Are Food Cells Invincible? Liuku Immortal Thief Teaches You How To Be A Good Person!

36 Bai Zhu Meets Zebra For The First Time, The Problem Brain Circuit Of Problem Children

“You’re back from the food world?

"That's the food world. If you have time, I'll treat you to a meal and have a chat. I really want to know what's going on inside.

"By the way, what are you doing now?"

Shi Meng's voice is always so full of energy, and this guy doesn't seem to get tired.

"I am farming.

"I planted all the vegetable seeds I collected from various places during this period, including those from the Sky Garden, those I encountered while hunting, and all those I encountered in the food industry.

"It just happened to be planted, some fences built, and now I'm fishing."


Shi Meng didn't realize for a while that people like Baihe were actually farming.

"Are you actually farming?"

"Isn't it strange? This is called racial talent. If you don't plant good things at your own door, you feel anxious in your heart, so you plant them.

"Let me see, are you in the Central Wholesale Market or the Food City?"

"Food City."

"That's no problem, prepare good food.

"Remember, don't let me see things like sushi and tempura. These things are worth mentioning. Roasted chicken is not good either. I recently saw a grilled chicken fairy with black fingernails on "May 13". It looks like it is soaked in Fukushima. I have given up on this ingredient.

"Then just give me the address. My helicopter is fast."

Shimeng was also very forthcoming and gave me an address, a gourmet hotel, IGO’s territory, and a place name that Bai Zhu was also very familiar with.

Bai Zhu watered all the fruits and vegetables he had just planted, and then took off directly to the food city.

Aplysia has actually reached the edge of evolution, but his evolution has to go to the sea. Bai Zhu hasn't seen him since he came back, so he doesn't know what's going on.

However, Bai Zhu still left food for him. The nest of the sea hare was in Bai Zhu's house, and no one could enter except him.

In one day, Bai Zhu had arrived at the Central Continent.

This place is so lively, and every time Bai Zhu, the food court, has to sigh, this thing is really incredible.

Bai Zhu's habit is to get off the bus in the suburbs.

While walking on the road, Bai Zhu saw a car, and there was an acquaintance in the car, Ying!

Smart clothes, hair cut short, very cool.

Now she is completely like a big sister. The three cars are traveling together, and the remaining people are obviously Sakura's subordinates. These people are all capable hunters.

People's fate is so magical. It has only been more than a year, and Sakura has matured into a completely different person from before.

Bai Zhu took a deep breath and entered the city happily.

He seems to have influenced many people, and the world has gradually left its mark.

"Boss, there was a very handsome young man looking at me just now and laughing. Boss, your momentum is getting stronger and stronger now."

Sakura said nothing, very cold.

"Boss, that person just now... seems like the person you were hanging on your necklace, boss."

Sakura turned sharply to look at her little brother.

"Yes, it's really similar."

Sakura stretched out her head and looked behind the car. Except for her two younger brothers, there was no one else.

"Boss, I really saw it just now, I swear."

"You saw it when you saw it. No one can stop Bai Zhu from going anywhere. At least I didn't embarrass him.

The subordinates stopped talking. If someone is more awesome than the boss, what else can he say?

When we arrived at the gourmet hotel, Shi Meng was already waiting at the door.

"What's the matter? You're so happy."

"I met an acquaintance. I remember that when we first met, she was still dodgy and had to pretend to make a living, but now she has a younger brother. She is very cold surrounded by three younger brothers in cars.

"It's always a joy to see an old friend change for the better."

Shi Meng made a gesture of invitation: "Of course that is a great thing, and I, an old friend, am very happy to see you.

"Let's go, the food is ready."

Bai Zhu and Shi Meng got in the elevator and went straight to the top floor. This was Shi Meng's style. This guy liked the top floor very much when eating. The higher the place, the more he enjoyed reading.

"Don't let Dabisong touch me. You can just eat the food he cooks. Don't give it to me."

"I will kill people, and I mean what I say."

Shi Meng scratched the back of his head and smiled a little awkwardly: "You know everything."

"It shouldn't be, Coco knows what I'm capable of.

"The divination thing is not that big to me. You actually invited me, so people I don't like should not show up, right?"

Shi Meng nodded.

I originally thought that I would just let Komatsu cook the food and not show up.

After all, Komatsu is a 6-star chef, and letting him cook is the most sincere thing. Qin He is so contradictory.

