Arcane Universe

Chapter 262

Walking around the street near the pier full of interest, Feng Chou returned to the pier and returned to the Patrick.

On the Patrick, a manager of a commercial company named “Exxon”, with some staff, was checking the cargo, and the second officer Cobert was accompanying them.

Seeing Feng Chou coming back, Colbert hurriedly came to report: “Captain, the value of the goods we brought this time is far more than before. The company we worked with before may not be able to eat, so I found a famous “Exxon”, they are the most powerful trading company in Bao Feng City.”

Feng Chou nodded, handed him a small notebook, and said: “This is the purchase list. Purchasing goods for the return journey.”

Colbert took the notebook and put it in his jacket pocket.

At this time, the manager of Exxon came over, took off the black woolen hat on his head, extended the hand to Feng Chou, and said, “I’m Brady, the senior manager of Exxon. Hall. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Captain.”

Feng Chou reached out and shook his hand, and said, “This is also my honor. I hope the goods I bring will satisfy you. “

Mr. Hall reserved nodded, said: “For now, it’s not bad, I hope we can cooperate happily.”

Feng Chou took the opportunity to point to the fog above the pier. Haze said, “The fog in Bao Feng City is thicker than when I came last time.” He pointed to the small cargo train on the dock and the smoky crane, and said, “It’s because of these guys. The reason? I remember when I came last time, this thing was not so much.”

Hall nodded and said: “I think you are right. The steam engine cannot be operated without Blackstone, and The burning of black stone will produce embarrassing black smoke. According to my experience, the fog in Bao Feng City must be related to this black smoke, because in my memory, the steam engine was not in operation more than ten years ago. When Bao Feng City emerged, it was not at all this long-lasting thick fog.”

Feng Chou shrugged and said: “I don’t understand why you use such filthy things. “

Hall took a look at Feng Chou and asked, “Mr. Captain, are you from Owendell?”

Feng Chou has some unfathomable mystery nodded and said:” Yes, of course, do you still need to ask?”

Hall said: “Then you may have a hard time understanding. Since there is a magic device, why do we use this heavy, noisy and dangerous steam engine. Because We don’t have that many magician. In Sutton, the price of a magic crane is three times that in Owendale, and we need to hire an intermediate mage for long-term maintenance. In Sutton, the magician’s salary is three times that of Owendale. Times, and it’s difficult to invite people.”

“For you, using magic devices is cheap and convenient, but for us Suttons, magic devices are simply expensive Luxury goods.”

“So, we had to introduce a steam engine. Although this thing is bulky and noisy and dangerous, it has a powerful, never-tiring power like the magic device.”

Feng Chou shrugged indifferent expression, and asked: “I heard that this thing was invented by a goblin?”

Hall said: “Yes, twenty years ago, the great Heidegar promulgated the Oracle, and the emperor Your Majesty sent a huge caravan to the southern continent, visited the goblin kingdom, and invited a large number of goblin engineers. “

“When I first started, I was just like you. I couldn’t believe that a dirty goblin could make such a great machine. But now, people in Bao Feng City have been The top hat and the goblin holding the staff of civilization are accustomed to it. They are not the same creatures as their cousins ​​in the wild.”

“The goblin kingdom also set up a consulate in Bao Feng City, and goblin merchants established it in Bao Feng City. For the machinery company that produces steam engines, it is said that the great Heidegar has approved the goblin’s engineering god to preach in the Sutton Empire. Isn’t it funny? Who would believe in a goblin? “

“There is news that the great Heidegar used missionary power to exchange more new technologies for the engineering church. When the god of engineering is built in Bao Feng City’s cathedral, the goblin will help us To build a shipyard capable of manufacturing real iron-hulled ships, and a new-style arsenal, when the time comes, what is speeding on the Xingchen River is no longer a wooden-hulled steamship, but a real iron-hulled ship. “

Mr. Hall is obviously a very talkative person, and quite knowledgeable. As long as Feng Chou starts, he can talk a lot about everything. This makes Feng Chou talk to Saskatchewan. The Sutton Empire quickly gained a general understanding.

The magic power of the Sutton Empire is quite scarce. In Owendale, the Magic Academy is scattered in every city. In Sutton, there are only a few super large ones such as Bao Feng City. There are only cities. Other large and medium-sized cities have only magic schools. Smaller towns do not even have magic schools. This is not because the Sutton Empire does not attach importance to cultivating magicians, but that they do not have that many magicians as teachers.

But in terms of technology, the Sutton Empire is ahead of Owendale. They not only introduced steam engine production technology from the goblin, but also introduced a large-scale ironmaking technology that does not rely on magic. The introduction of train and railway technology, Sutton has even laid two railways with a total length of more than 3,000 kilometers, connecting the two cities with underdeveloped shipping in the south and north of Bao Feng City.

From here With all the signs, coupled with some common sense about the gods obtained from the Arcane tower, the Universe Pagoda spirit even inferred that Heidegar is likely to absorb the god of engineering, the main god of the goblin, into his own god system.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the goblins transferred their technology to the Sutton Empire on such a large scale.

The goblins are a very strange race. They are thin and thin, with an average height of only a meter and four. They are innate talents for warriors. They are much worse than ordinary person. They are very smart and have much higher intelligence than humans. But sadly, their spirit strength is very poor, only 2/3 of humans are stronger, which makes them very difficult. Becoming a mage, even if you become a mage, casting formidable power, speed, level improvement and many other aspects are not as good as human mage.

These flaws force goblins to develop into alchemy, but because of goblin alchemy The level of the division is relatively low, unable to develop powerful magic creations such as golems, constructs, etc., so their alchemy has to be biased towards supplemented by magic, with other techniques as the main direction, such as muskets, such as low-level. Alchemy produces steam engines, such as goblin airships… The early goblin airships are very simple, and magic is only used to heat the air and drive the impeller.

The goblins call their alchemy engineering.


During the Arcane Empire, the goblin civilization was almost interrupted. After migrating to the South Continent and developing hard, until today, a thousand years later, goblin engineering finally bears fruitful fruits, steam engines, iron-hulled ships, and rifled wires. Cannons, revolvers and other weapons and With the invention of tools, the goblin finally got out of the haze of destruction…

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