Arcane Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 3019: 200 million in 10 days, turning losses into profits

"Hrista, are all the gateway parameters of each country normal?" Sha Duo asked.

"Except for the high pressure index of the nodes connected to the main network, everything else is normal." Christa checked again before replying.

Hearing such a result, Xia Duo couldn't help but feel a little distracted, "I didn't think carefully. The key node gateway should be specially designed and manufactured."

I had not thought of distributing connectors for free before, and the estimate of the total number of people accessing the computing power pool was wrong. Now there is no time to redesign and manufacture them, so I can only use a general version of the gateway instrument on top.

It's nothing more than a discount on the service life. It's only been a few days since the computing power pool has been officially put into operation. There shouldn't be any problems for at least half a month.

Afterwards, Xia Duo inspected the gateway control center again. After this circle, he discovered a new problem. It was not that there was any problem with the computing power pool itself, but that the control center lacked a lot of visual monitoring interfaces.

If you want to check the status of various aspects of the computing power pool, someone must personally connect to the Linsi network and then retrieve information from the network. Currently, only part of the status of the gateway processor has been visually displayed.

What Xia Duo now wants to check is the usage status of those prepaid users to see whether they have started to use advanced functions and how much they have used. This is directly related to the future income of the computing power pool.

If users are generally interested in advanced features, they will be more willing to pay, and the computing power pool can also earn more.

The lowest mode must be recharged separately, and there is no time limit. Jiao Gui Network Research Center has temporarily opened 50 lowest mode quotas, and each of the seven small countries in the alliance has allocated ten.

Since then, there has been no visual interface for status monitoring in the control hall. From experience, Xiaojia has long been able to accept and be happy to accept this form.

At present, the gateway control hall has not been transferred to the computing power pool operation department, but not all researchers have evacuated. Not to mention that this is a critical moment, even if the operation was stable before, a certain number of professionals will still be retained. personnel.

Since entering August, user recharge amounts have reached new lows repeatedly. Only ten days have passed this month, and the original target of 200 million by the end of the month has been successfully completed.

After all, what we are selling is actually a virtual product, a service that has not yet been realized. No matter how little it is released, as long as the main network recognizes it, it will be in vain.

But for users, this is the same. Even if it is a standard duration obtained through non-abnormal methods, it should be cancelled. But if it is cancelled, if the user will be satisfied, after all, Lingsi Network Research The center is not wrong either.

As for the preservation of the advance payment, we are not required to send it back as soon as we receive a small amount. The reason is very good. Mr. Xia directly designated the Tower of Time Void Warehouse Chamber of Commerce as a cooperative unit.

Then, as the person in charge of the Tower of Time, he opened a special warehouse for the Lingsi Network Research Center. The warehouse permissions obtained by the sales staff here can only be deposited, but can be withdrawn.

Combined with the 70 million prepaid payment received later, on average each paying user has recharged a thousand gold coins, which is enough for us to use the 10-hour enhancement mode or the 5-hour professional mode.

As for total sales, naturally there is no dedicated person at the headquarters to keep statistics.

So in order to avoid similar troubles, Mr. Xia simply set rules for every salesperson in Lipai, except for the authorization quota of 1,000 standard hours.

It turns out that they are sales personnel sent to various countries. Paying users do not purchase the use rights of the back-end function of the computing power pool from those sales personnel. Calculated based on the standard duration, 1,000 hours is not 100,000 gold coins!

After receiving the application, Xia Shaoyou was not determined and immediately increased the authorization quota for the corresponding sales staff. In fact, he must be worried that these sales staff would act randomly, so it was more convenient to set limits.

That kind of interface is only used by Zhixia Shaoxing, and cannot be used by the lower levels of the alliance. However, regardless of whether we have intelligent brain assistance, we can only see specific data one by one, and it is difficult to obtain overall statistical results.

I must have been able to consume at that speed before. I will have no problem making 200 million after the end of August!

As for now, before making several rounds of inspections, Mr. Xia called the researchers in the small control hall aside and held a meeting, mainly about establishing a visual interface.

Through the access to the main network of the computing power pool, Mr. Xia "sees" that there are even 10,000 paying users online at present, but almost everyone has been using the relegation function for quite some time.

Just when Xia Shaochang was thinking about making hundreds of millions a month, no one was contacting me through the computing power pool. It was a communication network that did not have a public computing power pool and was only open to the alliance. For the time being, it was the Lingsi Network Research Center. People use it less.

"Consultant Mr. Xia, you need to apply for the standard time limit of one thousand hours. We have just received a small client, and the quota you have is enough."

Now they have received a formal order to turn the status data specified by Mr. Force pool operating status.

However, there is no cycle in the statistics. We always arrange for people to count in real time. The difference is that we only count once a day less, and then count 70 million rows eight times in the next eight days.

It’s the multi-paying users who haven’t even used up all their prepayments.

When researchers discuss design plans, Mr. Xia often participates in the discussion. In addition to providing some inspiration, more importantly, he is reserved for the interface for brain connection.

As for the visual interface on the gateway control center, it needs to be deceptive, but there is no reservation. It is enough to monitor the running status of the computing power pool, and even less is not a matter for professionals.

With the pressure of losing money, Mr. Xia was naturally unhappy.

By the time the visual interface is completed, researchers will be able to do the tasks that originally required researchers, and researchers will not be able to focus on more important things.

Seeing this, Shao Xia used his brain to assist in calculations. In the eight days since the computing power pool was officially in operation, these paying users have not consumed nearly 10 million gold coins.

This does not mean that the computing power pool has not turned a profit at that moment. If UU Reading was unintentional, it was not a pure profit before.

In a blink of an eye, time came to August very slowly.

A small customer indeed!

After personally accessing the computing power pool and using the authority of the main network, Xia Shaozhong easily locked in prepaid users one by one. According to the information sent back by the personnel later, there are currently less than 70,000 paying users in total.

Under the leadership of Mr. Xia, the alliance's public computing power pool has successfully passed through various ups and downs in the early stages of operation. Now Mr. Xia has a smile on his face almost all the time. With me, the income of the computing power pool is really too objective.

In the past, I had to go to the gateway control center every time, and could not directly retrieve the operating status and data of the computing power pool that had not been set up through the smart brain.

Nearly one-eighth of the total users, which is not even a high proportion!

At present, except for Netheril, all the minimum mode quotas in the other seven kingdoms - not actually the minimum mode duration, but only sold to ten mages - have not been sold out.

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