Are Food Cells Invincible? Liuku Immortal Thief Teaches You How To Be A Good Person!

39 Bai Zhu’S Increasingly Mysterious Strength, Shi Meng’S Hidden Compassion

"Shi Meng made a lot of money this time."

Ling dragged her chin, and Bai Zhu and Shi Meng went to other places to trade. Bai Zhu had just returned from the food world, so naturally the transactions this time were all ingredients from the food world.

Ingredients in the food world, just these few words are enough to make people excited.

"This is as it should be. Shi Meng is a very good dealer. Bai Zhu can save a lot of time by looking for him.

Sunny is very open-minded. Apart from being prone to dementia when she loves beauty, Sunny is just like Coco in daily life. She is a very smart person.

"Bai Zhu has no gourmet cells."

Zebra expressed his biggest doubt, and everyone else nodded.

"You already knew it."

"None of ours are blind."

"Why don't you feel something is wrong about such an abnormal thing~?"

Coco sighed: "How can this be normal? But besides the fact that he has no gourmet cells, what else can we know?

"To become stronger, you must have food cells. We all know this, but he just doesn't have it.

"He doesn't have gourmet cells, but he is very strong.

"Even standing in front of him, you can't feel that he has any special energy. He is completely an ordinary person, but he is strong enough.

"I think about the quality he's shown so far.

"Everyone knows about his super combat power. He killed Gu Linbachi with one sword.

"Super medical skills, he can discover and cure diseases that even Mr. Yosaku has not discovered.

"An unimaginable creation gave me my eyes and Ling's air armor.

"There are many ways to make elixirs, and the effects are very good. Anyone who has obtained elixirs knows that even though they are the same ingredients, once they are turned into elixirs, the effect will be much improved.

"I'm not sure about spatial movement, but it's true, he can always disappear on the spot.

"Just now he also demonstrated the ability to make Zebra completely imperceptible. It is impossible for a living thing to be absolutely silent, but he can do it.

"He... can also do divination.

"A special divination method that looks simple, but is very complex and grand.

"I competed with him once, and I was no match for him.

"What he said can only be a specific thing as the anchor point, and then capture the point.

"But Bai Zhu can start to make hexagrams based on everything as a whole, which is what he calls it, and then continuously calculate things in the future. He said it can even be a few years later.

"This is just what I know, I don't know if there are other abilities.

"By the way, he can do acupuncture!

"I know we all know this, but our acupoints use anesthesia to quickly numb the nerves.

"Bai Zhu's is different, he is a real acupoint practitioner.

"He said that the human body has acupuncture points, and each one is different. I have experienced it, and it is completely different from anesthesia.

"This is what I know about his ability, but he still doesn't have gourmet cells."

Zebra's big mouth opens wide, what the hell is this?

I just went to prison, not to a different world. This world was developing so fast, so fast that I almost no longer recognized it.

Zebra opened his mouth: "It's really awesome... I look forward to a head-on fight."

"Aren't you afraid of IGOs ​​when you say that?"

Shi Meng said casually, after all, IGD is too huge.

“What are you afraid of IGOs ​​for?

"There are indeed many strong people in IGO, but there is only one person who has truly reached the top, and that is President Yilong. I really can't beat Yilong right now.

“I divide the strong men in this world into three levels.

"The first level is the Lord who has ruled the universe, plus Acacia.

"The second level is the three disciples of Acacia, which are the legendary Ichiryu and Jiro, Midora and the others, and the Eight Kings.

"The second level ones are almost capable of destroying planets. These guys can't be easily messed with.

"The third level, these are the legendary hunters, gourmets and gourmet demons. People like Setuno are all in this level.

“After that it’s the same level.

"Because no one at this level is my opponent, at most they can fight.

"So you understand, as long as Yilong doesn't come out to chase me and chop me down, there's nothing they can do to me if I stand in front of the IGO and urinate."

Shi Meng shook his head, this was not a level he could understand anymore.

Blue Nitro is indeed very strong, but the growth period for these guys is too long.

The white ghost, Acacia, Ichiryu, Jiro, Midora, leader slime, Hachio, and Gioia in Toriko's body are the ones who stabilize Blue Nitro.

Above the Eight Kings, even Joya has the ability to explode stars.

Although Blue Nitro is sowing seeds everywhere, they are still far away from exploding stars.

"Forget it, your level of strength is beyond my comprehension.

"Look at what you gained this time."

Bai Zhu didn't have any ink marks, so he showed all the harvest. Looking at the piled ingredients, Shi Meng was also dumbfounded.

Bai Zhu's transactions have always focused on quality, not quantity.

But this time, the number of times has all improved. These ingredients have never been heard of before.

"How about these? These are ingredients that have never appeared before. Do you have the confidence to sell them?"

Shi Meng gave himself a big mouth, a very loud one.

"I guess, I'm not dreaming.

"How could it not be sold? I'm going to make a fortune this time.

"This is an ingredient in the gourmet industry. Ingredients in the gourmet industry are extremely expensive if they leak out. In addition to being delicious, they are also rare.

"This kind of rarity not only shows status and wealth, but also has very strong scientific research value.

“So as long as it is produced in the food industry, it is a first-class and popular product.

0Please ask for flowers………………

"With this batch of goods, I can already imagine a situation where the money is so much that 1 is followed by 0, but do you really want me to handle all these ingredients at one time?"

"Then why don't you introduce a few more to be your competitors?"

Shi Meng waved his hand, saying that he could eat all the goods himself, and Bai Zhu didn't need cash, which was too friendly for him.

There are not many opportunities like this, and he can't let this opportunity slip away.

“No, no, I can do it perfectly by myself!

"Give me a copy of your icon so that I can introduce it to others. Otherwise it will be embarrassing if I don't even know about it. We have to fight a well-prepared battle.

"This is an ingredient in the food industry, so we have to be very confident."

This is the first time Bai Zhu knows that Shi Meng is so excited.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you know it's an ingredient in the food industry, the rest is very important.

Shi Meng suddenly became serious.

"Very important!

"I don't know what you think, but your reputation should be heard throughout the mainland.

"You may find it very troublesome, but it is very useful to this world. The appearance of a top hunter is good news to people who don't have enough to eat.

“The emergence of more ingredients will replace the previous high-priced ingredients.

"In this way, merchants will slowly deregulate many of the previous ingredients, and prices will gradually decrease.

“In this way, people who are not full will gradually become full.

"This is also the original intention of IGO to recruit Gongbu Hunters. Toriko can feed many people by herself and discover new ingredients, which is equivalent to a lot more food.

"With the emergence of a large number of ingredients in the food world, more ingredients from the human world will flow into the tables of the poor.

"So, with this batch of ingredients, I will definitely make your name known throughout the world."

Bai Zhu looked at Shi Meng blankly, does he still have the heart to help the world and bring peace to the people?

"I didn't see it, you still have such compassion."

"It's not that great, but I come from a poor background. I really hope to become a hunter, but I can only become a businessman.

"I just hope more people can eat, the life of the Yin people is not easy.

"There are three billion people in the food city, and only about half of them are truly glamorous. I can only do my small part."

Bai Zhu nodded, don't laugh at any kind person.

It takes a blink of an eye for a person to become a beast, but to stick to a kind heart, you have to go through many tests. When you see it, you must at least respect it.

"Then it's up to you. I'm not a person with great love, but if I can help some people, I don't mind making something myself.

"After you sell this ingredient, use 10% of the money to do some charity.

"Just think that I was moved by your kindness."

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