"Well, okay. Hey, what kind of man does Iris like?


I tipped my neck slightly to Kupido's words that were out of context.

"I like silver hair, I like kids who like me. Iris has beautiful silver hair, and I like it because he gave me a dish with delicious, fine magic cages."

Behind it spitting sweet words, a deep red dragon with many times the length of a person's back is roaring. That low voice is shaking the billies and the air and intimidating us.

"You! That's my mom!? Why is my mom on your side?!?"

I heard Ignis' voice. Kupido just laughs at Couscous and doesn't reply.

But I wonder why such a splendid flaming dragon is following Kupido because he was taking away how much flaming magic? Is it the effect of [fascination]?

"Humans often say 'I like strong men' or 'I like nice people', don't they? So, Iris, I'll show you my powers. And then you'll like it, won't you?

Kupido, with a grin that seemed inadvertently to fall in love, lined up the reasoning that only convinced him, and stroked the dragon and waved up his arms.

At that moment, the flaming dragon opened its big mouth and exhaled the flame.


Mr. Bardo summed up the golden magic on his axe and called Ignis' name.

"Huh! Huh ~!!"

Ignis sprayed a flame towards the axe. The axe, shaken up by Mr. Bardo, who grinned niggardly, is filled with a golden flame that he has never even seen.


Dón......! and the axe was swung down, and the flame of the flaming dragon that was coming towards him was broken up.

Wow! Could this be what you two talked about earlier......!?

"Wow! That's hilarious! I offset this flame with Ignis flames!?

"Oops. Let me give you back three years ago......!

"Me too! Mom, give it back!!"

"Ahaha! Flaming dragon, deal with him. - Iris!"

I stare up at Kupido.

"Hehe, my bride! Watch where I look!

Kupido spread his hands with Saah, waving his magic around like a red bulb petal. Then the flame became a twisting whip, which struck Mr. Lamberto and Mr. Letterio, who had their swords in place to protect me.

"Water! Stop the flames!

"Wind! Blow out the flames!

The two put their own magic on their swords and grind away the whip of flames. but Kupido flames one after the other in a mood, scolding the two opposing people.

"Wow, me too...!

Give me some cover...! And I thought, and I grabbed my wand again, and then Dr. Penelope pulled my hand and shook my head.

"Stop. Our role is to preserve our magic for sealing. Leave the flames to them."

"So, but! If auxiliary magic......!

"Iris, look around. Auxiliary water spirits (undine) cornucopia. Pollen is also somewhat starting to (...) take (...) Ri (...). Leg and Russ are also developing the protection of the earth. Then think about it. Kupido is playing with flames now, but if that bothers you, they can all do anything with [charm (charm)]!

I was hazy about the whispering reprimand.

Yes, it was. Kupido said, 'Watch where I look good!' What a joke, and now you're right, you're playing boastfully with your powers.

Kupido flies flames into the city at random, even as he confronts Mr. Letterio and Mr. Lamberto. It's definitely half the play.

"… Yes, it will stay warm"

"Yeah, let's do that. It's okay, that" Golden War Axe Ghost "is also famous as a dragon killer, so you'll manage to get away with it."

"What, are you a dragon killer!? But that looks like Ignis' mom!?

"... that's a bit of a question."


The teacher stares at Ignis, who fights with Mr. Bardo.

"Are you sure... that the Spirit of Fire (Salamander) can serve the Spirit of the Moon? A (...) may be a flaming dragon, not a flaming dragon."

"Flaming dragon, not flaming dragon -?"

I stared at the giant with its swaying flames and at the little Ignis with his cape on.

"Flaming dragons are awesome again, dude...!

"Mm-hmm! I'm flattered too ~... Mom - stop it!"

Gong and the flames lick the ground, and once Mr. Bardo's cheeks and back claws, fangs, hard, hot tails blow his body with axes. After all, people and dragons are too different in size.

I tried it as a flaming dragon and it's nothing. I pay for one of my tails, but if you try it as a confronting Mr. Bardo, it's like being beaten with a chunk of iron like a marutaur.

"Chip... Mom, then you can't aim for the steeple, and it's hard to do"

I guess I cut my mouth off now. I think I'm going to spit out some blood. Blurry. and one of the apprentice halibut ran up to Mr. Bardo like that tattered and jumped up and shook the 'recovery potion' out of his head.

"Lurus' secret potion! There is also the protection of the Spirit of Ice! It's cold!

Lulusu-kun raised his voice from behind the castle gate. "Ice Spirit" is the only spirit in the Ice Country that is closed to ice all year round......!? He's a fellow water spirits, but I hear he rarely sees you.

"Whoa, this is good"

Mr. Bardo's wounds and burns have healed, and thin ice (diamond dust) has appeared to cover the boundaries of the water stretched by Corne.

"Heh... that's funny! Ketsey, are you a merchant? You."

"Wha!? Ha ha!? Luluz, don't sell it to people who don't like it! That's what Ketsey merchants are for!

