Arcane Universe

Chapter 281

A skeletal golem uses hundreds of bones, thousands of muscle fibers, and thousands of nerves all over the body, all of which must be dealt with by the master one by one. It is too much trouble to refine and cultivate.

So, although the cost of the bone golem is not much different from that of the fleshy body golem, the price is several times that of the fleshy body golem.

But this is not a problem for Feng Chou. Skeleton, muscles, nerves, Feng Chou only need to process a few collected data, and the rest can be done by Universe Pagoda. Anyway, Universe Pagoda is now Just equivalent to a tenth-level mage with infinite spell positions and capable of avatar, it is more than enough to deal with the parts of the bone golem.

Even the stitching operation of the final golem can be completed by Universe Pagoda.

The only thing that can’t be separated from Feng Chou is to hold a magic ceremony to fuse the surgically stitched bone golem into a stable whole.

Because this ceremony is a high-level magic ceremony, the Universe Pagoda is still weak.

The tediousness of making bone golems is all on the body. Once the body is made, the injection of soul and the activation of the golem are no different from the fleshy body golem.

So, for Feng Chou, making a complex bone golem is no different from making the simplest fleshy body golem.

No matter how you look at it, from any point of view, making bone golems is Feng Chou’s best choice.

Actually, when Feng Chou traded with the Devil Viscount Murphys, he had already thought that he could only choose the bone golem in the end, but not as a last resort, Feng Chou really didn’t want to be A pervert who fights a corpse.

During the deal with Morpheus, Feng Chou bought the corpses of many mid-to-high-level demons. This thing is very large in the bloody battlefield and is not worth any money at all. It was given as a gift by Morpheus. Feng Chou.

The corpse of a demon can also be used to make a bone golem, but the processing method is a little different.

After completing the production of the first skeleton golem, Feng Chou was sent to some cities in Owendale, using a small quantity and a large number of times, and sold some special alchemy of the lower planes in a very low-key manner. After purchasing enough materials, he returned to the laboratory, and he immediately started mass production of the skeleton golem and the black steel structure.

Most of the trivial work can be done by Universe Pagoda. Feng Chou only needs to be responsible for a small amount of high-level spells, that is, magic constant and several magic ceremony.

Feng Chou took the time to manufacture some large-scale engineering constructs, and sold them in exchange for funds.

When Feng Chou first developed the new Amberlite collar, the large construction used by the development company he hired was the large engineering construction.

Compared to the combat-shaped structure, the engineering structure can be simplified in many ways. For example, the shell of the engineering structure can use steel essence with lower strength, and there is no need to increase the defensive power. Enchant.

Because the engineering construct does not require strong reaction ability and explosive power, its internal magic circuit is much simpler than the combat construct, and the Austrian copper core can be made finer; the same, because of the reaction power With the reduction of explosive power requirements, engineering constructs have reduced their requirements for soul manipulation, and Fifth Level souls are sufficient; the reduction of soul requirements naturally leads to a reduction in the requirements for soul ceremony, and the required soul crystals. The volume and the circuits related to soul manipulation have to shrink a lot.

These reductions make the cost of the engineering construct less than 30% of the combat construct. The cost of a black steel combat construct is about 600,000 kronor, while the cost of an engineering construct The cost of the body is less than two hundred thousand kronor.

However, because of market reasons, engineering constructs are far less profitable than combat constructs.

A black steel combat construct can be sold for a high price of 2 million kronor, with more than three times the profit, but an engineering construct can only be sold for 400,000 kronor.

This is because the sale and purchase of combat constructs are subject to various restrictions by the government, churches, and wizard organizations. Only aristocrats with territories can purchase combat constructs of the corresponding level, such as Feng Chou In this way, Baron can only purchase the lowest magic wooden structure, and the quantity is also limited.

In terms of sales, only registered constructs in the magic guild system are eligible to sell combat constructs. This leads to the trading of combat constructs just like the arms trade on Earth, although It’s lucrative, but not everyone can play it.

Engineering constructs do not have so many restrictions, and they can be freely traded in the alchemy market.

Although the profit of the engineering structure is low, Feng Chou, with the help of Universe Pagoda spirit, can reduce part of the cost by reducing the proportion of the inner core of the structure and reduce the cost of the engineering structure. It is controlled below 150,000 kronor. Secondly, with the help of Universe Pagoda spirit, he can manufacture engineering constructs much faster than ordinary alchemy workshops, so the profits are relatively considerable.

In an ordinary alchemy factory, even if there are many masters in the division of labor, it takes a large half a month to manufacture an engineering construct on average, but Universe Pagoda can shorten this process to one day!

Feng Chou made black steel constructs and bone golems, and at the same time made some copper core black steel engineering constructs to sell for money back.

In this way, with the increase of the structures and golems in Feng Chou Universe Pagoda, his pocketbook has not decreased, but has increased a lot.

With Universe Pagoda to help him complete the most tedious things, Feng Chou can make constructions and golems at an amazing speed. He can make a golem or construction without even a day.

In just over two months, Feng Chou’s constructs and golems have accumulated to 20 units.

The funds in his hands also increased to tens of millions of kronor through the normal sale of engineering constructs and the secret sale of black steel combat constructs to the black market.

However, Feng Chou took the initiative to end this virtuous circle.

There are many reasons for the end. On the one hand, the frequent high-level magic ceremony makes Feng Chou feel very tired.

In addition, he has frequently visited the black market during this period and used combat constructs, which seems to have attracted the attention of certain forces.

Of course, more importantly, Feng Chou has received some bad news.

Some time ago, in addition to studying the construct, Feng Chou designed and produced several simulation birds with magical abilities by using the newly-added abilities after the upgrade of the Universe Pagoda.

In addition to the functions of sending and receiving electronic signals, these simulation birds can also perform the short message spell spell.

Feng Chou intends to use this simulation bird as a transfer station for the detection of the bird. When the detection bird comes close to the detection, the simulation bird will meet at high altitude and the information that the detection bird will obtain Pass it back to the transit bird at high altitude, and the secondary school bird can pass the received message back to Universe Pagoda from a remote place through SMS.

In this way, he can place the detection birds thousands of miles away to detect and monitor, avoiding the extremely limited communication distance of the detection birds because there is no communication satellite.

Of course, this approach also has great limitations. Firstly, SMS can only transmit language, but cannot transmit image and video signals. Secondly, this requires secondary school birds to have higher intelligence. Analyze and summarize the situation detected by the sparrow.

It is these two limitations that made Feng Chou unable to create such a technical secondary school even if he thought of it before.

Because before Universe Pagoda was upgraded this time, simply could not make a smart chip with such a high level of intelligence.

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