Arcane Universe

Chapter 187

Feng Chou opened the document, which roughly described the detective’s process, obtained testimony, evidence, inferences, and conclusions.

To be honest, this report is not rigorous in the eyes of Feng Chou, and he carefully asked about some specific situations Wright encountered during the detective process.

Feng Chou checked out and sent away the detective who was brow beaded with sweat until he was sure that he had drained what Detective Wright knew.

Shortly after Detective Wright left, Feng Chou also left the hotel with the report and went to the real estate investment company named Stoke.

The company affairs officer responsible for receiving Feng Chou looked a little ugly after seeing the detective report Feng Chou handed him.

He asked Feng Chou to wait a while and left the office with the report.

About half an hour later, he returned to the office.

He took a new contract and handed it to Feng Chou. In this contract, the price of Wood Manor was reduced to 500,000 crowns.

Feng Chou, after reading the contract, used a quill pen to cross out the price of 500,000 crowns without the slightest hesitation, and wrote 300,000 crowns.

The clerical officer looked at Feng Chou’s action, and his face became even more ugly. “Sir, you know, this is a mature jazz territory, not a wasteland to be developed. You are simply An insult to our company.”

Feng Chou looked up at him and said, “You really don’t need to be angry. If you can’t accept this price, I can leave now. I have no intention of insulting anyone. I’m in mind, this piece of land is worth the price, and I don’t plan to bargain with you. If you refuse me, I will leave immediately.”

“This is impossible, sir!”

Feng Chou said: “If this investigation report tells me that the scope of the ghost castle is expanding rapidly, or not expanding, I will agree to the price of 500,000 kronor, but this report gives me the worst According to the news, the scope of influence of this ghost castle is expanding very slowly.”

“I think you should understand what I mean. The rapid expansion will inevitably make the Casalanka Council have to exert great efforts. To clear this old castle, if it does not expand, it means that the value of the manor will not fall further.”

“Slow expansion means that the value of the territory will continue to decline until it is enveloped by the ghost castle. , The slow expansion also means that the problem will be solved indefinitely.”

“I urgently need to obtain a manor in Casalanca, but this does not mean that I am willing to throw away my wealth. 30 Ten thousand kronor, if you sell, I want it, otherwise I would rather give up.”

The clerical officer was speechless by Feng Chou. He hesitated and left the office again.

When the ugly-faced clerk returned to the office again, he held a contract of 300,000 kronor in his hand.

Next, Feng Chou, together with the corporate affairs officer, was witnessed by two lawyers, the affairs judge of the Central District Court of Casaranca, and a affairs officer of the Noble Committee of the Casaranca City Hall , Completed the transaction, and got the real estate documents of Wood Manor.

After getting the paperwork, Feng Chou not at all rushed to take back the manor, but still entrusted the manor to Stoker for the high price of one kilogram per month.

The management of a manor is not a simple matter, and it is not something that one person can handle. He needs to recruit steward, clerk, agricultural officer, beneficiary officer, sheriff, patrol team, etc. A series of management and security personnel can maintain the operation of a territory.

Among them, the sheriff and the patrol team are particularly important. Wood Manor is adjacent to the ghost castle, and occasionally it will be harassed by the undead free from the ghost castle. The strength of the sheriff and patrol team should not be too bad.

Company business territories are different from the lord’s business territories. They will not cultivate leaders, who are pure farmers. The company will use various reward and punishment systems to improve farmers’ labor efficiency, but they will never be leaders. The civilians provide fighter training, and they have their own professional armaments to ensure the security of their territories, with higher efficiency and lower costs.

So, if Feng Chou reclaims his territory now, he will get a manor without defensive ability.

For the lonely Feng Chou, taking over a territory of more than ten square kilometers, five-six hundred people, is definitely not something that can be done in a day or two.

So Feng Chou decided to do another thing first.

Early this morning, Feng Chou took a carriage and arrived in the northern part of the city.

Casalanca’s Western Region, Northwest District, Southwest District, and the three districts adjacent to the Owendale River are all Commerce Districts.

Among them, the Western Region is prosperous in business, shops stand in great numbers, and some wealthy businessmen and middle class are willing to live here, so Western Region is considered to be the wealthy area of ​​Casalanca.

There are many factories in the northwest and southwest districts. Most of the civilians who sell labor in the factories live in these two districts, so the two districts are also regarded as civilian districts.

The central district is an administrative district. Administrative agencies such as the Parliament Building, City Hall, and the Casalanca Court of Appeal are concentrated here. Public security is good here. Some urban aristocrats will also buy properties and build villas in this district. , Therefore, the Central District is also considered a half aristocratic district.

The eastern district is a real noble district. Most of the land nobles near Casalanka live in this district, where the strictest law and order is owned by Casalanka.

The northeast area and the southeast area are the secret technique areas of Casalanka. It surrounds the two Arcane Academy. Almost all the alchemy factories in Casalanca are located here. Most of the mages and some make secrets. The merchants in the technique business live here.

In the upper class of Casaranca, few people will mention the southern and northern areas of Casaranca.

Because these two areas are the slum area of ​​Casalanca.

When the carriage passed through the east and west streets separating the Western Region and the Northwest District, the scenery in front of Feng Chou changed drastically.

The wide streets became narrow, and the cobblestone roads paved with alchemical cement turned into gravel roads. On both sides of the street, there were commercial buildings connected to each other, replaced by low grocery shops and factories. The gentlemen in dresses and top hats and the young ladies in beautiful dresses disappeared on both sides of the street, replaced by factory workers in canvas overalls.

Shortly after entering the northwest area, the carriage turned right into an east-west street. It drove a few blocks along the east-west street cultivation. After crossing a north-south street, Feng Chou almost thought he would be again Crossed.

The streets of Stone Road suddenly turned into mud pavements, the roads were bumpy, the low-lying places were filled with muddy sewage, and the two sides of the streets also turned from neat brick houses to rudimentary mud. Blank room.

The buildings here have changed from the neat feeling that Casalanca left to Feng Chou, and become messy. The simple buildings are randomly constructed.

On the streets of other districts, it is often seen riding a horse, wearing a black breastplate, a short cape, a light helmet painted black, and a total of four hanging on the saddle and waist. The mounted policeman with the short musket was also completely gone here.

The speed of the carriage slowed down all of a sudden. After a bumpy ride, the driver didn’t want to go forward anymore. He told Feng Chou that if he continued to go deeper, he would not be able to turn around and come out.

Helpless, Feng Chou had to get off the car and walk.

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