Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1353: cannibalism

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There was dead silence on the bridge, and everyone's chest felt like a stone was pressed against them.

After a few seconds of silence, Luo Qi broke the silence: "How could this be?"

Ye Han said in a low voice: "The fighter planes take advantage of the ground and the ship, but the enemy's plane..."

Everyone's eyes immediately shifted to several other battlefields, and the eyes of the aircraft group were filled with worry.

Luo Qi said softly, "Where's the drone?"

Ye Han sighed: "Unfortunately, the drone is in the other direction... It may also be because the drone is too stiff, so the Air Ninth Division was sent up. I didn't expect such a result."

The bright light just now must have been a fighter jet that detonated a nuclear bomb. If they dared to do this when the two sides were entangled, there must be no fighter jets of their own nearby, and they had to detonate the nuclear bomb and die together with the insect plane.

However, the power of nuclear explosions in space is limited, and carrier-based aircraft are only equipped with low-yield nuclear weapons, so there are not many insect machines directly killed by nuclear explosions. However, the strong optical radiation burned a large number of insect machines, and many insect machines were half intact. , the other half is charred black.

Ye Han found that even if the shell was scorched by the nuclear explosion, the insect machine was not affected much, and only those insect machines with scorched elytra lost their ability to move.

Some insect machines only have half of the elytra left, and they still try to keep shaking, but because of the unbalanced force, they can no longer fly in a straight line, and can only keep spinning in place.

Ye Han immediately remembered this scene, secretly thinking about how to use this feature to deal with the bug machine.

Ye Han was not the only one who thought of this, even Gao Kai thought of this problem - he has been concentrating on dealing with the alien fleet, and he has no extra energy to pay attention to the fleet. It was not until the bright light flashed that he received the battle. According to the report of the staff officer, a flying regiment of the first division was wiped out.

Gao Kai couldn't believe his ears, but the communication records from the Ninth Division and the footage captured by the Nanzhou camera told him that all this had happened.

He immediately realized the situation of the other groups of fighters: "I immediately ordered the aviation to retreat, and the drones covered the aviation from the battle and assembled to the rear of the fleet."

No one dared to question Gao Kai's order. The combat staff conveyed the order verbatim, and several aircraft groups were immediately divided into two parts. One part rushed towards the swarm to launch a suicide attack, and the other part took the opportunity to retreat to the rear of the battleship.

After Gao Kai gave the order, he immediately took his mind back.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was only more than 1,000 kilometers. Although they had not yet entered the range of the fine light, the aliens also began to shoot with concentrated fire tactics, which brought a lot of pressure to the Nanzhou fleet.

On one side is the alien fleet, and on the other side are swarms of worms. As long as there is a slight error, the Nanzhou fleet will fall into the attack of both enemy ships and worms.

At a critical moment, Gao Kai resolutely ordered the firing of smoke bombs. The Nanzhou fleet repeated its old trick, releasing heavy smoke screens to cover the warships. The laser cannons and light anti-aircraft guns on the ship ceased fire at the same time. , Depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets came out of their chambers and flew towards the incoming swarm.

Gao Kai especially wanted to give the swarm a few nuclear cannonballs, but the nuclear cannonball must be detonated with a strong impact. If the magnetic nuclear cannonball hit the worm's body, the only result would be to hit the worm's machine with a pile of minced meat instead of detonating the nuclear bomb. .

Facing the Nanzhou fleet hiding in the smoke screen, the alien fleet no longer shot, but continued to strip the worms from the warships. All the worms were divided into several groups, like raging torrents, rushing from different directions. Xiang Nanzhou fleet.

Due to the obstruction of the smoke screen, the light defense cannons could not fire, and the near fire resistance of the Nanzhou fleet dropped several grades, and they could only rely on magnetic anti-cannons and super shotguns to deal with the swarm.

Fortunately, the magnetic anti-cannon is not powerful, and the super shotgun is the best weapon to deal with the insect swarm. The cannonballs continue to fly out of the smoke screen. Every time the cannon is fired, a large group of insect machines are killed on the spot, seemingly unstoppable insects. The group couldn't even rush up.

Seeing that they are about to enter the range of human beings, the aliens are also fighting hard. They ordered the swarm to charge desperately, regardless of the swarm. The swarms in all directions launched a decisive charge regardless of the loss and regardless of the casualties. In the case of paying a huge price for every step forward, he just flew close to the Nanzhou fleet step by step.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked. Gao Kai immediately realized that he could not let the situation continue to develop, and he ordered the fleet to launch nuclear missiles at the swarm.

After a few big losses, the aliens now attach great importance to anti-missiles. As soon as a missile appears, it will be immediately intercepted by the alien fleet.

But this time was different. The swarm had already rushed to the edge of the smoke screen, and the missile off the ship flew towards the swarm with the help of the smoke screen. The whole process went incredibly smoothly.

The swarm responded very quickly, but the reaction time left for them was too short, and they didn't fire much at all, and the missile flew near the swarm, and before it got into the swarm, there was an airburst.

Intense light immediately enveloped the insect swarm, and the intense light that lasted for 2.4 seconds burned a large number of insect machines. Although the lives of these insect machines were not in danger, they could even return to the battlefield after a period of rest, but they could not have any more in this battle. any achievements.

Gao Kai is very sorry that these nuclear bombs are only the most common models. If a special nuclear bomb can be developed that specially enhances the light radiation, it will definitely be a weapon against the swarm.

He didn't know yet that the military had a similar idea long ago, but it was technically difficult to, so it is still on the research list of the research department, and there is no real object at all.

There were many worms killed by the nuclear explosion, but there were more worms left, and the nuclear explosion also missed the auxiliary vehicle, dispelling part of the smoke screen and exposing several warships to the swarm.

The mad swarm suddenly rushed over like a flood of chicken blood.

Those battleships also responded very quickly, and the silent light-defense cannons fired suddenly, colliding with the charging insect swarm.

If the distance is widened, the swarm will not have any chance at all, but the distance is too close now, and the swarm has finally found the target, all the worms in this direction rushed up, and in a blink of an eye, several warships were killed The worm machine was submerged, and only the lasers from the worm swarm showed from time to time, letting everyone know that the battleships were still holding on.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and the situation was extremely critical. So many worms rushed up, and it wouldn't take long for those warships to be full of worms, and the outcome was already predictable.

But Gao Kai didn't argue at all, he just ordered lightly: "Order Beihai, Qionghai, and this ship to fire at Chihai, Jiuhe, Guihe, and Yonghe, using shotguns with a firing power of four percent. fifteen!"

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