"This is the next one."

I took the notebook.

When I turned to parallax, there was a lot of clutter written in it.

"... Ah, this is an alchemy recipe. Heh... this formula looks interesting"

"Which, show me. - Oh, this. This is an old way of doing it... but maybe I can apply it to that formula..."

"What, head, is this an old way of doing it? It's novel - I thought..."

"That would be so. This is the way you don't learn. But..."

"Iris, brother, once you get there!

With words from Mr. Letterio we returned to me haha.

And a notebook was taken out of our hands in a flash of clearance with our faces raised.


"Hey, Letterio!

"If the alchemy recipe is written, it still belongs to the princess. Yes, let's all read it in order"

"Right. Then from me..."

The head reached for the notebook again, but Mr. Letterio put his hand with the notebook sassy overhead.

Yeah, Mr. Letterio's a little taller. If you lead, reach out like a child...

"My brother is the last one.... I'm laughing, but so is Iris?


"Right. These two are no good. As soon as it comes to alchemy, I'm obsessed with it!

Everyone nodded at Lulusu-kun's words, and me and the lead decided to read them at the end.

Too bad...... I'd like to read it soon...... -.

"-... Squirrel, Iris!

When I looked up hah, Mr. Letterio, with a frightened face, was peeking into me.

"... Yes?

"Yes? Not. Look, it's Iris's turn."

Pong and I were handed a notebook.

I was obsessed again when I was reading the writing in "Experiments on Adding Potion Effects to Food" that was on my bookshelf. 'Cause this, it's just a failure, but the dish I was making looks so delicious...!

Oh, the recipe was firmly remembered in the [recipe] in my head.

"... that? Have you read it yet? That was fast, wasn't it?

"I'm not. Totally really alchemist...... Brother, please read it with me! Look, brother, ahhh!!

In the head hand is a book called How to Reduce White Bulbs. Oh, I wonder if you're reading intensively, just like me.

"... that's a must-have for the Summer Festival, right?

"Huh? Mr. Bardo, a must-win book...?

"Uh... how can I give a white bulb to a child of my choice, where to give it a good chance of winning, to get a good reply... that kind of book"


Leader, what are you reading so seriously......

While I was a little nervous, I started reading the notebook side by side with the head.

I'm the one who turns. He says the lead is quick to read, so he'll keep up with my pace.

I've been reading it sequentially for a long time, and I get it, but apparently I've been using this notebook, to write down what I came up with. Occasionally the page is flying, the content you write on the opening page is galloping, and above all, there is no context to its content.

A note from a store selling interesting material, an observation diary of unfamiliar flowers blooming in a forest cave (tired in a few days or finished on the way, and suddenly a few pages later I was like, "I had seeds!," it said), and then the knight who was also in and out of the workshop - was this the knight who came out in that "half book on the greasy cover"? - It also said something about stupidity towards the person.

Peeping through people's notebooks was a bit exciting combined with guilt, but the princess's notebook was a little different from both the diary and the "general notebook," with little odd guilt. Rather, it is a very enjoyable read in the sense of an "Alchemist's Daily Note”.


This was the kind of description I had when I proceeded to enjoy reading it that way.

"* Don't forget! * Tomorrow is the day to go to the city! * Pick me up for seven minutes'

Could this be a note from the day before I went to the city of Venetos that was in that story...? Yeah. Speaking of which, how true is that story of "Half a Book on a Fatty Cover"? I wonder where it comes from?

I felt somewhat like the truth because it was a completely different story than The Princess's White Bulb, which the book couldn't leave on fire... maybe the truth is The Princess's White Bulb, and The Half Book on the Fatty Cover is the creation?

At least it is true that there was a dispute with the city of the neighbouring country and then the marriage was entered into. This also remains firmly in the city's history books.

Then maybe there was a princess in Venetos, and there was a knight, and something happened and it was sealed in that labyrinth.

Because the temple, which was written in The Book of Half the Fat Cover, was in a situation similar to that found in the deep depths of the labyrinth of Venetos.

And then the white bulb - so is the "Midnight Grass".

I'm sure the "White Bulb of the Princess" that remains in Venetos and the "Half Book of Fatty Covers" that was in this attic, then this "notebook". It should say the truth that could not be left in these three and the truth about the nucleus of the labyrinth and the seal that could be left because it is creation.

