Wait until this time, the dream ends. Maybe, we can cooperate.

Greyhound and W obviously didn't expect Rhode Island to come to Iberia. They thought this kind of thing was the norm in Iberia.

We are now in an abandoned village on the Iberian coast. We are able to enter the dreamland because we have reached cooperation with a man named Lapu. He gave us a way to stabilize in the dreamland and told us to go to Agor The road is hidden in the dream.


The undead man was still listening quietly to Greyhound telling him about his situation.

But he heard the name.

You mean, Rapp?


The encounter between the undead and the greyhound was not what anyone expected.

Rapp never thought that his existence would be easily leaked due to a meeting on his own whim and the backstabbing of his partner.

But there is one other person who is also relevant to this conversation between the undead and the greyhound.

After finishing the conversation with the fire girl, Kelsey returned to the main camp tent.

However, Kelsey now has no interest in continuing research.

Her mind was filled with those words that the fire girl told her.

Those words that negated her character and personality so far, and even her memory, kept swirling in Kelsey's mind.

It was even said that Kelsey vaguely believed that what the fire girl said was right.

She couldn't figure out why. After all, even when Theresa said that her temper was too tough, Kelsey just said something different and said it aside calmly.

It was when she sat back down in the tent that she heard a voice again.

This time, it wasn't a vague sound.

Even among the noisy raindrops and wind, the sound was clearly audible.


Kelsey's eyes suddenly widened, she raised her head and looked to her side.

There was nothing, but the voice was extremely clear, almost like words spoken to her against her ear.

Kelsey, I can see you are coming.

Kelsey's right hand on the table clenched into a fist in an instant, and the shadows under her body also surged.

Mon3tor is restless because its owner is in doubt.

Kelsey knew who this voice was. Kelsey had had countless conversations with her.

After she left, Kelsey also locked herself in her room and played the tape she left for herself over and over again.

It was precisely because of this that Kelsey felt strangely angry and confused about the sound.

Kelsey...do you remember me? I am...

Shut up!

Suddenly, the shadow under Kelsey seemed to be boiling, and countless black energy spread upwards along Kelsey's body. And within that figure, the manic roar from Mon3tor spread outwards without hesitation.

After a long time, a judge stood outside the main camp and asked loudly in surprise.

Dr. Kelsey, is something happening again? I think I heard a roar?

Fortunately, the heavy rain dispersed Mon3tor's voice a lot.

There was a long silence in the camp. Then, Kelsey's tired voice came from the camp.

It's okay, I just thought of something and got a little emotional. I'm sorry.

Is that so? I'll excuse you.

The figure left the camp.

Kelsey looked directly at the flesh and blood specimen in front of her.

This is the flesh and blood obtained from Haiji's corpse.

It should have lost all activity and lost contact with its tribe.

But it was this piece of flesh and blood in Kelsey's sight. After malicious twisting and wriggling, part of the flesh protruded outward, forming a line of writing.

This line of handwriting is regular and beautiful, like the standard cursive written by a nobleman with a quill pen.

But in Haiji's flesh and blood, such beauty turned into inexorable weirdness and fear.

Kelsey, I'm waiting for you to come to me.


413.Building Agol's Ship

The message Theresia left on the body was not told to anyone by Kelsi.

Including fire girls, including the elite operators around him.

This situation was so weird that Kelsey made some special guesses for no reason.

There is no doubt that Theresa is dead. But her voice would appear in Kelsey's ears, and she even left a message for Kelsey.

This is not a good sign. Everyone in Rhode Island is inheriting the legacy of that king. This kind of thing will only make everyone less able to concentrate on their work.

Kelsey decided to hide the news first.

It just so happened that the fire girl told Kelsey that she also encouraged Kelsey to take the initiative to enter the dreamland and get in touch with the dreamland.

She will find the truth about Theresia in her dreams.

If someone had ulterior motives and used her voice, her words, or even her appearance, in an attempt to distort and corrupt Kelsey's will.

Kelsey will definitely give a gift that belongs to her to the mastermind behind this.

On the other side, the undead who had initially completed the communication also received news about Lapp from Greyhound and W.

Rapp is now in an abandoned village. Judging from the traces of undead people that Rapp could easily find before, this village should not be far from the Iberian camp.

And Lapp's daily movement habits are not much different from the memory of the immortal.

But Rapp always calls himself Rapp, presumably because of his immortality, which makes him temporarily forget his past.

However, the age of fire has passed, and the fire girl also told the undead that after losing the first fire, the nature of the undead will gradually transform into a certain immortal body.

