition forces passed by, a large group of giant insects suddenly poured out from the ground, attacked the convoy at close range, and several armored vehicles were damaged in the sneak attack...

Ye Han couldn't help but wonder, no wonder today's battle report was so detailed, it turned out that the European side suffered losses.

If he remembered correctly, this should be the first defeat of the infrasonic armored vehicle since it entered the war.

Although the coalition lost a few armored vehicles, the distance between the vehicles is very long. The swarm can attack several vehicles at the same time. .

The armored vehicle in the distance immediately turned on the infrasonic cannon, and none of the giant insects involved in the sneak attack escaped, and the entire army was wiped out in the powerful sweep of the infrasonic cannon.

At the same time as the infrasonic cannon was activated, a few unusual muffled murmurs were heard on the radio, but the side effects of the sonic hedging were so great that everyone's ears seemed to be blocked, and everyone thought it was an auditory hallucination.

It was discovered later that three of the five armored vehicles that were attacked had their hedging equipment damaged. The thin armor could not block the infrasound waves at all. All the people in the vehicles were spared, and all were killed by the infrasound waves.

No one is willing to accidentally injure a comrade-in-arms, but even if the hedging equipment is damaged, the infrasonic cannon must be turned on for the safety of others and the victory of the battle.

Such a decision was cruel to the soldiers who had lost their protection, but under the circumstances, the unit had to choose between sacrificing its comrades or being wiped out.

The infrasonic cannon swept across the plain, killing all the giant insects in sight.

However, the swarm is very persistent, and even knowing that it is death, it continues to burrow out of the ground. Many giant worms are shocked to death by infrasound waves as soon as they drill out of the hole, and very few can run a few steps.

The coalition forces could not see the underground situation, but everyone firmly believed that there were not a few bugs who were shocked to death before they got out of the hole.

The bugs have never been broken, and the coalition forces are also more than happy to kill a few bugs. The remaining dozen or so armored vehicles simply parked in place and drove infrasonic cannons to wait for the bugs to come out.

This should have been a battle without any suspense, but just a few minutes later, the ground under the armored vehicle suddenly collapsed, and a dozen armored vehicles fell into a hole more than ten meters deep at the same time. Most of the infrasonic guns mounted on the front of the vehicle fell on the spot. Bad, the swarms hidden underground swarmed up and drowned the broken armored and the infrasonic cannons on several armored vehicles were not broken, the swarms waiting underground were immediately killed by the infrasound waves, but the shafts At a depth of more than ten meters, no matter how strong the infrasound wave is, it is impossible to penetrate such a thick stratum to cover the plain.

These armored vehicles are like frogs sitting in a well and watching the sky. The sound waves can only go up the shaft all the way, like anti-aircraft guns.

Without the threat of infrasound waves, the swarms of insects in the burrows rushed to the ground immediately. They dredged mud and took rocks, rushed to the shaft against the discomfort caused by infrasound waves, and threw the mud and rocks into the well until the armored vehicle was completely buried in the ground.

In this way, none of the sixteen armored vehicles escaped, and all of them were ambushed and destroyed by the insect swarm.

After the battle, the swarm quickly evacuated the area, and when the follow-up troops of the coalition forces rushed up, only a corpse of worms and a few silent armored vehicles were left on the scene.

After the investigation, it was found that the ground in this area was about to be hollowed out by the insect swarm, and there were vertical and horizontal burrows everywhere, but each burrow was independent, and some of them did not even have an exit. It was a fully enclosed structure hidden deep underground. ! carapace frenzy

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