It surveys the terraces spreading over the cliffs near the sakura.

It takes too long to measure everything, so this time it's just around the river.

The survey also found the location of the metastasis gate leading to Odamaki.

Akira, who came along the way, also joined us and headed upstream on the river, but received an interesting report from Bell, who had been patrolling earlier.

Beyond the river is said to be a large lake.

It seems that you can see things like castles in the middle of the lake.

Well, there's only a hunch of adventure - there's a monster flying in the sky.

We have to do something about this.

The destination lake is three kilometers away.

We decided to camp, but we set up a formation in the woods for safety.

"Kenichi, are you okay here?

"If it's a bird, I can see it from a few leagues away."

"Isn't that bad? Husband!"

The Beasts are a little freaked out.

A flying monster is a natural enemy after all.

"It's okay, I can't get into the woods, and birds are mostly invisible in the dark."

"Really? Akira's husband"

"Well, it's like a bird's eye, and haha"

It seems that the Beasts don't know birds.

They have good eyes at night, so don't they stick around?

"Holy Knight, the birds can see even at night.

"Yeah? Really, Amaranthus?"


"Huh? Seriously? I've been mistaken."

Neither I nor Akira knew.

"But dragons don't fly at night, do they?

Well, I've never heard of the Empire.

Speaking of which, owls and the like are rather nocturnal.

Even ordinary birds have good night vision...

Even if you can see it, it won't come to the forest.

We are rice balls and cup noodles. The beasts bake the birds they caught themselves and eat them with curry powder and salt.

It seems kind of delicious...

"I wish there was something interesting in the lake!

Anemone says that while eating cup noodles...

"Lost treasure, Fuhihi."

I don't know.

"But there's no one here, is there? Well, they probably didn't steal it, and there's plenty of possibilities, right?


Remember the pyramids of the old world.

If the building were someone's grave, could it be vandalized?

"Could it be someone's grave?

"Well, if you say so, you're a little uncomfortable with the graveyard rubbing?

"That's a treasure first! - Yes, sir!

Is that true for veterinarians?

I see. We'll have to check it out on the spot. "

"I'm Adventure First!

"There may be a horrible monster?

"That's fine with Kenichi!

"My concubine is fine as long as she's with the Holy Knight!

After dinner - play with Amaranthus at night in the dark, a little away from everyone.

She's struggling to keep me to herself.

"Fu ~, I wish I'd met the Holy Knight sooner"

Amaranthus is burying his face in my chest, lying in bed.

"Even if we met early, the queen couldn't help us, could she?

"You can just throw it away!

"It's that easy. Everything that happened at the castle happened by accident. If Lilith hadn't blessed me in the first place, I wouldn't have been a Holy Knight."

"Well, that's right...."

"Amaranthus looks more like a Holy Knight than I do?

"My concubine?

She woke up in surprise.

My upper body, like a trained athlete, is approaching me, but its functional beauty - it's not about the queen's body.

I don't think His Majesty will stand a chance.

"Ah, if it is the ability of Lilith, the royal family, to grant blessings to the Holy Knight, it is not strange that there is a royal family that contains that power, right?

It is difficult to believe that this kind of body and ability are acquired.

"I mean, my concubine blessed herself and became a Holy Knight?


"There can't be such a thing! Aaagh! Aaagh!

Suddenly, the fierce Amaranthus began to roll over the bed naked.

Perhaps what I just said was a rebellion against my husband.

Relax, Amaranthus. I just said it's possible.

"Does the Holy Knight hate his concubine?! Gyaaa!"

"No, no! Why are you talking like that? Don't worry, I'll protect you no matter what."

"Heh, really!?

"Otherwise, I'd do this naked."

"Holy Knight!

Tearful Amaranthus is hugging me and crying like a child.

You'd better stop talking about this.

I am the Holy Knight, and she is the princess who was saved by the Holy Knight.

Then I think we should take off the slave crest, but for some reason she refuses it.

It seems okay to be used as a slave.

It doesn't make any sense.

--The next day I played with Amaranthus.

I'll leave after breakfast.

It seems that the remaining area is about 3 km, so the survey will be temporarily stopped.

It would be hard if a flying monster attacked me while I was working.

If it's about 3 kilometers, it can be measured at any time.

Looking back at the river, there is a lake in the open area, as everyone says.