Lulusu-kun, accidentally turned to Kupido, returns such words as he hides his ears and tail in the lowering door.

I only see my hands because I hide too much......

"- That's rude to look at... ugh!

Turning around haphazardly, Mr. Letterio was using the power of the wind to run up the sky for a step or two and slaughtered by Kupido. but Kupido makes a wall out of flames without turning around and jumps Mr. Letterio.

"Keeper.... um, the magic is there, even the arm of the sword is below that axe man. So what can you do?

Kupido pulled out one hair with a slightly silver tip and fluttered his breath and waved his arms. Then a long sword appeared in its hand that I wondered if I could shake, laughing nicely and shaking one.

I poked my cut at Mr. Letterio's nose tip.

"Wow, I'm not running away. Yeah, I'll buy that bravery. Oh, or you just didn't get away? Pfft, no magic, no sword, you're halfway to no match for Iris or the man, you."

Mr. Letterio's face was grossly distorted.

He clenches his sword and opens his mouth, but for some reason he looks like he's stared at Kupido and swallowed the words.

"... sure"

The little squeal, I could not hear the voice but I could tell by the movement of my mouth.

- Mr. Letterio, what is it? Something tells me we're in the middle of a fight... and things are weird.

I stare at Mr. Letterio on the other side of Ignis' flame and flaming dragon.

"Hmm? What's going on? Keeper. Yall, have you lost your mind?

Kupido is also strangely inclined to his little neck, turning the sword he had in his hand in a flickering manner.

Interestingly, but rather than expecting it, 'Well, how do I do it' is such an atmosphere.

"No. Just thought you'd been poked in the pain."

When I thought I smiled at the top and bottom, a big crotch step, a sword put forward with my foot, snapped off Kupido's neck, the sound of the wind hummed! and rang sharply.

Is that an illusion? I felt like I saw a big eagle with wings with the sound. The Spirit of the Wind (Sylph), who gave Mr. Letterio his protection, said he did look like an eagle.

"Whoa... whoa!?

A kupid poked at the void was bounced in a gust and wound up in the sky with Pawn.

"Those who are halfway there are quite a few ways to fight...! Lieutenant! Ignis!


"Yes ~ yes!

Ignis opened his mouth wide enough to exhale the flame in front of the flaming dragon. Speak of flaming dragons. They will dazzle you with sudden flames. I'm sure you'll buy me some time even in just a few seconds.

And in those seconds, Mr. Bardo had a white bulb pin inserted in his chest - the demonic stone of Ignis. When I chewed it up galloping and swallowed it, I shook and threw the golden axe at a flaming dragon.

"Olah! Go...... Huh!!

The flying axe rises high, and its trajectory draws a brilliant red brilliance like a star (broom).

Oh, that warm red is the magic of Ignis......!

Did you just chew up the Demon Stone to add Ignis magic to your axe! Me, honestly, you're a little surprised, aren't you? I didn't know the Demon Stone had that use!

"What... Huh!?

Kupido raised his voice of surprise. Mr. Bardo's axe jumps over the flaming dragon, grabs each top and sews on the ground the kupido that was disfigured in the air.


I leaned on my back. That's exactly where Pollen was [guiding].

"Ugh! As planned! Come on, Penelope!

"Leave it to me!

The teacher put up his cane and tied Kupido to the spot by shedding magic on the "golden bondage formation" he was drawing. The witchcraft of a teacher I haven't seen in a long time is accurate, unforgiving, and beautiful, after all.

"There's a human flame... flaming dragon! Burn the city!! Out of my mind!"

Kupido, who fell to the ground, shouted.


"I won't let you, Ze!

"I won't let you!

When Mr. Lamberto and Cornu exercised water magic on each of them, and the teacher quickly drew a 'gold-bound formation' with a cane, he flew with a flaming dragon hanging with his mouth open.

"Iris! Get the transfer team!


I take the silver watch out of my pocket and insert it into the crest. Nodding with Leg and Russ as they turn their arms and prepare to throw "Hope Moon Grass Fruit," and activate "Sealed Transfer Formation" -.

"Huh!? Ugh, it doesn't work......!

"What!?" "What!?" and everyone's voice flew.

Why, why not!? I went this far as the ops......! The magic runs again, but the response is strange. It's like something's in the way, obstructing the flow of magic -.

I thought so, and I was hacked.

"Flaming Dragon!

In front of me, I caught my eye on a deep red dragon who was squatting (quail) in "The Golden Ties," just like Kupido.

Yeah, I knew it. Even the Flaming Dragon has been on the "Sealed Transfer Formation" that has emerged.

This is over-capacity relative to the size of the transfer formation, and the (...) demon (...) force (...) of the flaming dragon's large flame (...) should not be. I'm sure it's had a weird effect on the formation.

"Ahaha! I knew I was a twat on a full moon night! Phew!"

Kupido's hair, looking up at the moon from the ground and laughing, was changing color from red to silver.

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