Arcane Universe

Chapter 138

Looking at the bartender disappearing at the corner of the stairs, Feng Chou turned his head back to hold up the wine glass and tasted the Casalanca gin in the glass.

Feng Chou couldn’t help being frowned when the wine was imported. The wine was obviously blended, which was much worse than the wine in the Red Lion Pub.

Putting down the wine glass, Feng Chou waited for about one minute, then suddenly got up and walked outside the pub.

Out of the tavern, Feng Chou suddenly incarnation soared into the sky for a long time, hovering over the hotel for a week, and landed on the roof of the hotel.

In the tavern, Master Brand rushed down from upstairs. Holding a torn envelope and a few photos in his hand, he rushed down the stairs and looked around in the tavern, as if What are you looking for.

Soon, the bartender who went upstairs to deliver the letter also ran down the stairs. He glanced around in the tavern, and his face immediately showed an annoyed look, cursing: “Damn it, I knew it. This damn liar, he still owes me ten crowns!”

Listening to the bartender’s complaint, Master Brand rushed out of the tavern, and the street outside was very quiet and dark, half a ghost. There is no shadow either.

The disappointed Brand returned to the tavern, where the bartender was still cursing and complaining. He stepped forward and threw him a little Golden Lion, which immediately made the bartender smile.

Bland sat in front of the bar, taking out the photos in the envelope one by one, and asked the bartender: “What does the person delivering the letter look like?”

The bartender frowns recalled: “He…he was ordinary…maroon hair, freckled face, nothing special, he was relatively burly, taller… wore a black coat with The black wide-brimmed hat…that’s all.”

Bland took out all the photos and looked at it, and finally he pulled out a piece of letter paper.

The letter was scribbled and briefly read: “Elton has been wiped out, please leave quickly.”

After reading the letter, put the letter paper into the envelope calmly , Brand looked up at the bartender, and asked with dissatisfaction: “That’s it?”

The bartender grasped the gold coin all of a sudden, and said, “Yes, he is like this. “

Bland seemed a little dissatisfied, he waved at the bartender, turned and walked towards the stairs.

After going upstairs, Brand hurried to the door of Willie’s room and knocked on the door hastily.

Willie quickly opened the door.

Bland walked into the room and handed Willie the envelope in his hand.

Willie took out a few photos and looked at them, and they were stared wide-eyed.

After reading the photos, Willie looked up at Brand and asked: “This…this is not fake, right?”

Bland shook his head and said:” It should be impossible. These photos are long-term perspectives. Even the Illusion Technique masters of the Grandmaster Rank can’t do such a large-scale Illusion Technique.”

“Grandmaster Rank” refers to professionals with a fifth level or above. .

Willie hearing this was a little frightened, and asked: “Then what shall we do?”

Brand pulled out a text messaging scroll from the scroll pack and said: “First Try using SMS. If you can’t reach Elton, then we’ll send and leave immediately!”

Without waiting for Willy’s response, Brand inspired the SMS in his hand. reel.

After a while, he said: “Spell failed! We must leave here now and take these photos back.”

Willie panicked nodded, Brand took out another one. Supporting the scroll, reaching out to hold Willie’s shoulder, stimulated the spell on the scroll.

A magical light flashed, and the two disappeared in the guest room…

After a while, a blue owl fluttered from the roof of the hotel and directed towards Baron not far away. The castle flew away.


In the wee hours of the morning, Amberit Baron received a message from the ogre camp. A group of people from Antalia el Chamber of Commerce spied on the food trade, and They intercepted and killed the coachmen and guards who were transporting food, but these people were later discovered by the Black Fist priests who received the food and they counterattacked and eliminated them.

This news made Baron slightly relaxed. He immediately sent someone to conduct a surprise inspection on the grounds of suspecting Brady Chamber of Commerce’s wilderness trade. It turned out that the Chamber of Commerce owned All the upper-level members disappeared, only some ordinary coachmen and mercenaries remain.

Because the news sent by ogre is very general, Baron Amberit did not know that Brady Chamber of Commerce has two fish that escaped the net have escaped.

Relaxed Amberit Baron remembered the pain of losing his son again. He spent the whole day in the dungeon, torturing Hogan.

Although Amberit Baron hates Hogan most, he does not intend to let go of the other man who conspired with Hogan to kidnap his son, that is, the mercenary Allen in Hogan’s mouth. .

He contacted the Ogre Warlord through the crystal ball and asked him for Hogan’s tracking ring.

That night, the Ogre Warlord sent a human Rogue and sent the tracking ring.

Amberit Baron tried to track Feng Chou, he naturally impossible success, because Feng Chou was hiding in the Universe Pagoda at this time.

Thinking that the mercenary Ellen had already gone far away, Baron was a little disappointed and left the ring in his hand.

In the morning of 2nd day, Baron had breakfast and came to the torture room again.

What is annoying is that the torture of Hogan was just warmed up and was interrupted. A voice suddenly rang in his ear, “Lord Xia Zuo, I am Moran, and the camp was suddenly hit. The raid was the Knight regiment of the church. There were several churches. They suddenly appeared around the camp in the early morning. Warlord Gotes could not stop them. We were surrounded. Lord, help me take care of the small competition. You promise. Pass mine…”

The news that was sent to his ears by SMS made Amberrit Baron as if was struck by lightning. He solidified on the spot, and he didn’t get it for a long time. Fortunately, he was originally sitting on a chair, looking at the tortured Hogan who was hovered between life and death in a daze, but no one noticed his abnormality.

Amberit Baron, who came back to his senses, only felt cold all over. The camp of the ogre bandit was entrenched next to his territory. There was food he sent in the camp, even idiots knew him. Can’t get rid of the relationship.

If it’s a godless world, Baron Amberit can still deny denial, but in a godless world, the priest can use the Fifth Level divine technique “pass divine technique” to determine Baron’s status through the gods. offense.

Furthermore, Baron Amberit also thought that yesterday Ogre had just heard news that the El Chamber of Commerce spy who was tracking the food convoy was wiped out. The camp was raided this morning. Does that mean, Haven’t all the spies of Chamber of Commerce been wiped out?

“If that’s the case, surely the other party already has evidence of collusion with Ogre?”

Thinking of this, Amberit Baron couldn’t help shaking.

Some of the Knights beside him noticed Baron trembling, but they all thought Baron was thinking of his dead son.

After a long time, Baron finally calmed down a bit. He struggled to get up from the chair, and walked towards the door of the torture chamber with trembling legs.

People as it should be by rights understood Baron’s weakness and tremor as a yearning for his son.

Walking to the door, he seemed to think of something, and turned around instructed: “Kill him!”

No need to explain, people naturally know that this “he” refers to Hogan .

Even if you are a torture expert, facing a pile of rotten meat, you still have no way to start. Hearing this command, it is naturally relaxed.

Even Hogan’s non-human face, the only eyes that can express emotions, also revealed a trace of joy!

Baron’s personal attendants are also relieved, and finally don’t have to watch the disgusting on-site torture.

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