Arcane Universe

Chapter 196

Nether Soul is a powerful ghost formed after the death of high-level professionals.

Nether Soul not only has the same characteristics of incorporeal creatures, and the same kind of ghosts, but more powerful supernatural powers, they also have more terrifying supernatural powers.

Such as “Horror Wailing”!

This supernatural ability allows Nether Soul to emit a terrifying howl that only the soul can hear, which can make people generate strong fear originating from the soul, so that people can run away or collapse uncontrollably. Only those with extremely strong will can resist this horror. This is a range spell. Creatures within 30 meters of the Nether Soul will be affected by the spell.

“Telecontrol”, Nether Soul can control other creatures through its powerful Soul Power.

“Corrupted gaze”, Nether Soul can inject the spirit strength attached with negative energy into the enemy’s within the body by looking at it. The creature suffering the corrupted gaze will first be directly attacked by the negative energy, and its effect is equivalent to Severe Injury Surgery, secondly, the subject will also be subject to shock attacks against the soul. If the willpower is not strong enough, they will fall into panic or even collapse.

Nether Soul is a terrifying creature with a challenge level up to Level 12.

Feng Chou can ignore the ghosts in the town, but he can’t ignore these Nether Souls, because if he wants to enter the underground magic laboratory of Chapman’s Castle, he must pass through these Nether Soul sites .

Universe Pagoda hovered around the castle. Scanning revealed that there were no less than 30 Nether Souls in this castle.

It’s no wonder that the dignitaries of Casalanka put such a large territory regardless of the territory, not to mention the Evil Spirit in the depths of the castle, these 30 Nether Souls alone are enough to drink a pot in a large temple No, there is no Archbishop-level priest (professional level ten Fifth Level or above) leading the team, two high-level priests above squad and the church Knight opened the way, I am afraid that even Evil Spirit will not be seen.

Feng Chou hesitated in the air for a while, letting Universe Pagoda slowly approach the castle gate.

On the two defensive towers on both sides of the castle gate, there are three Nether Souls entrenched, and there is another one not far from the gate.

When the Universe Pagoda approached forty meters from the castle gate, the four Nether Souls entrenched near the city gate, like a chain reaction, rushed towards the Universe Pagoda.

The four Nether Souls flew more than a dozen meter away towards the Universe Pagoda, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

According to the combat plan made by Feng Chou and Universe Pagoda, once attacked, Universe Pagoda will open a space door to Pagoda Universe between him and the enemy, and create a space door inside the space door. An illusion that is exactly the same as the external environment. This illusion can deceive even the soul vision of the ghost. In other words, the attacker can’t see or feel the changes ahead, and will plunge into the Pagoda Universe unconsciously.

This is how these four Nether Souls stepped into the trap.

Feng Chou rejected the suggestion of reincarnation mirror to decompose Nether Soul and suppressed Nether Soul at the bottom of Universe Pagoda.

The battle plan was successful, and Feng Chou’s confidence immediately increased. He followed suit and tricked a few Nether Souls on the city wall on both sides of the castle gate into the Pagoda Universe.

In this way, Feng Chou cautiously suppressed the Nether Soul on the ground of the castle into the bottom of the Universe Pagoda one by one.

Although Nether Soul can retain part of the memories and wisdom of life, but under the influence of obsession and negative energy, their minds will become extremely crazy, not much better than ghosts who have completely lost their intelligence.

After clearing the Nether Soul on the surface, the Universe Pagoda flew to the castle building.

The purpose of Universe Pagoda was very clear, breaking through the window glass of a room in the 4-Layer building and flying in.

This is a spacious study room. The walls of the study room are full of bookshelves. A large desk is placed behind the window, facing the door of the study room.

The entrance to the underground magic laboratory of the castle is in this study room.

Feng Chou got this information out of Chapman’s mouth.

As Chapman once suggested to Feng Chou, the laboratory of this castle is deep underground in the central square of the castle, and the entrance is in the study of the castle Lord.

Although Feng Chou does not have specific information about the entrance and exit, this is not a challenge to Universe Pagoda.

If it is an ordinary agency, it cannot hide the scanning of the Universe Pagoda, if it is a secret technique lock or a Transmission Formation, it cannot hide the scanning after the Universe Pagoda stimulates the vision of the secret technique.

Universe Pagoda quickly found the secret path mechanism.

A magical hand condensed by a magic trick, pulled out a thick book on the upper shelf of the bookshelf, pulled it out with the book, and a lever for the mechanism.

In a quack of zhi zhi, a Secret Sect cracked on the bookshelf.

Universe Pagoda flew into Secret Sect.

Secret Sect is a small space. The center of the space is an array with a diameter of one meter. This array is almost the same as the short-distance Transmission Formation in the Arcane stump.

Universe Pagoda flew on the array, and after a little hesitation, it inspired the array.

Next moment, Universe Pagoda appeared in a huge library.

At the moment when Universe Pagoda appeared on the Transmission Formation in the middle of the library, five Nether Souls wandering around aimless in the library at the same time gave out an angry howl that only souls can hear, He leaped towards the Universe Pagoda.

After a while, these five Nether Souls disappeared without a trace at the same time.

At this time, Universe Pagoda is only able to scan all around the environment.

This is a circular library with a diameter of more than 30 meters. The all around of the library extends to the top of the wall bookshelves. There is a circular track in front of the circular bookshelf, and a can A ladder that slides along the track. With this ladder, readers can easily get to the upper end of the bookshelf, which is more than five meters above the ground.

The bookshelves are covered with magical power to protect these books from erosion.

Feng Chou did the same, let the Universe Pagoda space door open, and then he overturned these bookshelves one by one into the Universe Pagoda space door.

Soon, the Universe Pagoda Spirit completed a preliminary analysis and sorting out of the new books. He told Feng Chou that these spell books included several primary level and intermediate spell data such as necromancers, spells, alchemy, etc. And a small amount of advanced necromancer spell data.

The middle and low-level materials in this library are far less comprehensive than those in the Arcane Tower, but there are some new spell theories and newly invented spells discovered in the post-Arcane Empire period. These new knowledge give Feng Chou In exchange for more than 30,000 Soul Power.

The advanced necro system information only includes the basic theoretical knowledge of the advanced necro system spell, and a part of the sixth-level necro system spell data.

With these high-level spell data alone, Feng Chou received 6 points of merit and Soul Power in his early years of 300,000.

This undoubtedly makes Feng Chou very excited.

He didn’t think much about it, so Qiankun moved to the next level.

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