Arcane Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 3024: A treasure that is difficult to replicate

Unfortunately, the field of view after the formation of the etheric boundary has not been significantly improved compared to the previous one in the southern border. The field of view can only be expanded by raising the critical state.

However, considering the speed at which the etheric fog gathers here, it is easier to explore and expand your horizons here than in the south!

After verifying it once at the edge of the overlapping planes, Xia Duo cast a spell to change the spirit state and tried it outside the overlapping area. The result was shocking.

The source points of the spells that created the ether boundary twice were less than ten meters apart. The one outside the overlapping area was no different from the one in the south!

It seems that the bonus effect on the edge of the overlapping planes only takes effect at the edge, and loses effect if it goes a little outside.

Previously, Xia Duo thought that this overlapping area attracted a large amount of ether mist from further away, which reduced the difficulty of forming the spell.

But now the second experiment told him that the outside of the edge is no different from the ordinary area of ​​the etheric plane. Does it mean that the etheric fog only gathers at the edge of the overlapping area of ​​the planes?

Xia Duo was puzzled.

At this moment, the others had almost completed their own verification process. They chatted in low voices in twos and threes, which was considered to be the recognition that what the Seven Pagodas said was true.

But suddenly, Cross asked again: "If this phenomenon is caused by the edge of the overlapping area, can we artificially create such an environment? If so, is it not necessary here?"

"Your question has been considered within the Seven Towers for a long time, but unfortunately, the answer to both questions is no."

The answer this time was still from Horn. He did not hide the Seven Towers' previous position on the ownership of the new dimension. Unfortunately, the situation has changed now, and the existence of the Aether Advance Base forced them to change their position.

"In order to verify the previous question you mentioned, we artificially created a plane overlapping area. The spell bonus is indeed there, but compared to the Aether Advance Base, it is almost negligible.

"We speculated that it might be because of the different sizes of the overlapping areas. Later, we tried to create a larger area of ​​overlapping planes, and the results verified our guess. But-"

Speaking of this, Horn once again showed a regretful expression, "The cost of maintaining a plane overlapping area as large as the Ether Forward Base for a long time is really too high. When there is already an Ether Forward Base, who can What a stupid thing to do!

"And this also answers your second question. Even if there are other ways to obtain the same or even stronger bonuses, the existence of the Ether Advance Base is very necessary! It can save us a lot of costs in future plane exploration. "

After Horn finished speaking, everyone else looked thoughtful.

At this time, Sisley, who had long been very dissatisfied with the native members of the main plane, even asked provocatively: "The Aether Forward Base originally belonged to the Austrian Federation, and now belongs to the Sevington Parliament. Those of us from the Sweetwater Three Planes Members should have the power to use it, right?”


Now that he had decided to admit defeat, Horn was actually very magnanimous and responded directly, "Since the Aether Advance Base is a public resource, the new dimensions discovered with the help of the advantages here should also be a public resource."

Hearing such a clear response from the representatives of the Seven Towers, the three sides of Tianshui and the councilors who originally supported the public ownership of the new dimension all showed smiles of satisfaction.

On the contrary, the faces of the Seven Towers council members, including Horn, as well as the local council members who had previously supported the private ownership of the new dimension, became a little gloomy.

But at this time, no one sang the opposite tune.

Because it is a very simple fact that no one can monopolize the Aether Advance Base. If you insist on it, it is more likely that the Seven Towers will monopolize it.

In this case, let's simply make it impossible for everyone to monopolize it. Anyway, the Aether Advance Base also has public legal origins, and it is reasonable to extend its public attributes to the new planes discovered here.

As for carving up the Ether Forward Base for private use on the spot, it would easily lead to a complete split. The Seven Towers would not tolerate this happening.

Before Plitatis arrived, in silence, the councilors reached a consensus. When Plitatis came with the equipment, Horn took the lead to break the silence:

"Since no one objects, let's make some adjustments to the previous plan and establish a formal plane exploration base here."

Upon hearing this, Plitatis immediately responded, "That's great. In fact, the overlapping area here is not only conducive to plane exploration, but it is also a natural plane hub. In the future, it can be used at a very low cost." The cost is to maintain the transmission channels to various planes here for a long time."

When talking about this, Plitatis was really envious from the bottom of his heart. The cost of building and maintaining plane hubs was high, and even in his hometown, not many could be built.

It happened that the indigenous civilization could encounter such an almost natural dimensional hub. For a moment, Plitatis felt that he was so envious that he was twisted.

In the early stages of plane exploration and development, a plane hub can be built and maintained at low cost, which will definitely increase the speed of development in the future.

Unfortunately, as far as he knew, the overlapping area here was caused by an accidental invasion by a foreign enemy. The whole process was almost impossible to replicate. Otherwise, he might have been distorted and mutated.

Soon, Plitatis completed the demonstration of the creation of the ether boundary under the permanent equipment, which was completely consistent with the results that the MPs had just verified by themselves.

Afterwards, the councilors returned to Sevington to continue the meeting. This meeting was very straightforward, and the construction of the exploration base was almost unanimously approved. Although the subsequent vote on the ownership of the new dimension had some twists and turns, it was finally passed without any risk. .

"All new planes discovered in the future are public resources under the covenant, but the new planes do not restrict personal development, and the parts that have been developed by individuals are still owned by individuals."

The first sentence announced by Badigal was a concession from the previous support for the private camp of the new dimension, and the latter sentence was a compromise from the previous support for the public camp. UU

The implication is that the planes are publicly owned by everyone, but the development results are privately owned. If you have the ability to develop all the planes by yourself, then the council will also recognize that these planes belong to you.

But in fact, Netheril has not even been able to develop all the territory of the main plane, let alone the alien planes that are more expensive to develop!

In the future, the mainstream will probably still be to explore new planes, and individual livable planes may be developed together by everyone. Unlike in the past, any discoveries were kept hidden, and even if they could not be developed temporarily, others would not be allowed to develop them first.

This result also reminds Xia Duo of his hometown. Developers deliberately hoard land without developing it in order to increase prices. This must be resolutely cracked down on.

Whoever has the ability to develop should be able to occupy the land, not the other way around.

The reason why developers in their hometown can do this is because they are backed by a more powerful or the only big force, but in Netheril, there is no absolutely overwhelming force, such as ownership of new dimensions, development rights, and development results ownership. It must be approved by the majority to be certain.

Like this time, if the special function of the etheric forward base had not been discovered, the issue of ownership of the new plane would have been tortured for how long! (End of chapter)

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