When we reached the top floor, the four heavenly kings were all there.

When Zebra met Bai Zhu for the first time, he felt a little disappointed.

He is about the same height as Sunny, less than 1.9 meters tall. He is not even as strong as Toriko. He can be a master.

"Hey, you know the people here.

"As for this one, he is Zebra, the strongest among the Four Heavenly Kings. He has just been released from prison. This is the first time you have met. He is a... pretty good person."

"Guess what I'm thinking."

Zebra looked at Bai Zhu fiercely. Zebra had a very abnormal ability, which was hell ears. These things were so subtle that they could tell whether the other party was lying.

Zebra heard Bai Zhu say such words, and then he couldn't hear any sound anymore, "It seemed like he had disappeared."

Zebra's expression changed, and the other three could see it.

There are not many people who can make Zebra change their temper just by meeting him, but Bai Zhu can actually do it.

Bai Zhu still smiled: "Zebra, you are really ugly? You are so strong, it would be a pity not to pick up excrement."

Bai Zhu sat down on his own, and everyone else sat down, except Shengbula who didn't stare at Bai Zhu.


Toriko panicked, this is not a place for fighting.

"It's okay, he simply can't hear the sound, especially he can't tell whether I exist at all, which is very scary for a person who is very sensitive to sound.

"Now, I heard the flowers."

Zebra shook his head violently and heard it this time.0

"Hahaha, you are so interesting."

"You're not bad either, sonic attack is indeed a very good direction.

“I also know a lot of people who use sonic attacks.

"There are those who use the sound of the harp. As soon as the eight notes of the heavenly dragon come out, people in the world die in intoxication.

"There is also the lion's roar, the three-headed lion roars in three generations, and the Prajna Festival of the Demon King of All Realms.

"There is a roar of the heavenly dragon, and the roar of the heavenly dragon will last for hundreds of generations.

"The rest of Fuxi Shen Tian Xiang and Yama Wang San Guang Xiang, etc., are all the world-destroying Guang.

"This is the first time I have seen such a reckless sonic attack of yours. Have you considered taking a literary direction, such as playing the pipa?

"Don't think so, bitch. Among the four heavenly kings, the king of the Eastern Kingdom, Demon Rihai, is much bigger than you, and he only uses a pipa."

Zebra's abilities are the most balanced. Choose the one with the highest ceiling among these four, and Bai Zhu will definitely choose Zebra.

But there is no way, Toriko's bloodline is too strong, "Hambra is destined to be inferior."

"Hahahaha, I don't even know.

"But I know you are a strong person, and I like to fight with strong people."

Zebra's mouth opened a slit, and he was very ugly. His smile now really gave off a sense of cannibalism.

"Fight with me? Are you sure?

"Everyone I have fought with has died. The last person I had to fight with was Gu Linbachi.

"I slashed him with my sword, only two-thirds of his body was broken into pieces.

"I turned against him, but I didn't expect that he recovered quickly. This time he dared to fight me. I couldn't hold back and smashed him to pieces with a sword.

"Do you want to try? Or... you can take a blow from me?"

"Serve the food, serve the food.

"Shi Meng, please hurry up and ask someone to serve the food. If you invite Mr. Bai Zhu to dinner, you can't just sit there."

Coco quickly interrupted the topic. Zebra was a little eager to try, but Coco was afraid that the 0.2 sword would really chop Zebra into pieces.

The four heavenly kings are very strong, but at this stage, who can say that they can definitely win Gu Lin Bachi.

Children don't think about this problem like Zebra, but it can really kill you, so you still need to be cautious.

"Yes, let's serve the food."

"Ten Meng, what do you think I said in the elevator?"

Shi Meng nodded, this matter does not require serious instructions.

"Haha, isn't the food industry amazing?"

Toriko is very simple, go straight to the main body, and there is no need for all the bells and whistles.

"It's okay, the place I went to was just a little dark.

“I thought the height was okay, but it’s still a bit high to jump from, roughly 20,000 pieces.

"The gravity in that place is roughly twenty times that of the human world. As for the monsters I saw, there are no records. I estimate that I have listed them all.

"When I first entered, I encountered two monsters with a capture level of about 150, and the strongest one was probably around level 200.

"I rushed back because I had something to do and didn't go further. The capture level of the scope I explored is 200, which is the upper limit."

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