I finished my surveys around the lake and returned to Sakura, my home in this world.

It seems that everyone was worried about me, but the village is still the same.

After dinner with everyone, I decided to show my prey to Akira and Amaranthus.

The first is Kraken's leg, which he took out by the lake.

A huge white mass appeared on the ground when the item was taken out of BOX.


Around me, the beasts who saw Kraken's feet turned their hair upside down.

Nyalesa, who was saying that she couldn't be surprised, also had her hair upside down and was in a bobo state.

"Wahaha! What do you say, Nyaresa? Your hair's upside down, isn't it? Aw, that's creepy!

The hairs of Nyamena who was laughing were also upside down, and she laughed so selfishly.

"Nyayayah, Nyah, Nyah!!

Some beasts don't seem to react when the object is so big, but some don't, like Nyamena or Nyaresa.

"What is this, an octopus or a squid?

Akira looks up at the white lump.

"Squid. Squid. Clarken."

"Maybe he was in the lake?

"Oh, I was camping on the beach in the middle of the night, and I almost got dragged into every container house."

"Isn't squid good for fresh water?

"I don't know, because this is a different world anyway."

Amaranthus and Julius came in to roar with their arms folded.

Well then, Holy Knight. If Lake Astilvé is to be fully integrated into the economy, we need to eliminate this monster..... "

"There's such a monster in this lake...."

Julius has an incredible face, but this is true.

"That's right. Every time I go offshore, it's no use being attacked by something like this. In fact, there appear to be some missing persons among the residents of Santanka."

"How do you kill such a big guy?

Akira is touching the surface of her feet to see how she feels.

"We can't use Akira's choking attacks."

"I don't think the other person is crazy - there's going to be Ella, so just stick it in there..."

He is a dragon slayer who suffocated the dragon's mouth with mayonnaise.

"If we kill them, what about a lightning strike underwater?

"Hoo-hoo, the Holy Knight is so rough."

"The underwater shock waves are strong enough to crush a titanium submarine."

We were talking about Kraken's strategy with the Imperial Mage Dragonslayer, but Akira had no pulse.

"Why? Is this good?

"Ah, can you do it? Want to try it?


That's Japanese. For now, the spirit of eating everything.

When Clarken's feet were thinly cut off, Akira took out a magic stone stove from her item BOX and began to burn it.


Watching us start eating squid, the beasts are noisy but ignoring it.

The smell of fragrance and goodness is just around.

"When I ate squid, it was soy sauce, mayonnaise and seven flavors...."

"Haha, I'm like that too."

Serve small plates and serve soy sauce and chives. Mayo has Akira's ego.

The roasted geso was put on a yellow mayonnaise, and Akira threw it into her mouth.

"Whoa! It's delicious! I can't believe you can eat squid in another world... Kenichi, can I have another one?

"Hey, get extremely dry!

"Thank you!"

Akira is drinking my beer deliciously.


"Holy Knight, you want to eat your concubine too?

"Ah, Master Amaranthus? Is it okay to eat something like that?

Julius is worried.

"Oh! Do you want to come? Lilith said it was delicious, so I think it's okay."

Amaranthus threw the baked squid into his mouth.

"Hmm! This is really delicious because it doesn't come with fish or meat!

Exactly like Lilith. It's not a real parent-child, but it's very similar.

By the way, I would recommend it to Canaan, who was just looking at it in silence.

"Would you like some canaan?

"No, no, I won't."


Nyamena and Nyaresa were gone before long.

Maybe he got sick and went back to his room.

I'll show Akira the giant tubeworm.

When the red giant appeared from the item BOX, screams rose everywhere.

The voices of the other beasts who were watching and the maids who were watching us.

"Fuck! Is that a tubeworm?!

"You know what?

"Ah, the wetlands are enough to make tenants. But this is such an idiot....."

"Well, I've eaten."

"If you want to eat it, you'd better have a thin size of about 10 cm. If you stroke it out, then chop it up and stir-fry the vegetables, it's crispy and delicious."

"Hee, I have to try that. I tried to make it a little big, but that was pretty good."

Kamayaki ~ That's what I had to do.

We still talk about the same ingredients between the same Japanese.

And I'll show you the bees. It's a 1m long queen bee.

Oh, that's a killer hornet.

Akira is peeking into the bee's big eyes.

It's sparkly and beautiful, but can't it be used for anything?

"Have you fought?

"Oh, I'm calling my side, so I ran away in trouble."

"We crushed the nest, we took the bee boy, we'll eat later."

"Seriously, I'm looking forward to it."

"Have you ever eaten?


It seems that Akira and the bee child are fine.

"What about adults?

"I thought I'd dip it in the liquor and extract Propolis Extract...."

