Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1376: Dead Landing

The firing speed of the cannon array is not fast, but the asteroid is not close to Ceres. Ten seconds after destroying the first asteroid, the second cannon shot up into the sky.

Ye Han and others watched helplessly as the artillery array continued to fire. At the beginning, the laser was still fired into the sky, and the beam was obviously deflected to the ground after a few shots, until a laser beam was half blocked by the horizon and failed to destroy the asteroid in the air.

Everyone's heart sank, and they all knew that this was broken. This gun must have fallen in the eyes of aliens, and the dead end of the shooting was exposed.

Ye Han sighed faintly, unable to tell exactly what he was feeling in his heart.

Ceres' air-to-ground confrontation continued, and the artillery array was still firing at targets in the air, but a group of asteroids had already smashed into the ground of Ceres.

For aliens, the place where the asteroid fell is the best position to be close to Ceres.

The artillery array finally stopped firing. It should be that Yuzhou obtained the key to control the artillery array, but the dead end of the shooting had been exposed, and the aliens got what they wanted.

If you lose a game before the fight starts, everyone feels like there is a piece of rice cake stuck in your throat, and there is an unexplainable suffocation.

"If only we stayed," Luo Qi said.

Ye Han said helplessly: "It's the same for us to stay, it's definitely not on Ceres."

"Ah..." Everyone sighed neatly.

Ye Han took a deep breath: "Okay, don't act like a dead concubine, it hasn't started yet, so there's no need to be so pessimistic."

The words are simple, but how can the grim situation and everyone's mood be reversed with just one sentence?

Luo Qi whispered: "We haven't married a wife yet, where's the little wife?"

It was not loud, but everyone heard it clearly.

Ye Han raised his brows slightly: "I miss my wife? Yes, I'll ask your sister-in-law to help you find the best one for you!"

Although the atmosphere in the bridge was relatively heavy, after hearing this, several bridge officers all looked forward to it, and several people's eyes fell on Luo Qi at the same time. As long as Luo Qi agreed, they would immediately follow. Ask the captain to help you solve a life-long event.

Luo Qi was so heartbroken that he struggled for a few seconds before shaking his head bitterly: "Forget it, if we have something to do, we will hang our heads on our trousers belt and work hard, and we won't be able to go back for a few days at the end of the year. To marry a wife is to live as a widow. , let's not delay other girls."

"Pretend, continue to pretend, look at what you said!" He Lu pointed at Luo Qi for a while, and then immediately smiled at Ye Han, "Hey, boss, he doesn't want me, you are old and mighty, if you have the right Yes, please help me find one, sister-in-law!"

Ye Han laughed: "You are not hypocritical at all!"

"That's it!" He Lu's chin was raised high, "Hands are fast and slow, so good things are not the first to be strong? With our conditions, if we can't find angels, at least we can find one with seventy or eighty points. Right? No need to talk about the useless ones."

He Lu said while winking at Luo Qi.

Luo Qi frantically curled his lips in disdain: "Is the surname next door not Wang?"

"What are you afraid of!" He Lu didn't care, "If you should meet, there is no Lao Wang, there are Lao Li Lao Zhang, it's not like that, it doesn't matter if you have surnames all over the world... Luo Qi, brother, I advise you, if you meet Don't be soft-hearted if you are suitable, you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't mind!"

Luo Qi still shook his head: "Forget it, I'd rather wait until the battle is over."

"Wait until the battle is over?" He Lu couldn't believe his ears, "Forget it, where will this go? You can't tell when the battle is over, you should learn from our captain... …”

Luo Qi suddenly put on a serious expression: "Boss, the enemy has moved!" His words drew everyone's attention back to the screen.

The asteroids thrown by the aliens were either killed by the super cannon or hit the ground, not a single one can be seen right now. The enemy troops that had stopped not long ago have re-started and circled the dead end of the artillery formation.

Ye Han said: "Is there any news on the Yuzhou number?"

"No!" Luo Qi said, "still behind Ceres."

He Lu frowned for a while: "The super cannon can't hit, and the fleet is still hiding. What are they thinking?"

Ye Han said: "Look at it again, there is no reason to leave such a big loophole."

The enemy's speed was not fast, and it felt very slow to circle around. After waiting for about two hours, the enemy avoided the firing angle of the super cannon and turned to head towards Ceres.

At this time, Ye Han was no longer worried about the situation of Ceres. It wasn't that he knew what the inside story was, but after more than two hours of buffering, the Yuzhou still had no intention of meeting the enemy at all.

No matter how slow Yuzhou's response was, it couldn't be so slow. The only answer was that Yuzhou was prepared and had no plans to fight the enemy from the very beginning.

This is in line with Huo Qiang's arrangement. After all, Huo Qiang emphasized at the meeting that he could not fight recklessly, and that he must save his blood for the fleet.

Ye Han secretly thought about it, on the premise that the North Capital and Washington will work together to expedition to Jupiter, Huo Qiang is probably planning for a rainy day... The scale of the fifth expedition is unprecedented, but if it fails, the consequences will be far greater than the previous ones. The expedition is more serious!

Of course, this is just Ye Han's guess, an unfounded guess.

The enemy is getting closer and closer to Ceres. After entering the range of the super cannon, the satellite sends the position of the enemy ship to the artillery array. The laser in the artillery array turns to the enemy's direction, but it never reaches the firing angle, and it falls silent after a while. .

The flesh on Ye Han's face trembled uncontrollably... The control program of the artillery formation is too scumbag, right?

In this way, the alien fleet cut in from the dead end of the artillery array, drove straight in without any hindrance, and approached Ceres in a short while.

The main enemy force hovered in The three alien spaceships came out more and more and quickly fell to the ground.

The defenders were silent, and the ground was as calm as a dead place.

The enemy ships that landed quickly landed, and when the airborne was halfway through, hundreds of worms flew out from each enemy ship, escorting the spacecraft.

At this moment, a group of slender servants carried hand-carried shoulders and drilled out of the ground with different types of individual anti-aircraft missiles, such as quadruple mounts and six mounts. After they stepped on the ground, they immediately aimed the launcher at the sky, locked the target in the air and fired it immediately, and missiles sprang out of the launcher, dragging their tail smoke into the sky.

The actions of the servants were extremely agile, and the whole process only took two or three seconds. But the alien's response was not slow. The missile had just been successfully launched, and the fine light that fell from the sky had already fallen on the servant's head.

The fine light was extremely precise, and none of the servants who went to battle were spared, and all of them were pierced by the fine light.

At the same time, more thin lights persevered in chasing the soaring missile, and hundreds of thin lights were intertwined, like a huge light mesh covering the incoming missile.

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