Arcane Universe

Chapter 359

In addition to Green Dragon, Feng Chou has collected Innate Talent Excellence in the year, and finally started to have a fruitful results and started to have high-level professional.

feng Chou Associates the first batch of more than ten high-level professional people in Merchant Ship Fleet, and cultivated exercise in the deputy of the important positions of each ship.

After more than three years, the land opened on Green Dragon is close to 300,000 mu, these farmland have been cultivated in several years, most of them have become a bite, but there are more than 6,000 Green Dragon in the island. The belly is in that food is still unable to reach the balance of payments. Every year, Pagoda Universe must take out the tenant food supplement territory.

After the harbor, town, castle, road, reservoir … etc. After these infrastructure is completed, Feng Chou began to turn the engineering team to the coastal area of ​​the island, and the coastal embankment surrounded by a quarter coastline surrounded by the island has become the current Key projects.

Wait until this anti-wave embankment is repaired, the Dike and Mountain Ran will fully protect the south half of the island. In that time, Feng Chou can open more than 200,000 mu of land in the coastal area, let Green Dragon Island To reach the scale of the count, wait until the time, Feng Chou intends to collect a group of Talented Youngster and leaders from the North Continent.


Setting up the territory, Feng Chou once again go to the desert island closed door, this Time, he will focus on “transmitting”.

The reason is the main purpose, because in the Fifth Level Spell, in addition to the transmission, there are “Export” and “Master Secret Box”, these two and space-related Spells.

“Export” is not a pure space SPELL. This SPELL actually utilizes the natural exclusion of the main material World to the outer surface organism, by zooming in this exclusion, plus a part of the Space Rule application, Place Biology Immediately Exfers to the SPEll of the back of the original.

“Master Secret Box” is accurately said that it is not a usual SPELL.

Master is the first time to study this Spell, you need to use complex SPELL CEREMONY to take part of the spirit Projection to Spirit Realm.

Spirit Realm is the intermediate plane between the main material World and the outer plane, here is the home of the main material World Deaten soul, the outer plane, especially the creature of the lower part, often come to this intermediate plane Pringing or stealing soul.

Spirit Realm is one of the most tightly related to the primary material, and the power between the two is very weak, one of the most prone to the main material World’s biology.

The other and the main material World Contact this close is the shadow.

The “meditation” that people say is actually just a small part of the Spirit Realm, which is opened by Death God to do Divine Kingdom.

In Spirit Realm, only in the Divine Kingdom in Death God, is an orderly desperation world, elsewhere in Spirit Realm, is a cruel confusion world.

Only God’s believers can arrive in the death, communicate, and contaminated undead, will randomly enter anywhere in Spirit Realm.

Spirit Realm is very unparalleled, much more than the main material World, in most places in Spirit Realm, is all in the wild gray Wasteland.

Master will take part of the spirit Projection to Spirit Realm, there is a big chance to enter the desolate gray Wasteland. At this time, the spirit of the Master can use our Spirit Physique special, sneak into the ground, and use the body Ceremony’s cooperation in the underground A small cave.


, the body and spiritual Projection coincide with Ceremony, close and hide this small cave with SPELL.

CereMony’s final, spiritual Projection will consolidate a space Array in a closed and hidden Spirit Realm small cavern, with Ceremony.

CereMony is completed, the Master can turn on a two-way small space door through the space Array in the Spirit Realm small cavern, take out or put it in Item.

Because of the Ceremony level, a Level 9 mage can only open up one m.2 m-by two meters in the spirit realm, and then the strength of Ceremony cannot be closed and hidden.

Similarly, because the CereMony grade reason, the closed and hidden effect of the secret box can only last for half a year. After more than, the closed and hidden effect will be lost, the secret space may be discovered by Spirit Realm.

Master can hide the SPELL effect by reinforcing or reconstructing the Ceremony or reconstruction.

When the secret space is established, the Master opens the spatial door to the secret space. It is actually just a Level 3 Spell, but the Spell Ceremony, which is a secret space, is a real Fifth Level Magic Ceremony, so This spell is classified into Fifth Level Spell.

For the tyrants and mage secret boxes, feng pick is just a taste, these two spells are too biased, one is not fighting Spell, does not need to sacrifice into INATE SPELL.

He will focus on “transmitting”, “transmitting” is actually a high-order version of any door, and the rules of the transport can find the rules of the transfer. .

and any door is different that the transfer destination of the transmittoscope is invisible, which requires a space road or a precise magic map to be used as a transfer guide.

For security period, the Master will use the exploration of Spell to investigate the destination.

Feng Chou is more smooth, it is only used to seize this rule for a few hours, and after he only took half a year to complete the sacrifice of this SPELL.

In the process of the festival transfer, Feng Chou has changed this Fifth Level Spell, so that the spell will first transmit a SPELL fluctuation before transmitting SPELL, which is used to determine Whether the destination is correct, is it safe.

After using the transfer sacrifice into the Spell, Feng Chou can use the use of transmittance as the excipition, unrestricted use, but because of the destination of the transfer, he is using this Spell Time, you must first use the exploration of Spell to determine the security of the destination, so you can’t continue to be actually active as a SPELL as you can.

feng Chou Long Sacrifice Space Rule, Space Rule is also affecting the innerness of Feng Chou, which makes the inner nature of Feng Chou become more accommodated, which not only makes him to show space The class SPELL is faster, and the Formidable Power is even more easier, and it is easier for his sacrifice SPELL.

This effect will make Feng Chou with some space creatures, let him follow the different space, and can even be free to enter the spatial mezzanine …


6 SPELL, only “Transfer Predict” Space SPELL, which is a six-stage Spell in the Arcane era, mainly in order to cope with the abuse of Master’s airdrop strike strike.

Transmission presence is a CereMony class Spell, showing this Spell, requires a simple CereMony, which takes about more than ten minutes.

CereMony successfully, the subject will get a radio ring that can last twenty-four hours, the basic impact of the aura is 50 meters radius, within this range, the subject can predict SPELL in advance, and Sexual intervention, such as delay transmission time, limited interference transfer purposes.

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