"Strong pills - that's good!

"Would you like to stop by?


"Ha ha ha ha!

When you two are together, Osan accelerates and gets crazy.

While Akira and I were there, Primura remained silent.

Annemone and Lilith are sitting down and talking to each other, but what are they talking about?

Remember to collect the aluminum cans from those who have finished drinking beer.

It's getting dark around here, so I'm going to the treehouse with Primura.

Inside, it's the same as before - or it's clean and dusty.

The maids seem to be cleaning here too.

Thank you very much.

"Hey, Primura, sit here..."

She hugged me before I said anything.

"Every time I come home from my absence, what am I gonna do with this?"

"I know, but... the moment I saw Kenichi's face, I couldn't stand it. And even that horrible monster!

"Well, I'm a lord now. Even that big one has to be exterminated, and the people who live in Sacramento and Santa Tanca can't feel safe."

"But!... if I don't imitate the power of Kenichi..."

"I told you about that the other day. As a result, the Mallow Chamber of Commerce is about to become a roaring chamber of commerce throughout the kingdom - not to mention the Empire."


Shut up, Primura nods.

"Wonderful! Primura and your stepfather can definitely do it. Wouldn't it be exciting to have such a great business?

I've talked about it before.


Primla shook her neck vertically because it was small.

"All right, don't worry about me."

I'll lick her head.


Primura began to cry again.

I'm in trouble...

"It's okay, because I'm a knight, and I can't die that easily."

She nodded with cockroach.

After that, she didn't leave me until late at night.

Other women did not change as usual, but only Primura reacted differently.

Somehow he was so impressed by my appearance.

I spent the night trying to calm her down on the bed, but every time I went out, this was thoughtful.


----Waking up in the morning, the naked primra is illuminated by the light of the day that comes in through the window of the container house.

I don't have time to wait and wake her up.

Primura, it's morning.


I've been watching her for a while, and all of a sudden she jumped up and hugged me.

"I'm not going anywhere for a while."


"Here, we have to prepare the meal."

"... yes"

When I went home with her, the maids were already preparing their meals.

Without me, there was a system in place to gather ingredients from cities and fields and serve meals.

That's the royal maids - they're very good.

Myren's a little weird, but he's a pretty good shot.

Anemone was already awake, baking me bread.

Morning, Anemone.

"Good morning! You can do it right away!

I wonder if you are angry or if you have a great smile. On the contrary, you are scared.

As Lilith advises, we must treat the female team as fairly as possible.

There will be some sort of reordering, I'm sure.

Anemone brought me the delicious part of the baked bread.

That's not all. Plates containing delicious soup are also placed in front of me.

I always did it myself, but Anemone did it all for me today.

Nico smiles and feels silent pressure from her.

What happens when Osan feels pressure from a 12-year-old girl?

But... I'm scared.

When I saw it, Lilith was smiling.

She stopped wearing horseback riding pants and returned to her usual white blouse and dark blue skirt.


Bell came to me, so I'll give you a cat can.

After breakfast, Akira came to me.

Kenichi, I need more diesel fuel.

"Okay - I have to make it again."

Ask for oil from Akira's mayonnaise. He walks in oilfields - as much oil as he can.

The plastic bathtub that came out of Item BOX and was used in the container quickly filled up.

Akira, if you're in trouble with money, you can sell oil.

Even Kenichi's can make anything.

"I have a price to pay. At first, I struggled with nothing."

"When I tried to sell oil, I was harassed by merchants."

"Ah, after all, when things get a little better, they get involved...."

"Well, it's the same in every world."

Pass the biodiesel fuel to Akira and take Canaan on the truck to Astrantia.

Canaan is holding on to the dress and accessories I put out yesterday.

I'm going to use that to make a new dress in an Astrandian tailor.

I wish there was something else that could help - yes.

I bought about five fashion magazines from Shangri-La. It's all used books.

"Canaan, it's a book of exotic costumes. Is it helpful? I don't think I can read the letters...."

"This is it! It's a very precise picture!

I can't explain the pictures, so I'll call them pictures.

"But they're all pulling their legs out..."

Ah, in this world, a long dress is a tradition, and it's a shame to have legs out.

"Just leave the skirt as long as possible."

"That's right...!!

Canaan who was watching the book suddenly solidified.


Apparently, it's a picture of the underwear.

"Even if you do something nasty with me, you can't do this kind of thing. Well, you don't have to show it to people."

"Why is everybody putting their legs out?

"Hmm, I don't know how the skirt got shorter, but maybe there was something like a rebellion against tradition?


"Eh, like a symbol of women's freedom...?

Honestly, I don't even know how the miniskirt got into fashion.

