Are Food Cells Invincible? Liuku Immortal Thief Teaches You How To Be A Good Person!

71Can’T Control Yourself? Let’S Have A Fight And Let You Experience Drunken Boxing!

"Does your behavior count as seeking power for personal gain?"

Mansam shook his head: "This definitely doesn't count, because I didn't use any IGO resources, all I used was my own charm. After all, I'm so handsome."

Got it, even though it’s late, I’m here.

"When your strength reaches your level, control is more important than improvement. Now your software has not kept up with the hardware, which makes it difficult to compete.

"Your biggest problem now is losing control. It's useless to improve your strength."

Mansam's gourmet cells are related to wine. This gourmet cell is also a strange thing. Everyone's gourmet cells are the same as what they most expect.

Although the wine is free and easy, one difficulty with this thing is that it is difficult to control!

Every time Mansam attacks with all his strength, he starts to get excited after just a few strikes. It's the kind of excitement that he can't control directly, so it's very difficult to do it.

When you are sober, you have super fighting power, but when you are completely excited, you will no longer be able to tell the difference between friend and foe, and you will kill one by one.

This attribute is just like Nie Feng.

The configuration on paper looks scary, but because I want to prevent being possessed, I don’t dare to use my full strength, so I can get through two moves by myself.

This is the case with Mansam. The combat logic of this world is to completely excite the food cells, and then burst out with terrifying power to form combat effectiveness.

But Mansam's food cells can't be too excited, so it's hard to resist.

"I know, but it's so easy.

"Gourmet cells need to be very excited to exert their power, but when excited, they become indistinguishable between friend and foe. How to control this?"

"It's a dead end, so I can expect you to help me.

In such a system, if you create this gourmet cell, you can only say that Mansam is a super talent, and he can still maintain the second place in IGO's combat effectiveness. This man's own talent is also very impressive.

"You are very lucky. Meeting me is definitely one of the greatest blessings in your life.

"Do you have a martial arts arena here for a fight?"

Mansam pointed behind him: "It's very big. It's easy to fight, now?"

"Let's go."

Bai Zhu and Mansam arrived at the school ground. This place covers a very large area and is surrounded by more than 20 meters of super glass. It is also where IGO members Chang Chang compete.

"Start now?"

"Is it really a competition, or a good fight?"

Mansam was also eager to give it a try. After all, this was at IGO, and it would be okay even if he ran away in excitement.

"Don't worry, give me some wine. The easier it is to get drunk, the better. Of course, the amount shouldn't be too small."

Mansam was startled, now is not a discussion, but a temporary drink?

"you sure?"

"Isn't this nonsense? I'm so awake, hurry up.

Mansam threw over a very large wine jar, which was three meters high.

"The most powerful wine I brewed, I named it Yizui, love

Bai Zhu stood on the wine jar, leaned over and took a deep sip, swallowing the whole jar of wine.

"Damn it, even if I only dare to drink five or six kilograms of this wine at one time, this is three hundred kilograms, and you actually drank it all?"

Bai Zhu's face turned red visibly, the wine was indeed on her head.

Bai Zhu shook his head violently, and now it was just right.

"Now the situation is just right, let's get started."

Zebra was the fastest runner, and all the IGO people ran to the stands. It looked like a big battle was about to happen. Bai Zhu's battle was rarely seen, so it was a rare opportunity.

"Is Bai Zhu preparing to fight Mansam to the death by drinking himself like this?"

Yu Weimen also didn't understand what kind of operation this was.

Zebra grinned: "I've seen a good show. Bai Zhu always has a plan in everything he does. This is obviously a plan, just watch.

Mansam grabbed fiercely, and Bai Zhu staggered just to avoid it.

“My name is Drunken Boxing.

"Watch carefully, this move will hit Desimen!"

Bai Zhu lunged forward, and Mansam dodged. Although he avoided Bai Zhu's frontal attack, Bai Zhu turned diagonally and all the weight of his body came down on him!

Mansam had no choice but to hold it up with all his strength. Only then did he realize that the Bai Zhu was heavier than a mammoth.

Mansam bent his legs and was ready to do anything.

"This is not over yet, Tieguai Li Dubu hangs up the wine pot!"

Bai Zhu was lifted up by Mansam and at the same time he put his foot on the ground and stabbed him hard with his foot. He covered his temples with both hands and hit him fiercely.