It is roughly circular and about 300 m in diameter.

Just around the edge of the woods, we started scouting.

Approximately 200 meters to the shore - covered with tall grass - you can also see white and red flowers blooming.

There are no trees at all, and the view is good. I'm sure they're asking us to find them.

I thought it was a wetland below, but the ground is solid.

I saw Nakanojima in the middle of the lake- I took the binoculars out of the item box.

Look through the binoculars.

You can see something like a white stone building buried in green.

"Oh, I can see the building. It's not high up, so I don't know if it's a castle...."

It looks like a bungalow as seen, but it is unknown because it is buried in green.

"Kenichi, show me!

Anemone was playing next to me, so I gave her binoculars.

"Nakanojima is pretty big."

I took the laser rangefinder out of the item box.

"It's about 300 meters to the deepest shore and about 100 meters to Nakanojima."

"That means there's an island 100 meters in the middle of a 300 meter round lake."

Akira drew a picture on the ground.

"That's how it feels."

The item box contains a boat with an outboard unit, so crossing it will be no problem.

The problem is with flying monsters...

"Anemone, do you see anything?

"Uhhh... ah! Something's moving!

"Where are you?

"On the right end....."

I pulled the telescope out of the item box.

The one I used on Odamaki's coast.

This one will make it even clear who the monster is.

But the statue looks upside down.

Have Anemone hit it with a viewfinder next to a white telescope.

Start with low-magnification eyepieces to capture your goals.

It's hard to catch the opponent because it moves up and down, left and right, but it's definitely something.

"Oh, there you are?!


Goal captured, so switch eyepiece to high magnification.

Astronomical observation means that our planet is spinning, so it keeps moving, but that's not the case.

Turning the focus knob, it was projected - sharp eyes and a big, sharp yellow beak.

A giant creature covered in brown feathers.

"Eagles? Eagle?"

Kenichi, show me.


Give Akira the eyepiece.

"Oh, that sure looks like an eagle. You're in America, aren't you?

"Is that a beetle?

Is that Eagle ○ m? That's the way it is. "

"Kenichi! Show me! Show me!

Start with an anemone with binoculars on the neck and show it to the beasts and Amaranthus.

"What the hell! You look so far away!" But it's upside down.

"That can't be helped. That's what it is."

Everyone was peeking through the telescope, so I decided to use the drone to explore from the air.

A drone can fly about 100 meters, so you might be able to take a picture of the shape of that island.

To do this, we need to get close to the shore of the lake.

I summoned a car, but it makes Akira worried.

"Hey, Ken, are you okay?

"The speed of the car will be fine. And there's about 2t of it, and I don't think we can lift it."

"I don't know.

"Yah." "Mia."

Bell and the lizard seem worried too.

"Mom, it's okay. Whatever it is, I can't go any further without trying."

I'll take care of it.

"Kenichi! Give me the crossbow." "Yes, sir! We're coming too!

"Me too!

Even my concubine!

Akira and the forest cats seem to remain, so I removed the crossbow from the item box and distributed it to the beasts.

They string up their arrows.

"Ok! - Okay!

Waving at Akira, he made the car leave.

It's about 200 meters to the shore, so you can drive down the tall grass.

The ground is solid, so there is no need to worry about getting rid of the tires.

From the middle to the sand, it continues to the shore.

The surface of the lake was clear as a mirror, reflecting the blue sky, white clouds, and Nakanojima upside down.

When you park the car, prepare the drone.

Ask Anemone to monitor with binoculars.

Let's go ~!

When a drone with four small propellers jumps, the LCD screen of the controller shows the view of the lake.

As the altitude gradually rose, I saw the building.

Apparently the building is also built in a circle, but it doesn't seem to have enough altitude to grasp the overall picture.

"Damn it....."

Anemone told me what was going on with the enemy that I was being harsh.

"Kenichi! The monster's moving!

"All right, pull back!

--Looks like the drone was attacked while talking about it.

When I thought I saw a huge shadow on the controller's monitor, the view was glued around and the video was broken.

It seems to have crashed.


When I started the car, I started to zigzag.

"Come on! It's impossible for a creature to move like this!

Where the steering wheel was cut - a huge shadow of brown creatures appeared on the right side of the car and nails stuck to the ground.

It's about the same size as this car - that means it's 5 meters long, but the wings are bigger.