So, can I borrow this book?

"Oh, if it helps."

"Of course!"

Canaan held the book and got into the passenger seat of Akira's truck.

"Akira, are you coming today?

"I have some stuff. I think I'm coming."


The truck set off for Astrantia, lifting the black smoke of diesel.

After that, Primura tries to chase him by bicycle.

Next to it is Nyalesa, a guard.

"Primura, I wish you could ride with Akira."

"I like this. And if it's Astrantia, it's right there."

The smiling Primura's expression is bright.

I was crying all the time yesterday, so I was wondering what to do, but it seems fine.

Nyalesa drops off Primura's bike.

Okay, here's the job.

"Murray, Nyamena!

"What a husband!

"What are your plans for today?

"I thought I'd go hunting with Kurosuke... work?

"No. - You want to take my bow?

"I'm going with my own gear today. My husband's gear is too good. If you rely on it, your arms will fall apart."

I see.

Belle is going hunting with the Beasts.

He was on a survey trip with me, and he didn't seem to be able to hunt much.

Your body will have calmed down.

I was going to ask the Beasts to refine the biodiesel fuel, but I think we should give up and leave it to the maids.

I'm just adding oil to my magic equipment. You'll remember soon enough.

Bring the maid to the cabin and explain the magic equipment.

Inside the tiny hut I built, there's a greasy bathtub and two magical objects.

"I want you to put the oil in here up and collect the oil coming out of the bottom. It's easy, right?"

"Um... can I just add oil from above?

A girl with dark blue maid clothes, white apron and brown hair is a little confused.

"Oh, you don't have to think hard because it's a magical instrument. Just put it in from the top and collect the oil below."

On the left comes biodiesel fuel. I don't need glycerin or anything like that coming out to the right.

Soap can be made from glycerin, but currently it is used as fertilizer or discarded in the trash can of item BOX.

"You don't have to look at it all the time. As long as you don't run out of oil, you can do other jobs."

"I understand."

That's what she said, but she's jerking off somehow.

"What? What do you got?

"Ah, uh- I wonder if there's something there because we're alone in a place like this ~, eheh?"

I lightly chopped the maid's head.


"Make sure you do your job."

Yes, I understand.

"I heard that the maids didn't really think the maids would do that?

"Some of them, but...."

"In the meantime, don't expect that because the front room and the side room are full."

Got it ~

Lilith came out of the cabin asking a maid with a disappointing face for a job.

"Lilith, what did you say to Anemone? I'm kind of scared."

"Anyway - I just said I should stop looking like a kid every time I see something peeling."

And that face?

If you're angry, it would be better if you were angry.

You're scared of stepping on a mine.

Besides, she died breaking up with her real parents and grew up without receiving any love from the parents who raised her, and I don't think she could help but starve for some love....

After that, I work in the field with my maids.

They want to expand the field a little more, so they call out anemones.

"Anemone, I'd like to see if I can plow a field with a golem, okay?


Place the golem core from the item BOX on the field's scheduled location.


Blue light and earth begin to gather around the core to echo the magic of anemones.

By turning it into a mountain or turning it upside down, it seems like it can also be turned back to heaven and earth.

That's convenient, but that's not what Anemone Class Great Mages do.

It's not a normal technique.

"Wow! I didn't know Golem could be used like this...."

Lilith is surprised - it seems that the Kingdom's Golem technology has advanced to move closer to the human form and closer to the human form.

This might be unexpected, but Empire Achilla and Leylan were applying Golem technology.

After all, the magic of the Empire is more flexible and technical.

"" "Wow!

Anemone is also good at hearing the voices of maids.

"Thank you, Anemone."

When I licked her head, she hugged me.


"Yes, yes."

I picked her up and gave her a light mouth.

This has become a routine, and I feel a little bad...

"Anemone, isn't it childish to ask for a reward every time?

Uh-uh ~

Anemone, who is away from me, seems to be having trouble with Lilith's words.

I must have thought so myself.

"It's okay, Anemone. You're doing amazing things."


I thought it was childish to be able to lick my head, but I'm actually still a child.

I won't tell you because I get angry when I tell you the truth - it's a difficult time.

Well then, so is my concubine!

"Yes, yes."

Lilith is like a child, making a fool of Anemone and her children.

Lilith also hugged and chuckled.

"Zuluu! Lilith didn't do anything!

"Lilith is the real room."

"What is it anyway!

"Hahaha, I'm sorry."

Because they are so close to age, they are two people who struggle with each other - in the former world, six years of elementary school and three years of secondary school.

The age around here varies greatly in a few years, so it is difficult to deal with it - it needs to be handled with caution.

We need to be careful while taking oneesan's opinions into account.

