Arcane Universe

Chapter 171

Most of the missions here are reconnaissance missions. The Benedict family has already drawn a map of the entire territory through flying techniques, and has marked locations that may contain wild animals.

Because of forest coverage, small wild animal camps are difficult to spot from the air, but large camps cannot hide from aerial surveillance.

In the entire Benedictine Plain, there are hundreds of large wild animal camps on tens of thousands of square kilometers of land.

Of course, there are other types of tasks, such as cleaning up some wild animal camps near the camp.

One of the reconnaissance missions that aroused the interest of Feng Chou and Stewart was one of the reconnaissance missions. This mission required reconnaissance and clearing a road to Arcane’s ruined tower from the periphery of the polluted land in the center of the plain. .

Of course, what attracts Feng Chou is that this mission can directly reach his ultimate goal of coming here, and what attracts Stewart is the high reward of this mission.

At first sight, Feng Chou and Feng Chou decided to choose this task, which was different, Shi Duhua seemed a little hesitant.

In the mission description, in that polluted land, there are terrible ghouls hidden. Ordinary ghouls are still that’s all. What’s more terrifying is that there is a ghoul leader among them. It is a high-level undead creature that is extremely difficult to deal with.

In the evening, Stewart held a meeting to discuss whether to accept this task. The reward for this task is very generous. As long as the mercenary squad that accepts the task can arrive in the central town at the scheduled time, You can get a piece of land development rights slightly larger than Knight’s, worth 30,000 kronor!

It only takes half a month to make such a large sum of money. This is a lucrative task rarely encountered in the history of Salma’s sword mercenary squad.

But the rewards of the mission are rich, and the danger is also huge.

Stewart was very excited, but Porter and Owen, the two older deputy commanders, were very opposed to it, and Phil strongly suggested to accept this task. Natasha also be eager to have a try, the others are divided into factions and support these people respectively.

Just as everyone was arguing, Feng Chou stood up, he patted his hand, and said, “I don’t want to interfere with your decision, but the wise Baron gave me some supplies before I set off. I think you might want to take a look.”

Feng Chou stepped forward and put the backpack in his hand on the rough log table in front of everyone.

He opened the backpack and revealed a pack of scrolls.

He took out a scroll casually and said: “This is the’Holy Flame Strike’ spell scroll…This is the’Necromancy Technique’ scroll…This is the’Right Qi as Rainbow’ scroll… …This is the’Death-proof Formation’ scroll,…this is the’holy light Huiyao’ scroll…”

The mercenaries looked at the piles of scrolls with shocked expressions.

Stewart asked in surprise: “Does Amberit Baron know anything in advance? Why didn’t he remind us in advance.”

Feng Chou said: “No, Baron is here Casalanka’s social circle is very narrow, and he doesn’t know more than us, but he used to be a mage apprentice. He knew what would happen to an Arcane tower that lost the upper positive energy pool and caused a negative energy imbalance. According to Baron’s original words, that will create a piece of earth on earth.”

“He said that in this development, the most important enemy will be the undead, so he prepared these. As for why not tell you in advance , Because he was not sure about this, so he prepared these scrolls in advance and let me bring them.”

Stuart Frowns, looking at the scrolls, asked: “What is the price?”

Feng Chou said with a smile: “Of course it is calculated according to the outside market price, the amount used is counted, and finally it is calculated together in the transaction amount.”

The mercenaries are hearing this relaxed , Stewart said with a slight smile: “Thank Amberit Baron for my generosity.”

Feng Chou certainly knows what the mercenaries are afraid of. They are afraid that Feng Chou will use these scrolls to kill them again. One cut, just like the Benedict family did.

Stuart looked at the scrolls and asked another question: “Sir, how do you use these scrolls.”

Feng Chou pushed the scrolls towards each other and said: “This Of course it should be arranged by you. You only need to return the rest to me at the end.”

Hearing this answer, the mercenaries all showed excitement, and Stewart was about to distribute the scrolls as needed. After finishing a part of it, he returned the remaining 2/3 reels to Feng Chou, saying, “Okay, these are enough. I don’t want to wait until I finally reach Arcane’s ruined tower town and count this gain. At the time, my brothers told me that it was used up on the road.”

Stuart’s rare humor caused everyone to laugh.

But what he said is also the truth, the total value of the intermediate spell scrolls of this backpack is definitely more than 30,000 kronor.

Received a targeted scroll supplement, Potter and Owen are no longer opposed to accepting this task.

And Stewart is also very confident. He proposed not only to accept this task, but also the most difficult and most rewarding reconnaissance and clearing route, which is the route along the river. .

Generally speaking, where there is water, life is the most prosperous place. Life is prosperous. On the one hand, more undead will be transformed. In addition, life has a great effect on undead, especially ghouls. Appeal.

This road is undoubtedly more difficult, but the rewards are also the most generous.

After a lot of heated discussions, Stewart made a final decision and the meeting came to an end.

Actually, Feng Chou is opposed to this kind of senseless adventure. For him, as long as he can reach Arcane Tower, of course, the safer the better, but under the current circumstances, he is not good. Speak again.

In the morning of 2nd day, Stewart went to the stone castle hall and took the most difficult task.

After accepting the task, the Salma team was not at all anxious to set off. They made full preparations based on their previous experience.

Tent, dry food, water, each supplement must be carefully prepared, such as dry food, choose roasted hard and salty dried meat, and dry bread roasted with chopped vegetables, tent selection is simple and light They also bought expensive holy water…

After a day’s preparation, early in the morning on the 2nd day, they hired a clipper to go straight to the starting point of this mission. The periphery of the contaminated land and the northern bank of the confluence of the Lower Benedictine River.

After getting off the boat, everyone started a fire in the woods.

Because there is no ready-made dock, the mercenaries have to go to the underwater boat. They need to dry the wet pants and footwear first.

After drying his pants and footwear, and simply eating lunch, the mercenary group began to march into the corrupt forest of the Polluted Land.

On the periphery of the polluted land, there is a circle of withered forest belts about several kilometers wide. The trees here are dead and animals are rare. It is completely in the state of a restricted area of ​​life.

But passing through this forest belt, Feng Chou found that the plants have gradually recovered their vitality, but the plants here are obviously different from the surrounding ones.

The branches and leaves of the trees here show a kind of uncomfortable dark green, the trees are covered with slippery lichen-like things, which look a bit disgusting, and the weeds on the ground show a kind of gray green. It looks like a sick plant, but it grows very vigorously.

The number of spiders, mice, beetles, snakes and other insects among the weeds is abnormal.

Fortunately, these poisonous insects are not a threat to mercenaries wearing enchanted boots.

The air in the forest is also full of a corrupt, disgusting smell.

Along the way, the mercenaries saw many sick animals operating in the corrupt forest. They are herbivores attracted by the luxuriant plants in the corrupt forest, numerous spiders, beetles, and rats. And carnivores.

These animals attract animals that feed on them again…

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