If I spread it, it would be about 10m.

"Fugya!" "Nyaro!!

As the beasts stepped out of the left and right windows, they fired a crossbow to the right.

It looks like two arrows were stabbed by a monster, but the damage was...

"A giant eagle?

"But Kenichi, I've got four legs!


Large wings and sharp nails drop huge shadows on the ground.

The eagle is only on the front, and the hind feet look like horses...

The upper body and large wings are brown, but the back is loess with no feathers, and you can see black tails and hooves.

Splitting the grass, the car approaches the forest.

"Holy Knight! Put your concubine down!

"Don't be stupid! The Holy Knight, who protects the princess, drops the princess off!

"Kenichi, can I shoot you?

Annemone shines in the passenger seat.

"All right, I'll buy you some time, but are you okay?

"Leave it to me! Light! Fight my enemies! (Magic Missile)"

An anemone in the back seat threw a magical arrow through the window.

There were about three white glowing arrows pointing at the monster, but it seems they were hit.

The effect seems to be faint, but the enemy has broken its balance and landed on the ground, so the soil and thousand pieces of grass dance.

I've earned a good time.

"Almost in the woods!

I drove my car and jumped into the woods.

Once you're in the woods, you'll be at a disadvantage because you can't fly easily with obstacles.

They won't follow us this far.

As I waited - as I expected, the giant monster returned to his nest.


I pressed myself against the wheel and took a deep breath.

Maybe I used a flying Summoner, so I thought I'd been roughed up by the territory. Yes, sir.

Oh, I see.

Akira's car approached.

"Hey, Kenichi. Are you okay?"

He comes out of the window.

The forest cats are next to the car, but the monster's opponent won't have any teeth on the boulders.

"It's okay, but you've got four legs. It's not a bird."

"Oh, I think so. It was exactly the same size as Rakuru."

"I don't think you'll get caught in the car... but I can't cross the lake."

"There's no escape on the water."

Get out of the car and have a tactical meeting.

"I thought it was a Griffon... Akira, have you seen it in the Empire?

No, I've never seen it before.

"It was in the monster book of the castle."

Anemone has already read most of the books he copied in the castle.



"But it's a little different. It was like a horse in the back.

"I think Griffon's ass was like a lion...."

Akira has a crush, but I feel the same way.

I bought a fantasy monster atlas from Shangri-La's eBook.

Find a similar monster from there.

Turning over the page, there was a monster like that.

"Is this it? Hippoglyph"

"Ah, I've heard of it... hypopotamus"

"That's Kaba, right?

Was that so? Fuchhi, Sarsen!

"That's fine, but how do we take it down? I feel faster than Wyburn."

"I see - it's like an eagle attacking from the sky in a sudden descent.

"Well then, it's going to be difficult to put a time bomb on it...."

When we were in Wyburn, it worked in our favour that the cliffs behind us didn't allow for a sudden descent.

At that time, I was blessed with the grace of the earth, but here is a flat land with a simple view.

This time, the monster has a local advantage.

- Nevertheless, there is no choice but to turn back here in front of you something as exciting as the huge ruins of excitement.

If you can't defeat it, it's not too hard to ask for backup, but we're not at that stage yet.

"Kenichi, can't you make a gun or a cannon?

"I can't replace what Akira thinks."

He must be talking about pistols and rifles from the old world.

"Well, we have gunpowder, we can't do it in a single tube, but we don't have time to experiment, and we can only see the future that erupts."

It will explode if it is not reinforced by wrapping a steel plate around the rear of the single tube.

"Handmade guns suck, right?

I make explosives and explosions, and I don't want to talk about it anymore.


"Holy Knight, my concubine is going to die."

"Yes, decline"

I immediately rejected Amaranthus's offer.

She doesn't seem to like it, but she's not kidding. Can you do such a thing?

- I thought we just talked about protecting you last night.

"Husband, what about the poison?

Nyamena, who was listening in silence, came up with a proposal.


"Look, you poisoned the rat in the castle.

"Perhaps! If it's poison, just watch it. There will be less danger."

"But I can't eat meat anymore!"

Murray began to worry about strange things.

"I'd like to try some Hippoglyph meat, but I might have to give up."

"Yah." "Mia?

The forest cats are coming to me and shivering.

"Is that what you say to your mother? Safety comes first."

