Arcane Universe

Chapter 179

Feng Chou, who was sent to the other end of the Transmission Formation, first saw the tattered ground near the Transmission Formation.

next moment, he could see that he was in a hall similar to the hall on the first floor of Arcane Tower, but this hall seemed to be slightly larger.

Then, the heavy footsteps attracted his attention, and when he saw the thing that made the heavy footsteps clearly, he suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

That is a steel golem, and there is more than one.

These steel golems rushed towards him with unprecedented agility and speed.

Too late to take a closer look, Feng Chou without the slightest hesitation ordered Universe Pagoda to take him in.

With the disappearance of Feng Chou, a white jade treasure tower about one inch high appeared above the Transmission Formation.

The treasure tower lost its support, bang, and fell on the Transmission Formation.

Without the trace of Feng Chou, the steel golem seems to have lost its target, stopped, and after a while patrolling, it retreated to their original place.

Obviously, the Universe Pagoda, which has no magic fluctuations, does not meet the goal setting of these golems.

Seeing this scene, Feng Chou was relaxed. Although the Universe Pagoda spirit blew himself up into the sky, he still had no confidence that Universe Pagoda would not be crushed by such tons of iron bumps. .

At this time, Feng Chou has the opportunity to carefully observe all around through the scanning horizon of Universe Pagoda.

He first turned his gaze on the steel golems. They are different from the steel golems he has seen. The appearance of these steel golems is more lean, unlike ordinary steel golems. It’s as clunky as it looks.

Each golem carries two huge broad-bladed swords on the back. When they walked towards Feng Chou just now, they pulled out the double swords from behind and held them in their hands. It was obviously them. Of combat weapons.

The strangest thing is that the appearance of these golems shows a thick golden red instead of the color of steel. This color is very similar to the legendary higher Arcane alloy “Austin”. Is this The golem is made by Aogang?

“What are you kidding me!”

Feng Chou thought, this thing is more than three meters high and weighs several tons. If it is Austrian Steel, the material alone is probably worth several thousand. Ten thousand kronor.

Thinking about this, Feng Chou looked around the hall and said in his heart: “There are ten of these things in this hall. Mage-level Mage Tower, or a new small city has been built.”

The scanning radius of Universe Pagoda is about 50 meters, and the radius of this hall is slightly smaller than this.

Except for the broken copper and iron near the Transmission Formation, the magic chandeliers overhead, and ten strange iron and steel golems, there is no extra furniture or ornaments in the hall, and it looks very empty.

Around the hall, there are a total of ten gates, and a steel golem stands in front of each gate.

When Feng Chou read the words on the door clearly, all the thoughts of how to escape in his mind disappeared.

The lintels of these gates are inlaid with doorplates, which are written in Owendell:

Arcane Library of the Protection Department

Arcane Books of the Conjuration Department Library

Arcane Library of Prophecy Department

Arcane Library of Enchanting Department

Arcane Library of Plastic Energy Department

Illusion Technique Department of Arcane Books Library

Necronomicon Arcane Library

Change Department Arcane Library

Gold Element Arcane Library

General Department Arcane Books Pavilion

Looking at these house numbers, some common sense about Arcane Tower suddenly came to his mind.

According to the Arcane tower design practice during the Arcane Empire, the first floor of the Arcane tower is the living room, the second floor is the apprentice library, the third floor is the material storage room, and the 4-Layer is the four element pools… …

And here, it should be the second floor of Arcane Tower, so this should be the apprentice’s library.

Thinking of this, after the initial excitement, Feng Chou began to suffer from gains and losses again. What if these apprentice books are the same as the mage tower of the Antalia mage school and only have low-level spell materials?

Immediately after Feng Chou couldn’t help but bitterly laughed, I should first worry about how to get over these big iron bumps.

Feng Chou frowned and looked at the steel golem standing in front of every library like Divine Idol, and asked the spirit of Universe Pagoda beside him, “What are your ideas?”

Universe Pagoda Ling said: “After calculation and deduction, only one combat plan with a success rate of more than 50% has been obtained.”

Feng Chou said: “Tell me.”

Universe Pagoda Lingdao: “Open the space door of Unicom and Pagoda Universe, use you as bait to attract the golem into Pagoda Universe. As long as you enter Pagoda Universe, my Dingkun Shenguang can easily suppress them.”

Feng Chou frowned: “Are you sure? The Universe Pagoda won’t be ruined by these big iron bumps?”

Universe Pagoda said: “I’m sure, although the rules of this World are different, from me According to the data currently known, the energy level of this World is not higher than that of the Milky Way World, and from the kinetic energy generated by the movement of these steel golems, I have also calculated that it is far less than the amount of suppression of Dingkun Shenguang.”

“Moreover, I believe that in Pagoda Universe, in my home court, my Dingkun Shenguang can suppress his Primal Chaos Domain.”

“Primal Chaos Domain?” Feng Chou Asked rhetorically.

“Yes, an extremely chaotic domain, just like the unopened world of chaos. In this extreme Chaos Domain, any orderly force, such as magic, such as the divine technique, Will be suppressed, that is, no spell can be used in this field.”

Feng Chou said: “You mean, these golems not only have magic immunity, but Produce a certain range of anti-magic field? How large?”

Universe Pagoda said: “Yes, according to the name of this World, it is anti-magic field. The radius is 30 meters.”

Feng Chou looked at the golem not far away, muttered: “This is not the ability that ordinary golems should have.”

Universe Pagoda said: “These are definitely not ordinary steel golems. From the analysis of the kinetic energy when they were running just now, their power is more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary steel golems.”

Feng Chou hearing this, can’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air, which is better than steel. The golem is more than ten times stronger? You know, the steel golem is already the strongest golem in the spell data Feng Chou knows!

This time, Feng Chou has no idea whether the Universe Pagoda can suppress this golem.

Looking at the cold and beautiful golden red golem blankly, Feng Chou suddenly remembered another question, “You said this golem can release the anti-magic field, then the anti-magic field will not Will suppress the space door opened by Universe Pagoda. Isn’t the space door also magical? If it can be suppressed, then your combat plan is simply unrealistic.”

Universe Pagoda said: “No, Pagoda Universe Zhang The ability to open to the outside is not magic. It is the instinct of the Smaller Thousand Worlds of Pagoda Universe. For Pagoda Universe Small World, opening the space door to the main world is just like opening our mouths to the human world. If we follow this World According to the method of classification, opening the space door is a special ability of Pagoda Universe Small World, which is not suppressed and affected by the Forbidden Domain.”

Feng Chou hearing this, don’t worry.

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