Behind them, the maids gather and secretly talk.

"Does your husband like small children?" What? "

I mean, come on...

I can hear you, so I deny it.

"That's not my hobby. Primura, Amaranthus, and Canaan."

"That's true, but...."

"Don't talk nonsense, work!

"" Ha!

I don't hear you at all. Rumors like this spread quickly.

It would be troublesome if one of the aristocrats brought a child and said, "To the side room!"

According to Lilith, when a girl turns 14 to 15, it's a bride-to-be story.

Canaan said there can be no happiness in a noble marriage...

While working in the field, one of the maids stopped her eyes.

There are a lot of maids, and their names and faces don't match, but I've never seen them.

I braid long blonde hair and put it together, but I'm kind of nervous and I can hear that I'm not used to working very much.

"Are you a new kid?

Turning to my words, my thin blue eyes sparkle - about 16 to 17 years old.

Thank you, it seems too elegant for a maid, and I feel like I've seen it somewhere...


"What's your name?

"It's Menesia...."

"Myren, is this kid locally recruited?

Myren in glasses came before me in the maid's clothes.

"Hah - that Amaranthus brought me here...."

"Amaranthus? Fu ~ mu"

Staring at her face, she suddenly gets hugged from behind.

"Holy Knight, how are you?

"Wow! Amaransus, turn off the signs and stay away from me."

If we don't realize she's approached this close, she'll be in two if she's armed.

"I brought him here."

"Hmm, does she resemble you?

"...... Holy Knight, come here"

"What? What?

Take me to Amaranthus, who looks troublesome, and go a little further away.

"I'm sorry. There was no consultation with the Holy Knight."

Suddenly Amaranthus lowered his head.

"I don't mind hiring a maid...."

"Her name is Menesia Run Fogetmeynot."

Aren't you noble? Why the maid?

"I threw away my name, and I'm no longer noble."

"I'm not a nobleman... you want to crush me or something?


Amaranthus stares me in the face.

"What's wrong with me?

"This involves the Holy Knight...."

"Me? Did you do something?

"The blue pot in my concubine's bedroom...."

Speaking of which, there was. A blue pot with a curse.

"The attempted assassination of the queen led to the execution of the boys - wasn't it about banishment of the girls?

"That's right."

"So, the daughter of the nobleman... why the daughter of the house who tried to kill the royal family?

According to Amaransus, she knew nothing about drawing royal blood.

"Besides, I've known Menesia since I was a kid, and it's pitiful..."

"Well, if Amaranthus is good, it's good. I don't need any trouble."

"But are you sure?

Even if the noble daughter is thrown into the field, her ability to live is zero.

Surrounded by merchants, or just luxury prostitutes.

If it was that beautiful, it would be a lot of trouble...

If the nobles take it, they're suspected of being anti-royalists.

Well, I guess I'm suspicious, too, but there are two former royalties here.

In general, if the person who is about to be assassinated is good, it will be fine.

"Again, if Amaranthus wants it, that's fine. Besides, I was away."

"Thank you."

Amaranthus lowered his head.

She thought I wouldn't notice, but the original painter was sensitive to facial artwork and so on.

It is a contradiction that I am not good at remembering people's faces because I am not interested in such relationships.

Perhaps she was silent with me because she felt the same way.

No, I have a great obsession with what I'm interested in.

I don't care at all about what I'm not interested in, so I just don't remember the noble face at all.

"But is she okay?

"I'm no longer a nobleman, so I can't live unless I do something about it myself."

"That's right....."

He seems motivated, and I don't think he'd rather be a whore.

She stares at Menesia as she works in the fields covered in dirt.

You're a relative of Amaranthus, aren't you beautiful? If you grow up a little bit more, you'll be even more beautiful...

My beautifully shaped relatives are all beautifully shaped. As long as I'm as jealous as ten people like me.

"Holy Knight, what is it?

Ah, Amaranthus had a time like that...

"Already! Of course!

Amaranthus is a leopard to me.

I missed you then.

"Holy Knights are mean! But if we meet then, my concubine will be in the main room..."

Amaranthus is turning his hand on me.

I see.

"Ahh--if I can get younger... that's right! You've got a good idea, huh?

Amaranthus smiles.

"The good thing is, it's definitely a bad trick, right?

"The Empire has a rejuvenating artifact!

At one age, the Emperor rejuvenates and reigns in the kingdom by the artifact.

When I first heard it, I thought it was some kind of joke, but according to Akira, it's true.

The artifact really exists.

"Stop it! It's not stylish when you say it!

"The dazzling spring with the Holy Knight is also for my concubine....."

I didn't ask.

Horrible - people of this level really make jokes.

We have to be careful.

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