Three strikes in one move, very fast.

Mansam took a frontal move, but was hit on the temple by Bai Zhu.

Mansam felt a pain in his head. He had not felt this kind of pain for a long time.

“I didn’t even exert any effort, so I had to concentrate!

"Zhi Shen is drunk and fighting King Kong!"

Bai Zhu punched Bai Zhu with both fists in an unorganized manner. Mansam shook his head to wake himself up, and then started to beat randomly. However, Mansam was beaten with blood all over by Bai Zhu, and Mansam's attack on Bai Zhu was completely covered with blood. Failed.

"Who told you to look at my hands and my footsteps?

"My hands seem to be messy, but with the more chaotic steps, it won't be messy. Why are you hitting me again?"

"Come again, uncle Cao Guo will show off his power with his wat in front of the palace!"

Bai Zhu stretched his hands straight, hit them and then bounced up. Mansam's arms were shaking slightly after he had been beaten.

"I need you to be in full condition. You are just getting beaten unilaterally now. It's boring, hiccup!"

Bai Zhu's attack seemed to the people in the stands to be unorganized, but Mansam was being beaten passively now, as if he was sent to Bai Zhu for a beating.

"What is this? Is Mansam stupid?"

Yuemon looked at everything on the field in disbelief.

"This should be a unique fighting technique. It looks very chaotic, but there is a charm in the chaos.

"Tsk tsk, he is really an incredible young man.

"I haven't been this excited for a long time, and now I have a new impulse."

The short-haired girl next to Yuemon spoke, and everyone looked at her. Although this person looked young, she was already quite old.

This is a gourmet national treasure as famous as Setsuno, and Merisman is known as a gourmet writer.

Not only does she do well, but the recipes and books she writes are among the best-selling in the world.

"Hahaha, I'm so excited!"

Mansam lifted the nerve paralysis all over his body and instantly transformed into a muscular man with a height of more than five meters. Now every muscle and even every ten of his cells are in revelry.

Mansam's eyes became more and more crazy, and his aura was finally in full swing!

Mansam laughed and started to attack fiercely. Now, both his speed and reaction have surpassed the capture level of a 500-level monster, and he is one of the real strong ones.

"What I want is your state. If you are optimistic about this move, your drunk poetry will shock the world!"

Bai Zhu's fists are like swords, and he hits hard and violently. This move is about hearty and hearty, leaving no room for anything, just like Song Jiang wrote an anti-poem when he was drunk. It pays attention to no matter what, and it is earth-shattering!

Mansam's speed was not slow either. The two of them were so fast that they could not be seen and could only hear the crackling sound of bombardment!

The huge sound waves made the protective glass crackle, but the two people could not be seen.

The onlookers were all dumbfounded. He himself was considered a strong person, but these two people were too crazy!


There was a loud noise, and a visible aftermath hit the protective glass, leaving a deep new mark on it.

“Not enough, come again!

"Remember this trick, Lu Dongbin's three swords confuse Peony!"

Bai Zhu's whole body tensed up, and he was swaying like a cannonball popping out of the place. The speed of the human-sword-in-one sword from the sky was so fast that even Sam, who was still in a mad state, felt extremely threatened.

The muscles on Mansam's body were bulging high, and his left fist was fully charged. His left arm was extremely compressed, and he punched hard. Bai Zhu used a human sword and punched Mansam's left arm with both hands.


Mansam stepped hard with his legs, and his calves were all stamped into the ground, but he was still pushed back more than ten steps. The two marks on the ground were so clear.

Mansam's left arm was twisted at an abnormal angle, and blood was oozing out.

Bai Zhu twisted and fell to the ground, and as soon as he hit the ground, he came up with a strange posture.

"There is also this trick, Yuanwai Zuiyi!"

Bai Zhu pounced in a strange posture, and he was already in front of Mansam. He jumped, dodged and fell, and Mansam, who was still stuck in the ground, was thrown away by Bai Zhu!

Mansam hit the ground, creating a puff of smoke.

"You can't do it now. I haven't used up the Drunken Water Margin and Drunken Eight Immortals in Drunken Master yet, and I still have no use for Drunken Arhat.

"Come on, it's time for Lan Cai and Zui Xiyouyu, get up quickly, get up quickly!"

Mansam was lying on the ground, his eyes clear, and Bai Zhu was still looking for his opponent. .

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