Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1434: pressure cooker

Ye Han was speechless for a while, and there was no one who chose this place. If someone came out of this hole, wouldn't they be thrown into the water?

Power armor can be amphibious, but not a personal aircraft. Although this thing is not afraid of water, the temperature is not low when it is working. Throw it into the water to soak it, and the alternating hot and cold, maybe it will be scrapped directly.

He immediately shouted on the radio: "The bridge, the bridge, I am Ye Han, please answer when you receive it!"

There was silence on the radio, no echoes at all.

Luo Qi looked inexplicable: "Boss, what's the matter?"

"It's okay!" Ye Han turned his head and flew back, "Is there a repeater in the ice cave?"

"Stay!" Luo Qi's heart skipped a beat, "Is the ice layer blocking the signal?"

Ye Han was not in the mood to study why, so when he heard the words, he quickly bypassed an ice wall and called the bridge again.

"Captain... Captain... Buzz...I... Buzz...He Lu!" This time there was finally a response, but the noise was a bit loud.

Ye Han continued to fly to the ice cave: "He Lu, 1.7 kilometers to the southwest, who made the hole?"

"It's the Yonghe!" Probably because the distance was closer, the communication was much clearer.

"Remind Yonghe that their hole is too low, only ten meters above the water, so be slow when you come down." Ye Han said.


"Also, report to the flagship that the situation under the ice is very complicated, and the communication distance is extremely short. For safety's sake, it is recommended that the reconnaissance troop move nearby. It is best not to leave the communication range, or to place repeaters in time."


After solving the problem of the ice cave, Ye Han shouted on the radio: "Every group pays attention, each group pays attention, everyone will withdraw immediately, the reply received!"

However, a few kilometers away would cut off contact with the battleship. If the soldiers flew too far, the possibility of losing contact would be 100%.

"One group received!"

"Four groups received!"

"The six groups received..."

After a flurry of replies, there was no sound on the radio, and three, five, and nine groups didn't respond.

Ye Han immediately shouted: "Every group pays attention, immediately contact the third, fifth and ninth groups, and get in touch and give me a message!"

The radio immediately became a mess, some called three groups, some called five groups of nine, and the calls from all directions were mixed.

A few seconds later, a surprised voice came from the chaotic call: "Five groups of five, five groups are connected!"

"The nine groups, the nine groups also got in touch!"

"What about the three groups? Is there any news for the three groups?" Ye Han asked anxiously.

"Yes, the three groups have news and are going back!"

Ye Han let out a long breath: "I ran very fast, hurry back, I'll wait for you at the ice cave!"


Greeting Luo Qi, Ye Han took Luo Qi all the way back to the ice cave. He wanted to find a place to hang himself, but he really didn't like the way to hang himself, so he simply flew directly into the ice cave and used a laser gun at the entrance of the cave. A side hole was cut three to five meters high above, and the side hole was large enough to accommodate the body, and the cave was nested in the hole and waited for others to return.

The cut ice cubes were thrown away at will, and they slowly fell for hundreds of meters, and finally fell to the sea surface, splashing large swaths of water.

The ice cubes are not big, but Europa's gravitational force is low, so the water splash looks particularly large, and the muffled sound of the ice cubes smashing into the water can be vaguely heard.

Luo Qi probed his head and looked at the water: "Can you still hear the sound of water? Isn't this place so empty!"

Ye Han sat down on the simple ice chair he cut out, leaning back against the ice wall and letting out a long breath: "Sure, otherwise the water below would have boiled long ago, how could it be so calm?"

"If I had known, I would have brought a barometer..."

The two of you chatted casually with each other, but no one noticed that there was a pair of eyes rising from the rippling water, staring at the conspicuous hole on the bottom of the ice without blinking—somewhere else.” "Starlight" glitters, only the darkness near the ice cave makes it hard to be inconspicuous.

At this time, a reconnaissance group flew back in the distance, and the two flew into the ice cave one after the other. The blue tail flame left a few clear traces on the eyes between the water waves.

The team members returned one after another, and those eyes sank cautiously into the water and never surfaced again.

The third group returned in the end. As soon as they got into the ice cave, they heard Ye Han's dissatisfied question: "Where did you two go?"

The two soldiers couldn't wait to present the treasure: "Captain, look at what we photographed!" They sent a video to Ye Han while they were talking.

Ye Han opened the video, and at the beginning, it was an image of the laser cutting through the ice layer. The dark ice layer was faintly illuminated by the laser light, and the vines attached to the bottom of the ice were eclipsed.

The lens is zoomed out, the laser suddenly penetrates the ice layer, and a layer of mist that seems to be absent instantly rises on the water surface under the ice. The mist rises from bottom to top, and the closer to the ice cave, the more obvious it is. , the fog has become abnormally thick, like a tornado spinning into the ice hole.

At the same time, the vines near the ice cave withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the little rays of light gradually extinguished with the ice cave as the center.

Luo Qi muttered in disappointment: "I thought the whole sea could be boiled!"

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking that I thought the same, that is, after seeing this video, I realized that I thought it was wrong.

He feels that the current situation is like a pressure cooker that has just been removed from the fire. The ice cover is the cover, and the ocean under the ice is the water that has just calmed down in the pot. Although the water temperature has exceeded the boiling temperature of the outside world, there is an ice cover. Bound, the pressure in the pot raises the boiling point of the water, so the surface remains calm at all times.

The ice hole runs through the ice cover, just like opening the pressure reducing valve on the lid of a pot, and the air under the ice is immediately flushed out under the action of pressure.

Because the area of ​​the ice cave is very If the water surface does not pass through the hole, the water surface in contact with the vacuum is only a little bit, and the water surface must boil violently.

But the actual situation is that the space under the ice is huge, even if all the air is flushed out, it doesn’t matter, as long as the surface of the water evaporates a little, the lost pressure can be made up. extremely small.

Ye Han figured out the joints in it, but he didn't think it was useful. The environment of Europa is too special. Apart from this, he couldn't think of any other place where he could encounter a similar environment, and he didn't want to be in this kind of environment. The environment and aliens are deadlocked.

When everyone arrived, Luo Qi couldn't help but ask, "Boss, is our mission completed?"

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "It should be done."

"Then when are we going back? I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a minute." Luo Qi said while looking into the cave.

Ye Han said: "I don't want to stay longer, but do you think the flagship might let us withdraw first?"

Luo Qi grinned: "It shouldn't be possible..."

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