Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1399: There are loopholes

If the Jizhou fleet can't take Callisto after it arrives, the two fleets will join forces, and fourteen battle groups will be fourteen directions.

Ye Han wanted to see if the aliens would divide the light worms into fourteen groups on average.

This time the aliens were very rational and did not disperse the swarm any more.

As long as the location is reasonable, five groups of light worms are enough to control the sky of Callisto. Are the aliens planning to die?

After another half an hour, the battle group of the international fleet had already controlled half of the sky of Callisto. After the swarm ran for a full hour, the speed dropped significantly, but the progress was only a line slower than the fleet.

I don’t know if it’s time to wait, or deliberately testing, the international fleet suddenly launched another round of attacks, this time from nine directions at the same time, still a classic combination of missiles and artillery shells.

As soon as the swarm made a move here, the swarm immediately stopped advancing, and quickly assembled to prepare for interception. After the missile shells flew into the range, several swarms opened fire one after another.

It's just that this time is different from the past. There are too many directions of attack, and the swarm is obviously powerless. Although all the missiles were stopped, a few shells were missed, and one of them was hitting the swarm, killing at least 100 people. Multiple light bugs.

The International Fleet is a stunner, so why isn't it a nuclear bomb?

Not only this one, the other shells and missiles also do not have nuclear warheads.

This is because the international fleet is still not sure whether this round of attacks can break through the interception. It is obviously a waste to use nuclear bombs. Conventional ammunition must be used. When a flaw is found, it will not be too late to use nuclear bombs.

The success of this cannonball gave the international fleet a dose of stimulant. The artillery fire that had just stopped resumed in an instant, and it was even more violent. Countless cannonballs and missiles smashed down at one go, and a pair of people were stupid and rich, and they had to use cannonballs to hit them. Die your local tyrant posture.

The swarm on the ground was still unhurried, firmly nailed there, first copied all the incoming missiles, and then all the light worms ran away and quickly changed positions.

Their speed is very fast. It only took a few tens of seconds to run out for several kilometers. When the shells fell, the target had changed from the swarm to the empty wasteland.

The cannonballs fell like raindrops, blasting the wasteland into a mess, and then a nuclear bomb fell. The wasteland was instantly enveloped by strong light, and the earth shook violently. Even light worms a few kilometers away were not spared. It was shaken and floated off the ground, like nuts flying up and down in a frying pan.

However, the light worm has already run out of the power range of the nuclear bomb, and the vibration did not cause any damage to the light worm. After the light worm landed, it was not only fine, but also immediately organized, and fired into the sky, continuing to intercept the missile.

In this way, several groups of light worms were driven around by human firepower, but the fleeing light worms could shoot a few shots in the sky when they were in the air. As a result, not a single missile could land, but the shells fell quite happily. Just not a single target.

But it doesn’t matter, this little problem can’t be a problem for professional soldiers. The international fleet immediately improved its tactics and no longer aimed at the swarm to shoot, but took into account the direction and speed of the swarm, as well as the change of direction and other factors. The swarm opened fire, and also in the direction the swarm might have escaped.

This swarm is over. First, the Constellation and the Dreadnought joined forces to make contributions. The shells smashed into the swarm one after another, and then the nuclear bombs fell one by one. At least half of the 10,000 light worms were killed, and the rest were either severe burns or lingering, and it was not bad to survive a tenth.

Neither the Constellation nor the Dreadnought planned to keep their hands. After the swarm was overwhelmed, they added a batch of cannonballs, and they stopped satisfactorily until all the light worms were killed.

However, in just a few minutes, the insect swarm marked No. 3 was completely destroyed. If the giant insect troop also had a designation, the fate of the No. 3 insect swarm would definitely be to cancel the designation.

A little breakthrough led to the overall situation. The Bainbridge and Saratoga also broke the defense of the swarm, killing more than half of the 4th swarm. If the nuclear bomb was not a little off, the 4th swarm must have been too. Completely annihilated.

As if realizing that the situation was not good, the remaining swarms suddenly gave up their resistance. The worms that had gathered together instantly turned into birds and beasts, and all the light worms struggled to move their legs, or jumped or ran to escape.

The intention of the swarm is very simple, to quickly disperse and not get together, so that, regardless of the shells and missiles, don't even think about killing a large group of giant insects with one shot.

This move is indeed a good way to deal with air strikes, but the swarm is too concentrated, not to say that it can be dispersed. The international fleet went all out, and smashed tens of thousands of Cannonballs killed a quarter to a fifth of the fleeing light worms... The scene was so chaotic, it was impossible to count the detailed After a while, the ground could no longer be found. When the giant insects got together, the international fleet that had been wandering outside the safe zone for a year quickly approached Callisto and continued to beat the light insects on the buttocks.

The unexpected situation appeared again. The light worms dispersed, but they only dispersed (four sounds) and did not disperse (three sounds). When the missile appeared again in the air, all the light insects stopped again and pouted their buttocks to intercept. .

This time, however, the light worms were too scattered, and the light worms could not gather together, let alone the range bonus. The result was that the interception was entirely dependent on the blind cat hitting the mouse, and there were many firings, but the missiles did not hit a few.

Perhaps it was because they realized that the scattered light worms could no longer stop the missiles, or it might be that the aliens did not want to make unnecessary sacrifices, and the swarm suddenly gave up the interception. Some drilled; some just found a hole and arched in; some just ran away, regardless of whether there were shells falling on their heads.

The battle turned into a one-sided slaughter. Ye Han could finally be sure that there were only more than 300,000 light worms on Callisto. .

At this moment, a group of worm machines suddenly appeared on the edge of Callisto. There were only dozens of them at the beginning, but after a short while, a large group appeared, and then the overwhelming worm machines poured out.

Not only the edge of Callisto, but wherever the insect plane flies, the hole in the ground will be opened, and one insect plane will fly into the sky, and the group of insect planes will grow bigger and bigger like a snowball.

Ye Han, or others, couldn't even count how many worms there were. Even the scanning equipment of the battleship was powerless. They were like swarms of locusts rushing towards the crops, recklessly rushing towards the battleship in the air.

The light worm can only lie on the ground, but the insect machine is flying in the sky, which is not a dangerous level at all.

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