Chapter 180 Chip announced! Kunpeng 888! Eight cores and sixteen threads! 【Customization】

Storage: 6G!

S1 is 4G upgraded again!

Memory: Starting at 32G, up to 256G.

There is no change in this point, and there is no need to increase it temporarily.

But even so.

These few data displayed on the big screen are also sufficient.

Hongmeng S2 definitely has the best configuration in the whole world!

Luxurious to the extreme!

At this time, when you talk about the word flagship, you have to say it.

Hongmeng S2, that is definitely the pinnacle of the flagship machine!

And now, S2 is only left with the parts that have not been shown.

One CPU, one mobile phone lens.

These two are also the most mysterious parts!

Before Chen Fei announced, there was already a lot of discussion in the audience.

“Hongmeng is still the Hongmingmeng, this flagship machine is not Samsung’s no “four six zero” ta7?”

“Looking at the configuration, I don’t understand. Why does nota7 dare to sell more than 10,000?”

“I want to compare with Hongmeng, it’s not a level at all, Hongmeng is the real ceiling of the mobile phone industry!

“I don’t know the extent of Hongmeng’s chip, even if the chip is not good, this configuration is better than Samsung’s.”

“You don’t think that with Mr. Shen’s character, this configuration will be a garbage chip?”

“You see Mr. Shen’s smirk, don’t you understand it?”

People looked at Chen Fei on the stage.

Sure enough, Chen Fei’s bright eyebrows have been raised again.

Just that, can the chip be worse?

No one believes it!

Seeing this scene, they, the audience, can be said to understand.

This big move, I am afraid it is still to come.

You know, the mysterious camera that Mr. Shen said in private messages to netizens has not been revealed yet.

There must be a few hands of hole cards.

“Then next…”

“Shall we talk about the chip?”

Chen Fei deliberately asked the audience in the audience, as if asking for their opinions.

“President Shen, just let us go, take it out quickly, we are all kneeling for you.”

“That’s right, don’t let our appetites go any longer, we can’t bear it anymore, and we surrendered.

“Mr. Shen, you are too much, we are all loyal fans of Hongmeng, you are very popular like this.”

“Isn’t it, I have the money in WeChat, so I’m waiting for you to release the product.”


The fans were in a mess, but Chen Fei was ridiculed.

Chen Fei waved his hand quickly.

He smiled and said to the audience: “Okay, well, since everyone is looking forward to it.”

“Then, please look at the big screen.


“Kunpeng 888!

On the big screen, a chip with clear Chinese characters appeared in front of everyone.

The same style is almost the same as S1’s Wonpeng 801.


The model number above has become 888!

A domineering figure that leaks from the side.

In the audience, the mood of the audience and the media reporters obviously became excited.

I don’t know why, just looking at this number, they are a little excited.

Kunpeng chip, crowned by the name of the ancient beast.

The meaning of it was basically understood by fans at the last S1 conference.

The Kunpeng 801 on the S1 uses an eight-core chip, which is definitely an epoch-making chip in an environment where dual-core chips were generally used at that time.

Even if it is now.

Eight cores are enough to hang most of the mobile phones on the market!

Perhaps, the performance of eight cores can be barely achieved with multithreading.

But with eight cores, currently only Hongmeng can do it.

This makes people inevitably start to guess.

This is a new generation of Kunpeng core that uses such a domineering number 888

Exactly, to what extent!

And at the moment.

Not waiting for Chen Fei on the stage to speak.

The audience and the media reporters couldn’t help it.

He yelled to Chen Fei on stage: “Mr Shen, Mr. Shen, what is the specific performance of this chip!

“Yes, Mr. Shen, what is the difference between Kunpeng 888 and Kunpeng 801?

“Kunpeng 888 has used the serial number of 888. Isn’t that the performance burst again!”

Off the stage, it was voice after voice.

The reporters and even the audience can’t wait to throw out all their questions, and then let Chen Fei answer them one by one.

Facing everyone’s questions.

The corner of Chen Fei’s mouth was another familiar smile.

Proud and full of confidence.

“Do you remember what word I used when I described Kunpeng 801 last time?”

What word was used last time

Upon hearing Chen Fei’s words, the reporters and audience in the audience thought about it.

“Is it a performance monster?

“Yes, it’s a performance monster!”

Soon, someone shouted.

Hearing this voice, Chen Fei immediately pointed in the direction of the voice and applauded: “Yes, it’s a performance monster!”

“Kunpeng 801 I call him a performance monster.

“And this Kunpeng 888 is enough to claim it”

“King of Monsters!”

King of monsters!

Suddenly countless ferocious monsters flashed on the screen, rushing past, cooperating with the huge roar that had already been prepared.

Shocked everyone’s hearts to the extreme!

Immediately afterwards.

While the audience is still in shock.

Chen Fei introduced again.

“Kunpeng 888!”

“It also follows the design of Kunpeng 801, using eight-core drive!”

“And what do the next two 8s mean?”

“888, the first 8 represents eight cores!”

“And the latter two 8s are added together, it represents.”

“It’s sixteen threads!

“Kunpeng 888 chip, with eight cores and sixteen threads inside!”


The audience felt like a volcano suddenly erupted in their heads.

Eight cores and sixteen threads!

Eight cores are already a sufficiently abnormal design.

3.4 This design eclipses almost all mobile phone chips on the market!

And Hongmeng is actually on this basis.

The eight cores have been extended to sixteen threads!

It’s another application of hyper-threading technology!

On M2, Hongmeng adopted the concept of hyper-threading technology for the first time.

Bringing the four-core and eight-thread candle dragon to the people.

Hyper-threading technology, in simple terms, is to develop the physical core of a chip to the extreme and let it run to its limit!


Before using hyper-threading technology.

The performance of the Kunpeng 801 chip actually does not reach the extreme.

Compared to other chips, it is indeed extremely powerful.

But in fact, it can be stronger!

And hyper-threading technology is a tool to make Kunpeng’s eight-core chip stronger!

Eight cores and sixteen threads!

It has developed the performance of the eight-core chip to the extreme!.

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