Armor Frenzy

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I don't understand quantum theory. The quantum communication described in the book is from the Internet. According to the information on the Internet, it is possible to achieve underwater communication of 700 meters. According to this, it is not particularly extraordinary to achieve global coverage in 20 years. And I only said it was underwater communication, but I didn't say super-speed of light, and I should have popularized the fact that it is not super-speed of light in my books. At least most book friends should know it from me.

So, um, don't worry about quantum communication, it is really only an encryption method at present, it really cannot exceed the speed of light, because its carrier is a blue-green laser, and the attenuation of blue-green laser in water is relatively small, so it can reach seven underwater. hundred meters.

It is indeed a bit overwritten here, and the effect of quantum communication is amplified for the needs of the plot.

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