Are Food Cells Invincible? Liuku Immortal Thief Teaches You How To Be A Good Person!

92 Looking For The Prelude To Acacia’S Life Menu, First Refine The Kitchen Knife

"Bai Zhu!"

Yilong roared, and Bai Zhu looked at Yilong calmly.

"Hey, forget it.

"I haven't felt this feeling for a long time. Your methods are indeed magical.

Since Acacia disappeared, Yilong has truly been number one in the world. He has been number one in the world for too long. Pain is indeed a long-lasting memory for Yilong.

"That's natural.

"To cure you now, we just need medicine, and it will take some time.

"Jiro, can you contact me? It's such a waste to have such fighting power wandering around."

Yilong nodded, how could he not be contacted.

Jiro is a true knight-errant character. Although the trace of Shenlong is hard to find, it is another matter for Ichiryu to take action.

"Well, you contact him first.

"Give me another address and I'm going to find Midora."

Yilong frowned, that was his younger brother.

"Why, is it difficult?"

"Hey, after all we grew up together, I don't know what he is thinking.

"I know Midora's strength is worse than mine but not much worse. Are you sure you want to go? If your strength can't beat me, it will be useless even if you find him.

Yilong is worried that Bai Zhu is floating, and only Yilong knows Midora's horror.

"It's just cooperation, he can't kill me.

"Besides, even if there is a real war, how do you know that my methods can't restrain him.

"I know that Midora has an ability called mirror neurons, which can imitate the opponent's abilities, but all of this is based on gourmet cells.

"I don't have gourmet cells and can't copy my abilities, so that's okay.

"Even if I am not as strong as you three old guys for the time being, I can boast that in terms of the number of means in this world, no one is my opponent.

"I have too many tricks, so what if Midora is stronger than me?"

Yilong nodded, this is true.

However, he still didn't agree with this, and there was no need to take risks.

"In this case, didn't you say that becoming the second Nascent Soul would make you very powerful? Let's find Jiro first. Wouldn't it be better if you cooperate with Cilang to get GOD.

"Wouldn't it be easier to go find Midora when your strength improves?

"Now that GOD is born again, I don't want him to have another accident. Especially since NEO you mentioned is also eyeing GD, this will be very troublesome."

Rather than going to find Midora, Yilong prefers to protect the safety of the earth first.

"Do you know where GOD's is?"

Yilong shook his head: "I don't know, but I know you know.

"I suddenly remembered something. Mansam said that your divination ability is unparalleled. Even Coco would be defeated in front of you, and Coco also admitted that there is a huge gap between you.

"I don't know where GOD is, and neither does Jiro, but you do.

Our advantage is to get GOD first, just in case. "


This thing sounds very abstract, but it is actually a frog.

He is the end of food. He will appear during a hundred-year solar eclipse to collect delicious food, and the ingredients will quickly decrease.

It has always appeared in the form of tadpoles, but this is the only time it has become an adult.

Because this is the last time GOD comes to the earth to collect delicious food, that is, this is the last harvest day of this earth. After all, it is the era of the protagonist, and the sense of danger must be fully developed.

This GOD is the main dish on the Acacia menu, and only Fraser has successfully cooked it.

"GOD's is the main course of Acacia's menu. Waiting for him to come out, the other six dishes must be finished first.

"If you want to get your master's menu, it has to do with the Eight Kings again.

"All eight of his dishes are related to the Eight Kings, and the only one that has nothing to do with it is the Wolf King Genes of the Second Continent, but GOD's will appear in the Second Continent.

"The remaining seven dishes are all directly related to the Eight Kings, especially the soup dish, which is related to the testicles of the Ape King of the Seventh Continent.

"This guy is used to sleeping in space, so it's troublesome to get eight dishes.

"Are you sure you want to look for Acacia's Menu of Life first, not Midora?"

Yilong nodded firmly. Although Midora is a stupid Oudou, as a younger brother, he can always be saved. Only NEO without emotions is unsolvable.

