Armor Frenzy

Chapter 934: sky train

Ye Han didn't know whether Beidu had the idea of ​​pitting a resistance organization, but he knew that Beidu's vigilance had never been let down.

Not only the hidden mechanism of the locked equipment, but the design of the ground station itself also hidden the mechanism, fully enclosed structure, thick outer wall, self-contained energy supply equipment, and several hidden arsenals inside!

In case the resistance organization is torn apart, Ye Han can hide in with all his men, and the ground station can instantly become a firepower fortress. How about the ground station.

The successful landing of the ground station means that the main project of the rail elevator has been completed, and the remaining tails are all corners.

However, neither Ye Han nor the resistance organization had any idea of ​​delaying the construction period. Ye Han took the soldiers to the finishing work overnight, and directed a large group of aliens to turn around - open the ground station and pave the exit. Then, two simple and symmetrical platforms were built using the building materials that had been transported to Muweiling in advance. At dawn, the main works were all completed, and the concrete could be put into use when it was dry.

At this time, the ground station has changed its appearance. Two symmetrical gates are opened on the diving bell. Outside each gate, there are two straight electromagnetic tracks leading to the simple platform, which looks strange.

The aliens don't care whether the ground station is strange or not, let alone whether the concrete is dry or not. As soon as the construction here is over, a group of aliens over there are rushing over the car bugs.

They also know that the orbital elevator can make the communication between ground and air easier and more convenient, so this time they sent more carbon fiber vines than any other time.

The containers in the base have long been used up, and Ye Han can't let them take the vines back. He can only organize the soldiers to receive the vines. After inspection, they are sorted by quality and temporarily stacked near the ground station.

Luo Qi found an opportunity to get close to Ye Han: "Boss, can it be done here? What if it rains?"

"It's okay, I can't get off in a while, and it will be transported away at noon at most." Ye Han said.

Military engineering uses quick-drying cement. In the most extreme cases, it only takes one to five minutes for initial setting, and five to ten minutes for final setting.

The cement used in the platform is not so exaggerated, but the setting time is not more than an hour.

Luo Qi was stunned, thought for a while and then asked: "Boss, I'll go back to the center of the earth in a while, or..."

"Let's talk about it later." Ye Han said, "Pay this wave first."

He thought it would take him a while to finish harvesting the vines, but he didn't expect that the resistance organization would go all out after receiving the order from Beidu, expanding the original planting area several times, and harvesting a few more times during this time. Back, the accumulated vines are not ordinary, so the car and insect transport team ran one after another. Ye Han and the soldiers were busy all morning. The accumulated vines were almost piled up into hills, and there were still a steady stream of cars. Insects come.

This time Ye Han was also dumbfounded. Seeing that it was noon, Ye Han had to stop the reception. After leaving two soldiers to guard the vines, he brought the others to the airdrop field.

While the ground was busy collecting vines, the outside was not idle. Several transport ships left the synchronous orbit and flew around Io 0 more than a dozen times before reaching the low-altitude orbit, and then flew to the designated coordinates for airdrops.

A few minutes later, the sky train with a parachute tied to its tail landed successfully.

The extraterrestrial strong laborers continued to exert their strengths, and worked together to lift the heavy trains back to the ground station, put them together end to end, and then assemble the trains with Ye Han.

The special design made assembly very simple. The four sky trains were quickly assembled, and Ye Han immediately organized personnel to inspect the trains.

The assembled train is like a vertical slash, splitting sausages in half, and there is a semi-circular groove on the bottom of the car that runs through the front and rear. Check the bottom door or equipment.

Aerospace trains are very heavy, and the risk of airdrops is extremely high. Even if the fleet has experience in airdropping heavy equipment many times, the safety of the trains cannot be guaranteed.

However, without the airdrop, the train can only be sent to the Tianhe, and then descend along the cable all the way, the distance is long and the time is delayed.

Some people may say, why not send the train to the low-rail terminal? In this way, the train can reach the ground after running 200 kilometers, and it is much safer than airdrops.

The idea is good, but very impractical.

The orbital height of the low-orbit terminal is only more than 200 kilometers. At this height, the spacecraft must maintain sufficient speed to remain stable on the orbit, otherwise it will have to fall into the atmosphere like a weight, so the transport ship cannot get close to the low-orbit terminal at all.

The only human spacecraft that can hover in low orbit is the Skyhook with eight main engines.

So can't we send the train up on the Skyhook?

Or not, because the eight engines of the Skyhook are all on the side of the battleship, and the propulsion is a miniature nuclear explosion caused by a laser. It is very dangerous for such a heavy spacecraft to approach the cable. Any mistake in the operation will cause the laser to shoot out of the reaction chamber. The risk of severing the Not only the Skyhook, but all spacecraft powered by nuclear power engines must keep a sufficient safety distance from the orbital elevator.

Various factors accumulated together, and Beidu had to weigh it again and again, and finally chose the airdrop.

In order to ensure that there will be no problems, the fleet also deliberately cast a few more carriages, even if they are broken, they will be replaced, so as not to delay the business.

After a while, the train's self-inspection and external inspections were all completed, and no problems were found. The vines were transported immediately on the spot. The carriage is full.

Ye Han took the soldiers to check the carriage carefully to make sure that no aliens were hiding in the carriage.

Everything is ready, but there is no departure ceremony or other irrelevant things, Ye Han simply announced the departure, announcing that the rail elevator was officially put into operation.

The two rails started at the same time, and the heavy sky train was suspended immediately. The guiding cable tied to the front of the train was tightened, and the train was slowly pulled into the ground station.

The two sky trains, one left and one right, entered the ground station at the same time. After entering the station, they went up the inclined skin track. When they reached the upper end of the slope, they were already perpendicular to the ground. It happened to be stuck on the cable, and the two cars turned into one, and climbed up the cable like a bug sticking only to a tree.

Until this time, aliens understood why the sky train was designed to be a ghost with a large semicircle over a small semicircle.

Looking at the train that climbed higher and higher, Ye Han let out a long sigh of relief, suddenly feeling that all his hard work had paid off.

Not only that, but he also had a lot of hope in his heart, looking forward to the early completion of the orbital elevator on the earth... But nothing is useless without raw materials, and his current task is to collect the vines sent by the aliens first.

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