Chapter 53

Chapter 53: The Weird Exploring Village

“His father, let’s just leave, what can we do with the land at home?”

A woman in old clothes with broken flowers, with a sleeping baby on her back, looked sad.

“When is the time, you still take care of the land. If you don’t leave, your life will be lost!”

The middle-aged man in a short shirt next to him, carrying a big baggage, holding a broken hatchet in his hand, with a sad expression between his brows.

Occasionally looking back at the countryside thousands of meters away, when the sun was shrouded in the early morning, the eyes showed reluctance and nostalgia, but quickly became decisive again.

“The two laymen have invited, dare to ask what is in front of Tanhua Village?”

“Ouch, my god!”

Seeing Xu Junming’s sudden appearance, after days of fright, the nervous woman yelled, turned her eyes, her legs softened, and fell backward.

The bamboo shadow flashed, and a bamboo stick, as emerald as jasper, passed through the woman’s armpit like lightning, and held her toppling body.

“You… are you a man or a ghost?”

After all, the man was bolder, although he was so scared that he backed away, but he didn’t faint.

Xu Junming smiled faintly and hit the chief inspector.

“This layman, the sky is bright now, the real fire of the sun covers the earth, and the evil spirits dare not come out at this time.”

The man heard it, and Xu Junming’s face was ruddy, his eyes were enlightened, and his back also had a shadow. He was obviously not a ghost.

Thinking of this, I feel a lot of peace in my heart.

“Then you are…?”

“Daoist, the corpse chaser from Maoshan, send two laymen back home for burial!”

“Shooting the corpsesmith?”


After Xu Junming nodded and raised his finger, a wisp of Magic power sank into the woman’s acupuncture point. But for a moment, the woman who was frightened and fainted opened her eyes when she heard the sound of ‘夒咛’.

Seeing her carrying a child behind her back, Xu Junming was afraid of another accident, so he drew Zhang’s’Jingxin Rune’ with his hand.

Taoist real amulets naturally have endless magical uses.

The two couples bathing in the “Clean Heart Rune”, together with the children who just woke up behind them, all the negative emotions such as fear, shock, and apprehension disappeared, and their expressions became calm.

“Two laymen, do you feel better?”

“Thank you Mr. Dao!”

The man didn’t know much, so he awkwardly bowed to Xu Junming.

After a faint smile.

“Can you answer the question now, this is the’Tanhua Village in Changliu Town’?”


“Can there be Zhu Youfu and Zhu Erlang in this village?”

“Zhu Youfu is my third great master, who lives at the east end of the village. As for Zhu Erlang…?”

The man’s face was thinking.

The woman shook his arm, her face a little nervous.

“Master, you forgot, Zhu Shitou who sells tofu, isn’t his father called Zhu Erlang?”

“Yes, yes, I remember. Dad was still alive, he would tell me that Zhu Shitou’s father and him are uncle brothers, the second child in the family, called Erlang…!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Junming saw a trace of fear on his face.

With the pure heart rune he drew earlier, the two of them still looked scrupulous. Obviously, most of the Zhu Erlang’s family has changed.

Intentionally ask clearly, but look at the expressions of the two of them, don’t ask.

“Thank you two!”

Reaching out, he hugged the thick poplar tree in the distance, a white rope tied two gray linen clothes covering the shadow of the whole body, and slowly flew over.

Looking at the two lifeless figures, the man knew it was a corpse.

Grasping the corpse rope, Xu Junming raised his foot, and the whole person was seventy meters away in an instant.


The man looked at the figure who was going away quickly with a shocked face, and forgot to say the words in his mouth.

“Go, let’s go back!”

After feeling calm, the man gritted his teeth and turned to say.

“Go back? Master, you are confused, we finally escaped.”

“Women Daoist family knows what. Although the Taoist leader is young, he seems to have great ability at first glance. He can probably solve the problems in our village.”

The woman also remembered the previous Daoist’s incredible ability to take a hundred steps in an instant.

In the end, the homeland is still hard to leave, after a moment of entanglement, he nodded.

In July and August, the southern land was the season of prosperity and prosperity. However, Xu Junming, who came to the entrance of the village, found that the leaves of the rice seedlings in the village were yellow, the growth was not vigorous, and they looked sickly.

He didn’t understand farming and thought it was just a bad planting, so he didn’t care.

However, when entering the village, it was obvious that the Yin Qi here was thicker than outside.

Looking at the village under the shroud of tall trees.

“The journey went smoothly, is there something wrong with this last trip?”

Shaking his head, Xu Junming walked along the road into the village.

Compared with the villages and towns he had passed by before, this village of Tanhua was not small, but the atmosphere in this village was strangely cold.

Although it was broad daylight, he had traveled all the way, and apart from the couple he had seen before, he had not seen any other figures.

This is not common in rural areas where people need to go to work every day.

When I came to the entrance of the village, there was a stone monument with a height of half a person erected next to it. The signs of wear and tear on the whole body of the stele are very serious, and it has obviously been left here for a long time.

The top of the stele is embossed with a golden lion, and the pictures and texts are exquisite, apparently from the hands of an expert.

The pedestal lotus petal writing is also a technique Bufan.

In the middle of the stele, the three-character ‘Tanhua Village’ in regular script, although the color has fallen off, the temperament of the bones and muscles remains undiminished.

Xu Junming glanced briefly and was about to step into the village. In the corner of the hutong in the distance, he turned out an old man wearing a patchy patch coat, short and thin, carrying a hoe.

Seeing Xu Junming in a Taoist costume, plus two gray linen corpses behind him, the old man’s goatee curled up and his face was shocked.

“The Daoist is a carpenter?”

The old man asked tentatively.

He is old and well-informed, and the corpse-cutter has seen it once or twice.

“Exactly!…Does the old layman know where Zhu Youfu and Zhu Erlang are?”

“Yes. Dao Chang walked along this road, passing four intersections, the first one on the right side of the road, and the one with a stone at the door is Zhu Youfu’s house. As for Zhu Erlang…?”

The old man’s face showed a ray of fear from his heart!

“Dao Master should go find it by himself…!”

After all, before Xu Junming could speak, the old man carried a hoe, turned and ran, and disappeared into the alley in the blink of an eye.

Seeing where he disappeared, Xu Junming did not catch up.

Think about the previous couple’s scruples, and then look at the old man’s fear, Zhu Erlang’s family is probably the cause of the death of this ‘Tanhua Village’.

According to the old man, Xu Junming stepped forward. This road, paved with stones of different sizes and about five meters wide, is obviously the main road in the village.

There are winding alleys on both sides connected to it. Each alley has more and less residents, but basically more than eight.

Counting this, there are at least two to three hundred households in this village.

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