Arcane Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 1541: Special skills, multiple applications

Thinking about it this way, Chateau speeded up again, almost following Iolum, and this time he also saw the whole process of Iolum's hands.

Soon, almost for an instant, an aura flashed, and the three twisted phantoms still fighting with each other turned into three multi-faceted crystal beads and fell down, and were caught by Iolum who had just arrived.

"Let's go, go to the next area!"

After completing the kill, Iolum didn't stay there, greeted Xia Duo, and then landed back to an altitude of about one kilometer, and then continued to fly in the direction he had been advancing before.

Xia Duo was shocked, but did not fall too much, after catching up, he began to ask Iolum how to determine the number of targets in telepathy.

As for how to effectively kill the Distorted Phantom, you don't need to care too much, it's nothing more than [Dissolution of Will], [Negation of Mind] and other spells, which are just a matter of proficiency.

Xia Duo didn't have much experience in hunting this strange creature before, and if nothing happens in the future, he probably won't have many chances to do it himself, but the analysis technology based on telepathy is still worth learning.

Telepathy can only be aimed at the kind of powerful but unobtrusive mind. In the future, it may be able to iterate to the level of sensing and analyzing ordinary creatures. This is much easier to use than detecting spells.

Telepathy is only passive perception and does not arouse the target's alertness; while probing spells often need to project a specific field of perception first, which can easily arouse the target's alertness.

Especially for a spellcaster like Xia Duo who has been in contact with the end of the magic net, it is almost impossible for any discovery spell to be quietly detected.

Telepathy may be a killer!

Regarding Chateau’s question, Iolum did not hide his secrets, while searching for the distorted phantom, he explained to Chateau:

"All the foundation of telepathy lies in the mind. Master Nishite has always studied very little in this field. I can only talk about some of the parts I know.

"You just asked how to determine the number of targets, can I understand it as, you already know how to determine whether there are targets?"

"Yes, I compared the results of multiple perceptions during the movement just now, and imagined a virtual target. The closer I get to the target, the clearer the imaginary target becomes."

Xia Duo briefly and clearly introduced the sensory lock method he had just explored, but this method can only simply lock the target, and cannot judge the nature of the target.

He believes Iolum must have a better locking and even analysis method, but the facts may not be what they imagined.

"You actually use this method?"

After listening to Chateau’s description, Iolum stopped abruptly and turned to look at his nominal student, with surprise on his face.

Chateau was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Iolum's weird gaze, and hurriedly asked: "Teacher, is there any problem with this method?"

"There is no problem with the method itself, it is the user who has the problem!" Iolum said affirmatively.


Xia Duo became more uncomfortable now, and asked tentatively: "What is the user's problem?"

"Remember what I just said? The foundation of all telepathy lies in the mind. The stronger the mind, the richer the content it perceives."

Having said this, Iolum sighed suddenly and asked Chateau: "Do you know how I or ordinary people determine the goal?" Gu

"How sure?"

"You must first perceive the target at close range before you can barely get a fuzzy sense."

"Then there is actually no special way to determine multiple goals, it's just the teacher's experience?" A hint of disappointment inevitably appeared in Xia Duo's eyes.

"You have to say that. It is indeed more dependent on experience, but there are also some special skills."

When Iolum said that, Chateau felt hopeful again, and asked hurriedly, "What is the technique?"

"The techniques are similar to the poor sense locking you just mentioned, and there are also such as disturbance stripping, feature manifestation, timing overlap, etc., but because my perception is too vague, I have not actually used most of these techniques, so I I can only tell you the method, but cannot give guidance. You need to explore it yourself."

"No problem, what I am best at is learning!"

Seeing that Iolum didn't turn the topic back to the spiritual anomaly, Xia Duo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He guessed that it might be that after many blood awakenings, his soul was different from ordinary people.

Of course, it could also be that his soul was originally stronger than Netheril.

Netheril’s spiritual spells are based on the soul, and are not based on the pure mind like psionic magic.

The mind and consciousness in the terminology of color-resistant magic are generally related to the soul, or simply another way of referring to the soul.

On the following road, Chateau and Iolum searched for the distorted phantom and exchanged telepathic skills.

The reason why I say "communication" is because Chateau discovered that the skills provided by Iolum are the same thing as the data analysis he often comes into contact with when he travels through former programmers, but the application scenarios are different.

The so-called "disturbance stripping" and "feature manifestation", UU reading www. Isn’t it “data dimensionality reduction” when is replaced by the hometown term? The so-called "time sequence superposition" is actually a weighted calculation in time.

This kind of data analysis concept was already used when Xia Duo analyzed the sub-plane data collected by the Time Tower Plane Exploration Array.

At that time, each set of original detection data was a cluster of more than 1,200 simplified arcane geometrical symbols, with clear boundaries between them.

Such a data can be called a "1200-dimensional data set" on the earth. The Planar Exploration Array uses these more than 1200 dimensions to describe the spatiotemporal state of the sensing field detected in the etheric layer.

There is hidden information related to the plane. Of course, this data must not only contain the information related to the plane, but there are more information that may reflect part of the nature of this world.

Later, when Xia Duo studied the demiplane, he specially analyzed the data of the yellow sand demiplane, and even used the plane transformation to quantitatively analyze the changes in the data.

In this way, a clearer relationship between the plane and the time-space state of the etheric plane can be obtained, and then a more accurate and practical model of the apparent characteristics of the plane can be obtained, so as to improve the efficiency of discovering new planes!

And to discover a new plane and place it in the current situation is to determine the number and nature of specific targets in telepathy.

It's just that at the beginning, Xia Duo felt that telepathy was very fictitious, relying solely on feelings, did not think of data analysis at all, and did not have an exact data for him to analyze.

After Iolum's reminder, he realized that he had fallen into a blind area of ​​thinking. In fact, this kind of telepathic result analysis is more similar to graphical analysis, rather than specific data analysis.

But the principles and algorithms of data analysis can be migrated.

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