But this kind of immortality does not mean that they will not die, but that their bodies will never continue to consume.

If something really could kill an undead person once, then the undead person would die and never be resurrected. But this kind of eternal life no longer has the limitations of body and lifespan.

It is even said that humanity will be solidified in his body forever, no more, no less, no increase, no decrease.

In other words, Rapp has indeed lived from the Age of Fire to the present, and he has never died once.

The immortals don't know how to evaluate them. The immortals have only seen this one person who can live from the time of King Gwen until the first fire is extinguished.

But what Rapp wants to find is something worthy of the attention of the undead.

According to Rapp, he knew how to connect with dreams, how to contact Agor through dreams, and even find Agor's secrets.

And Rapp told Greyhound and W that the answer was to find a coordinate. And this coordinate is hidden in a certain library of this ship.

The undead and Greyhound looked up and saw that the entire wooden ship was actually very huge.

The captain's cabin only occupies a small area, and is more like an office space for the captain.

In the entire ship, there are only four entrances to the cabin.

Looking down from the railing on the side of the ship, the blurry black fog blocked the three people's sight, making it impossible to see how big and deep the ship was.

In other words, they still need to explore the ship for a long time.

We can still stay in the dreamland for a while. But I don't think we can find the library during this time.

Greyhound probably felt his physical condition.

What do you think we should do now, brother?

He wisely sought advice from the undead.

The immortal's answer was also very simple and direct.

Go and have a look.

He was not the kind of person who would waste time on resting. If he had time to sit and play, it would be better to solve the current difficulties as soon as possible.

No matter what happens, at least explore. Big deal, die once.

When talking about death, the immortal sounded quite expectant.

He really longed to see something that could kill him, and once again experience the pleasure he got from succeeding in countless challenges.

So, after the three of them took a short rest on the spot, they used the captain's room as the starting point of the route, went down from the entrance closest to the captain's room, and began to explore this huge ship that seemed to be stagnant.

They knew nothing about the existence of this ship, but they were fearless because of it.

“If you want to enter Agor, there are two routes you can take.”

Patch said to everyone sitting around the campfire.

The first one is to traverse the entire dream, kill the giant beast hidden in Agor at the end of the dream, and end this dream.

Once the dream collapses, the whispers of the heirs that block Agor will also briefly end. At that time, Agor will respond to the Iberian sentry tower.

But it is worth noting that the Whisper of the Sea Successors that blocked Agor is one of the reasons for the Great Silence. The fall of the Behemoth means the birth of another Behemoth for the Sea Successor Cluster. If I cannot foresee what will happen when the Great Silence returns.”

Hearing what Patch said, Gladia and Laurentina subconsciously frowned.

The Haiji tribe is very weird and wonderful. Their entire tribe is like a whole, and all individuals obey the same idea.

The giant beast that Patch mentioned should be the leader who leads the Haihe group.

Even the leader will serve the consciousness of the group.

Neither the deep-sea hunters nor the Iberians would be willing to experience an uncontrollable event like the Great Silence again.

Therefore, this route can be temporarily thrown out of the range of choices.

The price is too great, and the Great Silence cannot be restored.

Gladia shook her head, knowing that Rhode Island, which the doctor represented, would not allow this to happen.

What about the other route?

The second route is to find some kind of node hidden in the dream that is connected to reality. Through such a node, we may find the secret passage to Agor.

Patch pointed to the bonfire in front of everyone.

This bonfire is a node that can affect dreams. Through this bonfire and the surrounding scenes, I can probably understand the structure and function of your camp.

In other words, dreams themselves are not an imagination, but a re-creation based on consciousness and memory.

And among these scenes, there are always some scenes where there is a way to return to Agor, just waiting for us to find it in the dream.

Patch said this and looked at Gladia aside.

You are deep-sea hunters. I know a thing or two about deep-sea hunters. As Agor's humanoid weapons, you were born to hunt the heirs.

And some of the deep-sea hunters even hold important positions in Agor.

Gladia had no resistance at all to Patch describing her as a humanoid weapon.

She nodded without changing her expression.


Then you must have heard about the golden age and how closely Agor was connected with Iberia, right?

I know.

Gladia admitted frankly.

At that time, there were dozens of ships traveling between Agor and Iberia every month. However, these ships would also experience attacks by sea heirs and various winds and waves on the sea, and the damage rate was particularly high.

Yes, the sentry tower that was originally used as the anchor point of the world barrier. After the transformation of the Agor people, it also became a lighthouse that can lead to Agor.

As Patch said this, he glanced at the doctor quietly.

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