Arcane Universe

Chapter 385

After killing the chief Qianqimino and his a few hearts, Feng Chou left Natasha and Ferdanda in the tribe and served as his guard.

Next, Feng Chou has treated several high-level sacrifices with the crime of profanation, thoroughly controlling the entire Cantana tribe.

After the tribe, Feng Chou came from the new Pedro collar “Summon” to a large number of people, more engineering connectors, speeding up the temple construction, on the one hand, on the other hand, more powerful shocking tribes. native.

In addition, he also summoned a lot of Knight School’s instructors to re-educate the hunters of Canada tribes.

Feng Chou divides the hunter and Shaman into two parts, part of the twenty-five years old, three viewing, part of the year is under the age of 25, and there is also hope to save.

feng pick requires a hunter over the next twenty-five years, only simple military training, let them understand some military commands.

For twenty-five years old, the more SYSTEM training is performed, and HEIDEGAR’s pain Meditation Method is taught to help these have advanced intermediates, and the body has completed the fierce fierce soldiers to develop their true potential.

After the 10 ordate hunter, after simple training, the instructor of Feng Chou “Summon” took out the human small tribe near the hunt.

There are six large tribes of the hunter island. Cantana is the largest of them. The other five tribes are around three or four thousand people.

These five tribes are located in the resource-rich hunter Lake All Around, and each tribe monks a lake shore as a hunting area.

In addition to these five larger tribes, dozens of small tribes are also distributed on the entire hunter island, and hundreds of thousands of small tribes are scattered throughout the island.

At the forest plain in the north of Canada and the feet of the Northern Mountain, it is distributed over 20 small tribes.

The entire hunter island is approximately irregular, and the length of the things is slightly larger than the north and south. The northern part of the island is a mountain area of ​​1/4 of the entire island. The middle is a vast forest plain, and the south is a large coast. swamp.

Hunter Lake is located in the south of the central plain.

feng chou is temporarily not intended to do five larger tribes to the lake all around, because he offensive these tribes are neither for robbery, not for victory, but for the sake of population, he must do our best to reduce each other casualties In the case of victory, capture the capture.

To do this, you must eliminate the opponent’s resistance in the shortest time in the shortest time.

In order to do this, Feng Chou not only concentrated hundreds of official hunters over the next twenty-five year of the Cantana tribe, but also touched some older and experienced three from ordinary people. The soldiers of Level 4, the “army” of thousands of people, and even have a batch of higher-order ROGUE.

The soldiers of thousands of people above, plus the strength of the Rogue, and the assassination of Rogue, and Feng Chou personally compromised, and the number of people who attacked some people but the indigenous tribes of thousands were naturally handed.

and, under the strong intelligence support of large groups, FENG CHO can also perform accurate daggers, leaving only a disc.

The captive is brought back to the Cantana tribe, and it is scattered in the captive camp around the temple. They have a busy steel giant on the site every day in addition to in the vicinity. . The Everyday ALL will get a delicious dinner from “God of God”. Someone will give them great greatness of True God Wana Kuia.

Because of its lack of religious talents, those responsible for publicity are actually a smart robot manufactured by Universe Pagoda.

After coming to this Primordial Islands, Feng Chou’s scruples have a lot less.

Under the impact of the steel giant, under the sound of the emotion, it is a professional religious brainwash, and these simple indigenous doors have almost no resistance, I believe Vanna Kuia is True God, their Totem is pseudo God, fake God’s statement.

1 Month Later, the first first declared oracle, any captive, as long as it became God’s believers, it could got redemption and became a member of the Cantana tribe. All prisoners, in addition to a few shaders, almost no one hesitate, conversion to Wana Kuia.

After half a year, an indigenous eye should only exist in the goddess, and it is a plain of the Cantana tribe in the northern part of the Cantana tribe.

The Temple is a average tens of meters of Cluster Of Paaces, and the main god hall of Wana Kuia Divine Idol is more than 50 meters. The footprint of the entire palace is larger than the area of ​​the Cantana tribe.

Between the temple group and all arrone is the giant grand plaza paved by Han White Jade. Native does not even dare to go to this square, they only dare to knew in the square All Around and kissed the Han White Jade floor.

After the end of the Temple, Carrim, that is, Feng Chou, the Tanna Kuya god in Human World’s Spokesperson, the hunting church, the hunting church, the hunting church, the hunting the temple.

Looking at Carrim can wear a gorgeous robes, in the goddess, the toes walked into the temple, sitting on the gorgeous throne next to Divine IDol, and the indigenous people sent a shock Cheers seem to be with honor, and Carrim’s reputation will immediately reach the vertices.

Cheers such as the mountains such as the sea, all arrone, and there is no more than four or five thousand people in the original Cantana tribe.

In this half year, Feng Chou personally brought the team, and the tribe of the Northern Cantana has been cleaned once, and these tribes have been in the captive camp of Cantansa, less than one month. Then Half A Month is transformed into a devout believead in Vana Kuia, and the tribe member of Cantana.

In this short half year, the population of Cantana has increased to more than 20,000 people.

After the temple completed, Feng Chou took the engineering team Divided Into Two into the forest, and part of it left in the camp.

The task of entering the forest’s engineering team is to build a road to the Northern Mountainous area. This general length is about one hundred kilometers. In order to facilitate the quarry from the mountainous area, the road will repair from the north.

The starting point of this highway is near a mine vein in the mountainous area, and the road will extend a road from 30 kilometers from the mountainous area, and there will be a black stone mineral layer under the end of the road.

The task of the engineering team left on the lakeside site is also very heavy, they have to build a small town of lake-centered lake-centric lakes.

These two projects are more than the previous temple project, and more trivial, Feng Chou dispends a lot of young labor, distributing the engineers of the two engineers from the ordinary department.

feng Chou re-“Summon” has two batches of artisans, a batch of shipyards and terminals in the lakeside site, and another group will build a school in the back of the temple.

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