I said, "Come on, what's next?" And I turned the page thrilled...

Its contents had changed from this point forward.


· Examining that man's qualities. * Find out if there's anyone in the royal family to the end '

"That man is disgusting! I'm concerned about how Sophia is doing. That sweet smell is strange. Smell (...) Y (...)! '

Yeah, this could be proof that that story was true. Sophia is probably the "daughter of the lord" that came out of the book.

This statement must have been written after the guy with the silver hair showed up and the incident happened. So is the content, and most importantly, the princess's handwriting is rough.


-Man's sighting ant in Perla, South Sea City, a few days ago.

- My daughter, who was dyeing her silver hair, was injured.

Royalty Nashi

Where is he? Who?

The last, "Where is he? Who is he? 'was surrounded by grime and multiple circles.


-Isn 't it enchanting magic? It should be a pleasure!

- I didn't use a cane. What do you mean??

Maybe he's not a person. '


"... Iris, my fingers are in the way. I can't read it. Then don't speak up. It'll distract you."

"Oh, excuse me"

They pissed me off. You do care if they speak up next door when you're concentrating.... or was the head of the line already reading the next page? Fast.

Get your fingers off me. I also moved my eyes to the next page.

"- Moonlight Magic

· Moon Dropper

· Charm - Contraindicated Sorcery and Its Stories'


"... Iris. Whatever it is."

Ha...... and the head sighed and stared at me gently.

"Shh, excuse me. I thought it was the title of the book."

"Oh well, still. I read The Magic of the Moonlight... did you read it all?

"No, I read The Dropper of the Moon and Charm - Contraindicated Sorcery and Its Stories."

"I wonder what it's all about. Just talk to me, okay?"

You can't just not talk if you say so at the head. Honestly, one book is a little hard to talk about...

"The Moon Child's Hangout" is a gay tale of the cute spirits "Moon Child” born of the Moon's magic. It is a painting book known in the western part of the kingdom as Wai, a story about a lake that is a sight to behold the moon, playing pranks without other love or playing with the spirits of the forest.

Speaking of which, the bed where the moon child was born was bright red luminous grass.

I can't believe the labyrinth and the story of the princess even come up in common here...?

"Enchantment (Charms) - Contraindicated Sorcery and Its Stories" would surely be a little-known book. It's a book that was dusty at the Temple Library, a stop in the city on the way to Venetos. I guess the title of contraindicated witchcraft and the content was a little exciting so it didn't come out very well ~... and I think I read it.

And, briefly, it's two books of that kind. I told him every time because he asked me a lot at the head... but I kind of want to read the notebook quickly because I feel Mr. Letterio's gaze. Must be "The Alchemists are really..." again!

"... wow, your [recipe] is. It's something I often remember in detail."

"Thank you. Uh, may I continue reading...?


"Spirit of the Moon, Magic of the Moon,

A mischievous fairy who is whimsical and confuses people with relocation. Prefer something beautiful '


"Let's turn a few pages. Because this princess seems to be writing appropriately open... oh, there it is. Continued...?

There were drafts of several smelting formations depicted.

"... that? This..."

"You're basically a formation of flames. Transfer, resonance, absorption? Seal...... oh, do you want to pair? No, three points? But fine good formation."

"Lead, I've seen formations similar to this"

"The Labyrinth."

I nodded.

I guess "Half the Book on the Fatty Cover" says the facts. It's called a temple and a good birdcage, too much in common. And so is this formation.

The princess tried to draw. If this was in the labyrinth, it was supposed to be the 'Man with Silver Hair', not the dragon, that was sealed. Because in the story, it was the princess's dragon who made the seal.

And the notebook was finished with this wording that was written on the next page.

"Forwarding and sealing formation! * Drawing another as a spare Venetos main entrance?

... Venetos main entrance? Is there this formation there as well? Spare... what does that mean?

"Hmm...... Did you even consider the possibility that the temple would be abandoned...? Sure, there's no temple in that place right now."

"... ah"

Sure it is.

In the story, there was a temple called "Rock Mountain," and what I knew was a temple called "The Labyrinth," which had an entrance to "Rock Mountain."

That temple... how did it end up in a labyrinth?

The nucleus of the labyrinth that was moving, is it... -?

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