"Yes, be safe!

All right!

I protruded my right index finger into Akira's words.

Quickly move the operation to execution.

If you poison it, you'll just have to watch it later, so it's easy.

First, I buy about 10 kg of meat at Shangri-La.

Pork would be fine. He's a scavenger.

The next poison is diethylene glycol, which uses the same antifreeze liquid in the canister used to kill rats in the royal palace.

It has a sweet smell, making it easy to catch enemies.

"Sweet smell, good smell." "Sounds delicious, Kurosuke."

There are beasts with good noses hanging around me.

"As I said before, it's poison. Don't drink it, okay? Seriously, I'm gonna die."

Akira peeks into my bucket as I transfer the antifreeze from one can.

"Kenichi, how about sending your enemies wine with diethylene glycol as a token of friendship?

"Are you talking about a fight with a human?

"Yes - antifreeze wine is sweet and delicious, right? I drank gabu gabu and ambushed the poisoned area."

"Hopefully, the day will not come when you will use your hands."

"That's Akira! You're such a scumbag!" "You're such a scumbag!"

"I see...."

Amaranthus is impressed with the beasts.

"Thank you for complimenting me, Haha"

"Were you doing that kind of work in the Empire?


That's what he said, and he stopped talking.

Maybe he remembered something traumatic.

The Empire said it was black, but it's pretty black.

Now that you are ready, place the meat and antifreeze in the item box and head to the shore.

When the car came to the sand by the side, he spread the board and put the meat on it, and soon came back.

Hypoglyphs have an eagle in their head - quite a good eye.

You'll soon notice something in the sand.

We just have to look away from it.

Hold the binoculars on top of a tripod at the forest exit.

Take tables, chairs, etc., out of the item box, and watch them alternately when you create a surveillance post.

We have a platform for the anemones - we're all set.

Anemone, peering through the binoculars, shouted as she took a relaxing break with sweets and juice.

"Kenichi! There he is!

"Oh?! Let me see."


Looking through the binoculars - Hippoglyphs certainly pinched the pork on the board.

"Now, would you like some antifreeze?

"Kenichi! Let me see!


"Nyah! Ah, it's in the container, you're taking that poison!



"Kurosuke, show me!

Nyamena peeks into the binoculars instead.

"I'm drinking, I'm drinking! A bird with a head and a horse with an ass? I've never seen such a monster before!

"Does the absence of others mean that they were made here?

Akira reacted to my tweets.

"Oh, gatekeeper-like. But I wonder if magic can make monsters. Never heard of such a story in the Empire?

"If that were easy, I'd make monsters and use them as strategic weapons."


The monster seems to have flattened the meat beautifully.

The bucket containing antifreeze liquid is also flipped, so it seems that it has been drunk.

Now, does the poison work?

Wait around while camping.

To monitor the Hippoglyph's nest, I installed a telescope with a tripod attached to it, but it's hard to handle because the statue looks flipped.

I bought an upright prism from Shangri-La.

It looks normal when used, so it's popular with others.

It gets a little dark, but I will use it in the daytime so there will be no problem.

Eat the rice as it is, and Akira and the others drink.

I gave the forest cats a cat can.

I don't know what the monster is like because it's dark, but I've been standing in the nest since the evening, so I won't be attacked at night.

It seems that there are no other monsters on Bell's patrols.

"If there's a monster, it's in Nakanojima's building, right?

"Nyah! Maybe it's a dungeon!" I think so too, husband. "

"I don't know how you see it, it's like it's made by human hands."

In this case, it would be an artificial dungeon.

I finished eating, so I slept with Anemone.

The forest cats are with us.

"Nfu! Already! They're not coming after me!

"Don't say that, Anemone."

"It was just me!

Well, he's grown up, but I think he's still at a sweet age.

She brushed and slept with the forest cats.

--The next day I poisoned the monster.

Observe Hippoglyph while eating granola for breakfast.

"Ah! It's working, Kenchi!

Anemone, who had hastily eaten breakfast, looked into the telescope and wondered what the monster looked like.

"How's it going?

"Hmm, looks like nothing has changed."

"How are you?


"Doesn't that monster make sense of antifreeze... some other poison..."

"Kenichi, is there such a thing?

"Holy Knight?

Akira and Amaransus are looking at me.

I came up with knowledge that could be used to defeat monsters.

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