Arcane Universe

Chapter 107

Early in the morning on 2nd day, Feng Chou withdrew the Bat Familiar, and after rescinding the contract, he signed the Goshawk Familiar again.

He went downstairs for breakfast, bought some dried meat, left the tavern, and left the town through the north gate.

Feng Chou has long thought about how to deal with the traitor Hogan.

The reason why he had to take over the task of destroying the goblins was related to a plan he had conceived to deal with Hogan.

Goblins are the smartest race to deal with in the wilderness.

Among all the wild races, goblins have the highest intelligence. Many people believe that goblins are not even less intelligent than humans.

But being smart is sometimes not a good thing, because smart creatures are often more selfish, slippery, and lacking courage. In the wilderness, most of the time, brutality is more useful than smart.

Goblins are such creatures. Compared with the jackals, their individual strength is poor, they are too smart, and all of them are selfish and cunning. They can only fight downwind. If the enemy is stronger, they will collapse. Escape.

The basic physical fitness of goblins is worse than that of humans. Their average height is nearly 30 cm shorter than that of humans, and their weight is only 2/3 of that of humans. Even if they are trained as warriors, the ceiling is higher than that of humans. Humans are much shorter.

It is not difficult for humans to reach Level 3 after formal warrior training. If they work harder, the overwhelming majority can reach Level 4.

Goblins need very hard training to reach Level 3, and reaching Level 4 requires the support of outstanding innate talents.

But if you underestimate the goblin because of these disadvantages, you will fall in the sewer someday.

Being smart is by no means useless.

Goblins are the wild things that mercenaries suffer most often, and none of them.

If you are just raiding an unprepared goblin camp, it is normal to see a breakdown and escape for your life.

But if the goblin is watching you, or you let the goblin notice your arrival in advance, you will find that there must be a surprise waiting for you if you are prepared.

Raids in the middle of the night, traps, lure the enemy into unfavorable terrain and then close the door to beat the dog… These tactics that humans can play, goblins can play.

Goblins will also domesticate some wild creatures that are more powerful than their own as thugs, such as wolves, and they can even domesticate terrible trolls.

Some goblin tribes with inheritance can also make simple muskets.

Careful is the most important thing to deal with goblins with very high upper limit and very low lower limit.

Feng Chou remembered the goblin’s information in his mind, while crossing the field path and entering the forest.

After entering the forest, Feng Chou not at all was anxious to complete the task. He released his goshawk demon from the Pagoda Universe and let it lead all around investigations in Amberit.

Goshawk flew a circle around the edge of the forest outside the Amborit collar. After that, it expanded its radius and flew half a circle around the territory. When it flew to the northwest of the territory, it approached Veron. When the mountain range was over the forest, I suddenly changed the route and circled around the same place.

Feng Chou, who was walking through the forest, stopped at the same moment, with a look of surprise on his face.

After circling a few times in the low altitude, the goshawk flapped its wings and flew towards Feng Chou.

After taking back the Goshawk Familiar, Feng Chou continued to move towards the position pointed by his mission.

In the camp of the goblin in the mission, Feng Chou’s Goshawk Familiar had already detected it by the way when it hovered around the periphery of the territory.

His luck seems to be good today. This mission did not encounter any moths. It was just a small tribe of less than twenty goblins, in a thick bush not far from the edge of the forest. Several holes were dug to hide.

Feng Chou activated the invisibility ring not far from the goblin dig hole.

Diving into the bushes, Feng Chou asked the Universe Pagoda to open several space doors at the exits of the goblin underground caves, quietly waiting for the rabbits to get up.

It took him a noon time to install all the goblins in this cave into the Pagoda Universe.

Next, Feng Chou left the bushes and followed the edge of the forest to the northwest corner of the territory.

He came to the edge of the forest invisibly, let the Universe Pagoda open a dimensional door to the farmland outside the forest, and then a group of goblins who were frightened in the illusion in the Pagoda Universe were stunned by the farmer in the field. In, rushed into the farmland.

This group of frightened goblins ran around in the farmland, trampled on a lot of crops, and fled back to the forest.

After doing all this, Feng Chou quietly left the crime scene, walked along the edge of the forest, and returned to the place where the goblins were captured before. From here, he left the forest, crossed the field path, and returned Amborit.

In the morning of 2nd day, Feng Chou came to the mercenary union hall on the third floor of the Red Lion Tavern. He was very satisfied to see a new mission in the mission announcement, “The investigation took place in the northwest of the territory. The mad goblin trampled on the wheat field event!”

Feng Chou without the slightest hesitation took this task.

After taking this task, Feng Chou and the union clerk talked about his previous task. There were no goblin corpses, only the empty goblin lair photos as evidence. Can it prove that he has completed the task? Skin for a long time.

Without the key evidence, the union certainly would not agree that he had completed the task. After the clerks repeatedly refused, Feng Chou left the union angrily.

Out of the union hall, Feng Chou left the Red Lion Tavern. The Red Lion Tavern does not operate breakfast.

I bought a loaf of white bread for breakfast in a bakery not far away. Feng Chou left the town from the north gate and went straight to the northwest of the territory.

In the northwestern part of the territory, Feng Chou pretended to visit a few farmers working in the fields, and went straight into the forest.

After entering the forest, Feng Chou released the goshawk demon, and under the guidance of the Universe Pagoda spirit, went straight to the place where the goshawk demon hovered yesterday.

There was a Goshawk Familiar carrying the Universe Pagoda to investigate in the front. Feng Chou let go of his footsteps and dared to run all the way. An hour later, he had penetrated into the forest for more than 30 kilometers, and it was far away. The radiation range of human territory is already the world of wild animals.

At this time, at the reminder of the Universe Pagoda spirit, Feng Chou inspired the invisible ring and slowed down.

Universe Pagoda Ling told him that the destination is already not far.

Under the guidance of the Spirit of the Universe Pagoda, Feng Chou quickly found traces of goblin activity in the vicinity.

For these discoveries, Feng Chou is not surprised at all, because his destination today is a large-scale goblin camp.

Huge wolf paw prints are mixed in the goblin’s footprints.

This is the paw print of a wolf.

Wolves are huge wolf creatures. They are about the same size as horses. They are fierce and smart. They can be domesticated by wild animals with high IQ such as orcs or goblins. They can not only help Goblin hunting, can also serve as a mount, can easily carry a small goblin fast.

This is a wild beast with Fifth Level biological level. When this wild beast and goblins form a wolf cavalry, even the human Knight finds it difficult.

Generally speaking, as long as the goblin tribe reaches a certain size, the wolf will be domesticated.

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