Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1372: Task arrangement

Huo Qiang let out a sigh of relief, feeling more comfortable than ever: "Don't think so much, this plan was negotiated by Beidu and Washington, and the purpose is to solve the Jupiter problem once and for all. To tell you the truth, since I left Beiyuezhou, This matter has always been in my heart, and the order given to me is when the time is right and when it is passed down, it is almost time."

The real task was announced, but everyone's mood became heavier. Everyone had different expressions, or bowed their heads in thought, or frowned, and some silently looked at Huo Qiang.

The atmosphere at this time was particularly depressing, and Huo Qiang couldn't help frowning: "What? Don't you want to say something?"

Zhuang Bo rubbed his temples with a wry smile: "It's really surprising, no wonder I always feel something is wrong!"

"Yeah, it's too sudden." Wu Han agreed, "Let me take it slow first, then talk slowly."

"How about you?" Huo Qiang looked at the captains.

The captains all agreed with Wu Han's meaning... Just kidding, the deputy commander and the chief of staff didn't say anything. Which round got these captains?

"Okay!" Huo Qiang waved his hand, "You don't need to talk about it, you all know what's going on now, as I said just now, the time is ripe...Old Wu, you should contact the Nanzhou number immediately and call the Call me, and those who really can't participate in the meeting in real time will all listen to it remotely."

"Yes!" Wu Han agreed, "I'll do it right away."

It is said that the whole person disappeared suddenly like a ghost, leaving only an empty place.

After a while, Wu Han reappeared.

A few seconds later, a group of commanders headed by Gao Kai appeared collectively, the virtual conference room was automatically doubled in size, the conference table was also doubled in length, and everyone automatically appeared in their proper positions.

"Are they all here?" Huo Qiang asked.

Seven or eight seconds later, Gao Kai replied: "Everyone who stayed at Ceres has arrived, and the rest have been notified, but the distance is too far to arrive in a while."

"Then we won't wait." Huo Qiang said, "I'm planning the next stage of the mission. You all know the current situation. We need to face enemies in three directions, the first is Mars, the distance there is too far, the main Relying on the Xuzhou and the Enterprise, we are beyond our reach, so don’t worry about it; the second is the asteroid belt, there are more enemy ships than we expected, so the asteroid belt must keep a fleet, I plan to keep one or two battles Group... Gao Kai!"

"Here!" Gao Kai agreed immediately.

Huo Qiang said: "You are most familiar with the situation. You left with the Nanzhou Battle Group, and the Yuzhou and other seriously injured battleships were also left for you. Is there a problem?"

"No report!"

Huo Qiang nodded: "Very good, you have two tasks, one is to defend Ceres, and the other is to clear the enemy, you decide how to do it yourself."

"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed!"

"Don't promise me first, you now know the purpose of capturing Ceres. Let me ask you, after the main force leaves, how many possibilities are there for the enemy to stay here?"

"Three kinds." Gao Kai said, "One is to follow the enemy's main force to attack Mars, the second is to attack Ceres, and the third is to pursue the main force. I think the first and third points are not small, and the possibility of attacking Ceres is the lowest. ."

Huo Qiang said: "You must be clear, the small chance does not mean it is impossible. There are only two battle groups left, and so many battleships are damaged. If the enemy comes over, how much confidence do you have in defending Ceres?"

Gao Kai pursed his lips and smiled bitterly: "Commander, if you ask me now, I really can't tell."

"That's true." Huo Qiang said, "I'll give you a shot first. Ceres does have a certain strategic value, but from the current situation, it has completed its historical mission at this stage. If the situation It's not good for us, you can move closer to Mars if you have to."

Gao Kai was silent for a while, which happened to be the time when the radio waves traveled between the two places: "Soldiers have no last resort."

Huo Qiang stared at Gao Kai for a few seconds: "Then I order you, when you can't defend Ceres, you must evacuate in time. It's not easy for the fleet to regain some strength."

"Yes!" Gao Kai agreed.

"The third direction is Jupiter, and it is also our first target for this voyage. I order that from now on, in addition to the three battle groups Xuzhou, Nanzhou and Yuzhou, the remaining five battle groups will be Assemble all to Jupiter!"

"Yes!" Everyone stood up, and a chill filled the venue.

"Sit down." Huo Qiang said.

Everyone sat down together, and Huo Qiang said again: "About the task, who has questions?"

"I have a problem!" Zhuang Bo was the first to speak, "I'm still worried about Mars, there are only two battle groups, isn't the strength too weak?"

Huo Qiang said: "It's really weak, but Jupiter is our first target. Mars is commanded by the headquarters, so we don't need to worry about it."

Zhuang Bo nodded when he heard the words: "Understood, I have no problem."

It's not that he has no problems, but he doesn't want to ask other questions, otherwise he's finished talking, what else do other people say? If at the end there is something no one has mentioned, it is not too late for him to bring it up.

Huo Qiang looked at Wu Han: "Chief of Staff?"

Wu Han said: "Commander, there are two astronomical units from here to Jupiter. This way is the enemy's battleship and the enemy's base... Shall we fight all the way, or go all the way around?"

Huo Qiang nodded slightly: "It's a good question, what do you think?"

Wu Han said: "Fight all the way, the back road is guaranteed; detour all the way, the time is guaranteed, each has its own advantages."

"What's your opinion?" Huo Qiang looked at the others again.

"Fight over!" Zhuang Bo said clearly, "We go deep alone, and we must ensure the safety of the rear."

" Fight over, it's so far from Jupiter, the fleet's speed is definitely not slow, fight whatever it encounters!"

"I can't keep fighting. If you want me to say, you must fight if you get in the way, but you don't have to worry too much. It's best if you can kill it. If it doesn't work, it's fine. You can't turn back at such a fast speed..."

The captains present expressed their opinions one by one. Huo Qiang sometimes nodded, sometimes noncommittal, but he wrote down everyone's thoughts in his heart.

Ye Han in the crowd never spoke.

According to Huo Qiang's arrangement, Leishan would definitely follow Jizhou, but he really wanted to stay in the asteroid belt.

It was because he was dissatisfied with the arrangement of his superiors. He simply felt that he and Leishan were more suitable for a guerrilla-style single-ship confrontation, and were not suitable for the type of battle of large-scale naval guns.

However, no matter how uncomfortable he was, he had to execute the order. Huo Qiang or any commander could not modify the order because of his own thoughts.

If every captain did this, what kind of fleet would they organize? How good is it to directly disband each fight?

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