Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1382: prevent problems before they happen

The high-speed flying alien fleet did not retreat, and the Yuzhou battle group also had no room to retreat. Just as the enemy entered the range, the Yuzhou battle group was in full swing, and artillery shells, missiles and lasers rushed towards the enemy.

The alien fleet was also unequivocal, and immediately launched a counterattack.

Probably because they were afraid of being wiped out by super cannons, the enemy's warships were very scattered. As a result, the firepower of the Yuzhou fleet had to be evenly distributed to all the enemy ships, and the firepower allocated to each enemy ship was not strong.

At the same time as the fleet opened fire, the artillery array was also ready to shoot, and all the launchers were aimed at the direction the enemy ship was flying in... Want to avoid the super cannon by speed? I think it's beautiful!

Several alien warships were hit by the Yuzhou battle group, some crashed and some lost control, but the remaining enemy ships did not retreat half a minute, and still charged forward at full speed against the firepower of the Yuzhou battle group.

The Yuzhou Battle Group wanted to use firepower to force the enemy to give up the attack, but the alien fleet had no intention of giving up at all.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and after a while, the Yuzhou will enter the range of the thin light.

At this moment, the Yuzhou battle group suddenly climbed upwards and took the initiative to leave the battle.

Ye Han was stunned for a while, but soon realized that the Yuzhou was carrying out Huo Qiang's order to avoid losing more battleships.

As for the super cannons, hehe, the cost of an artillery array is at most half a battleship. From a tactical point of view, there is nothing wrong with using a fleet to protect the artillery array, but from an economic point of view, doing so is not an ordinary fool.

With Huo Qiang's order first, the Yuzhou did not have to defend Ceres, and naturally would not fight to the death for a cannon formation and the enemy.

Just a few minutes later, the first enemy ship flew into the firing angle of the artillery array. Its height was extremely low, and a hill was chosen as a cover. When it could be directly hit by the laser, the distance from the artillery array was only tens of kilometers.

At the current speed of the enemy ship, it only takes more than ten seconds to fly over the artillery array.

The artillery array was ready to shoot, and the radar locked on the enemy ship immediately, and then the artillery array suddenly opened fire, and tens of thousands of laser beams instantly hit the enemy ship.

In order to ensure the range, there are hundreds of thousands of lasers on each artillery array, and 10,000 or 20,000 lasers are only a small part of the entire artillery array.

The laser penetrated the enemy ship, but the laser is a directed energy weapon and has no physical impact capability. The speed of the enemy ship far exceeds the escape speed of Ceres. As a result, although the enemy ship lost control after being destroyed, it still follows the previous The trajectory continues to fly.

People can think of this, the control system of the artillery array is not so smart. It mistakenly thought that the enemy ship still had combat power, so it continued to lock the enemy ship, and another laser set shot in units of 10,000 came.

At this time, several other enemy ships flew out from the back of the mountain together, and the artillery array fired in batches and turns, destroying each enemy ship in the air.

Of course, these "dead" enemy ships are all moving according to the previous trajectory. Unless the entire battleship is completely vaporized, the rigid control system will always determine that the enemy ships in the air are still a threat, and keep blasting the laser with it. .

The leading enemy ship attracted a lot of firepower, creating an extremely short-lived fighter for the following enemy ships, and they took advantage of this fleeting opportunity to launch the most violent attack on the artillery formation.

For a while, countless fine lights fell into the artillery array, cutting off everything along the way, and the firepower from the artillery array plummeted.

Everyone knows that it is only a matter of time before the artillery formation is over, and it is completely destroyed. However, the aliens have not killed them all, and they do not know whether they have not had time or deliberately let the artillery array go... This is obviously impossible, the aliens only Will think that the artillery array is not completely destroyed.

However, this judgment was soon broken by the aliens, because their ground troops launched an attack again. This time there was no counterattack from the defenders, and no bombing from the fleet. The ground troops marched forward and rushed all the way to the vicinity of the artillery formation.

At this time, the situation of the artillery array was very bad. Half of the launchers were destroyed, and the circuit was damaged a lot. Less than one fifth of the launchers could be used.

However, the control system hidden under the artillery array is still intact. The rigid control system does not understand any flexibility. It faithfully implements the combat procedures, manipulates the remaining lasers to lower the firing angle, and fires at the attacking ground troops.

The super cannon is not aimed at the air or the ground, but it is not impossible to fire it flat, it is nothing more than not being able to focus the fire.

The giant insects and enemy soldiers are not as powerful as the alien warships, and the lasers swept them one after another, and they suddenly turned into pieces of meat, and the dead could no longer die.

All the people who witnessed this scene couldn't understand the thoughts of the aliens, and they all became like this. If the fleet comes again, the entire artillery array will be completely abolished. At that time, another artillery array can only control the small half of the sky of Ceres. , the aliens come and go without saying they want to, at least they can land on Ceres without any hindrance. It cannot be said that they have strategic At least they have mastered part of the initiative.

What does it mean to keep pushing on the ground at this time?

The perseverance of the aliens exceeded everyone's imagination, and soon organized another wave of attacks, but this time, instead of approaching the artillery array, they stopped at a safe distance. Get into the ground.

The enemy soldiers followed the giant worm, and it didn't take long for this wave of enemy soldiers to drill into the ground... The place where the hole was drilled was a bit far, and even if the giant worm's digging ability was amazing, it would not be able to dig a place for a while.

In this way, the giant insect dug for two days in a row, and finally dug the tunnel under the artillery array, and an enemy soldier was lucky to dig into the control room of the artillery array, successfully cutting off the system's control of the launcher.

So far, this broken artillery formation has fallen into the hands of aliens.

Yuzhou found that the enemy soldiers took great care of the control equipment. This situation immediately attracted the attention of Yuzhou. The situation is very obvious. The goal of the aliens is not to destroy the artillery array, but to occupy the artillery array and understand the artillery array. , there may be the idea of ​​copying the artillery array, which is not a good phenomenon. While Yuzhou reported the situation to Nanzhou, it decisively detonated the nuclear bomb placed under the artillery array.

In the center of the artillery array that had just been occupied by the enemy, a dazzling bright light suddenly exploded, followed by a burst of earth-shaking, powerful nuclear explosions that overturned the entire artillery array, turning the location of the artillery array into a half-kilometer deep. Explosion pits, no matter the equipment that set up the artillery array, or the giant insect soldiers sent by the aliens, everything within the explosion range disappeared.

Pre-placement of nuclear bombs is only a necessary preventive measure. It is nothing to humans, and it is the simplest conventional tactic.

But it was different for the aliens. The artillery array that had just arrived flew again. The aliens were so aggrieved that they almost vomited blood. Excited, they immediately ordered the ground troops to continue to attack the next artillery array.

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