Compared to my younger brother, it is more important to target Wu Jie.

"Okay, then you can come find me.

"I need to prepare something before that. Give me the bones of the best ingredients you have.

"I need to refine a weapon, which only makes it more difficult."

Yilong looked at Bai Zhu in confusion. When he reached the stage of being a real strong man, who would still use weapons? They just raised their hands and used them as energy weapons.

Bai Zhu patiently explained: "Chef.

“To cook Acacia’s menu of life, your cooking skills must reach the level of the cooking god Fraser.

"Even Frazier was exhausted in the end and didn't fully cook Acacia's life menu.

"The best chefs now are far behind Fraser, and they are all old guys. It is impossible for them to cook Acacia's life menu.

"Then there is no other way but to save the country through curves.

"I need to build a special knife that can cook them, and I become a part-time chef myself.

“To create knives that can cook Acacia’s life menu, the raw materials must be of the highest quality. Who else can I ask for such materials if I don’t ask you?

Yilong suddenly realized that this was indeed the case.

With the ingredients, cooking is also crucial, and even Acacia needs Fraser's assistance.

"No problem, I still have some Dragon King teeth here.

"This material is okay, it's the best material we know.

"The first generation Melk was famous for sharpening the Dragon King's tooth kitchen knife, what do you think?

Bai Zhu's eyes lit up, this is the advantage of hometown dialect, he will come up with some real treasures suddenly, and Diroyus's teeth are naturally the best.

This thing is said to only grow one tooth of Dragon King Delous in his lifetime, but the Dragon King is still alive, and Melk has the fossil of Dragon King Delous’s teeth, who knows who is telling the truth.

Give it to me and I'll start right away. "

Yilong took out a tooth that was over ten meters long, and he could feel the unusual smell just by standing here.

"How about it.

“Very good, this thing is great for making kitchen knives.

"Only the kitchen knife forged by this thing can deal with that difficult-to-gnaw menu. I will deal with him now."

"Can you still sharpen a kitchen knife?"

Sharpening kitchen knives is the mainstream in this world. Because Warcraft is so powerful, the best kitchen knives can be made from what they grind, and there is no such thing as making them.

Even the strongest Melk could only sharpen the Dragon King Kitchen Knife.

"No, I will build it.

"Sharpening a kitchen knife is just to make the raw material suitable for cooking. The kitchen knives made by Melk have never exceeded the raw material. He has never been a real forger like me.

"Since it is made, then it is beaten and made again. What is ground out is nothing.

"Watch, I'll show you how to make a kitchen knife."

After Bai Zhu finished speaking, a large furnace appeared out of thin air on the ground. This was a furnace specially built by Bai Zhu to refine weapons. It was more than thirty meters high. It was prepared for the raw materials of this world.

Li Zi, purgatory!

The stove was lit, and the fire rose into the sky. In just half an hour, the stove was burning red.

Bai Zhu threw Diroyus's teeth in. The Dragon King's teeth took a long time to heat. Although this thing has a good reputation, it is not an indestructible material.

If it were truly indestructible, there would be no way to sharpen Melk into a kitchen knife given his strength.

Bai Zhu stepped on the Tiangang Steps with his feet, twisted the Seven Star Jue in his hands, and used his own breath as a guide to guide a flame from the sky and landed on the middle level of the furnace.

The strongest person who refines weapons is Laojun.

Laojun used six ding divine fire in his furnace, so the six ding divine fire is the strongest among the refining tools. Bai Zhu forcibly borrowed some six ding divine fire from heaven.

Six Ding Divine Fire entered the furnace, and Diroyus's teeth turned white visibly to the naked eye, and began to shrink.

Yilong frowned. This was also the first time he had seen such a situation. Diroyus's teeth could actually shrink. This was simply an anecdote.

As Diroyus' teeth shrank, their color changed again, from white to transparent, and they slowly took the shape of a kitchen knife.

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