When we all go up to the attic and open the door, guns! and hit something.

"Yes!? Something is caught......!?

A peek inside through the gap between only a third of the open doors revealed that there was a 'demon cave' that didn't know what was going on there.

"Iris, aren't you opening it?

"Uh... I opened it when I saw it before..."

I crouched down and showed Mr. Letterio in the back.


"That's terrible. I was just saying Iris is a demon... oh, you can't"

Mr. Bardo peeks in, too, and reaches out from behind and pushes the door, but there is no sign of it opening.

"Ha! Everyone was throwing a lot of stuff in there."

"Ugh. Sometimes it's because the bad boys cleaned up badly, right? Clemente."

"Your ear hurts, Russ"

I knew it was.

Actually, I've never been in this room. When we got here, we all looked around the workshop, but since then, the attic seems terrible, and Dr. Irina said, "Better not touch it because it's dangerous," and smiled.

Sometimes that happens, and I'm not sure what's in this room, we apprentices call it the 'demon cave'... three years since. I haven't cleaned or cleaned anything up.

Something was sounding like a collapse once in a while, but I was deciding not to hear it. But I can't believe that bump is coming on such occasions......!

"Mmm... what am I going to do with this..."

"Iris, if you can do it all you want, you can open it, okay?

"Mr. Bardo's thoughts...?

Then I'm sure it will open... but the door will break. Maybe something that's blocking the door.

I was a little lost as to what to do...... the head nodded loudly on the other side of Mr. Bardo.

I don't mind if you forgive me. Repairs and reprimands must be something the head will do!

"Mr. Bardo, please open it!

The price of opening up per thoughtful body was the great destruction of the door.

And it was the column clock that was behind it that was blocking the door. It's a simple wooden watch to look at, but this was the surprising bender who was given countless effects, such as [reinforcement] and [stagnation] [weight addition].

"Wow... did you even experiment? Or practice......?

"What, you're surprisingly cleaning up. It looked more like it was falling..."

"No, Deputy. Didn't you get back to normal with this one (...) and (...)?

There are numerous bookshelves at the end of Mr. Letterio's gaze. When I followed the bookshelves lined up as they snaked from the wall to the whole room, they were almost upright but the books were falling to the floor.

I'm sure the bookshelf was like a domino knockout, even a column clock, blocking the knockout door. And in the shadow of Mr. Bardo's push, the intact column clock was pressed to stand upright, and the folding bookshelf was restored.

"Oh, I see you've had a little bit of a cleanup effort."

"Not yet! I have to undo the falling book!

Leg and Russ ordered the apprentice hares to clean up and opened the window as they jumped all the way over the bookshelf.

"Mr. Letterio, what was that 'book' like? Colors, sizes..."

"It was big... but the book was damaged and I didn't have the back half. Hmmm... I think the cover was fat. Maybe."


The head looked around the stacked book and bookshelf for a moment and slightly tilted his neck and groaned.

"Brother, anything?

"No, I didn't think I'd see a book like that when you guys ended up messing around. Because there were some interesting and valuable books, I checked them out and protected them, but if there were books that were damaged, I repaired them, and I should remember..."

- What, you've got so many books, and the head of the book looked at them all?

"Yes, yes! Clemente, you didn't quite clean it up by caging me in here!

"Yeah, yeah. I waited three days, but come on! If I scold you, if you're Clemente, I'll shove you into the bookshelf properly!

"If I hadn't been rushed, I'd have classified not only the books, but the magic props and everything else."

Ahaha, and the head laughs, but I think it's too much to properly do that.

The bookshelves are painfully lined up, but the big and small demonic items are just a few piles in that gap, and the walls are just shoved in with old-school furniture.

"No, no, it would be too cleaned up appropriately..."


Mr. Bardo moves and rearranges the bookshelves as he is half frightened. Just lining up with the chitin created some space in the room and we finally stepped into the back of the room.

"You don't have any books over here."

Hiding on the bookshelf was old furniture. I also discovered dressers, short shelves, and then cleaning tools.

"It was in the back of Konya. It doesn't make sense. Lulrus and the dust everywhere."


My robe is white too. As soon as I get out of here, I need to take it off and do some laundry!

"I don't know."

Mr. Letterio shrugged in sigh as he looked around the room.

We've all searched every book for a 'damaged book', but we still can't find it.

"That's crazy. I'm sure it was torn along the way and I couldn't read it... I guess my memory is wrong..."

"Don't you mean the other way around, Mr. Letterio, the head misremembers? Actually, I fixed it, I took it home."

I think there is a mistake at any head. It was a long time ago, and I can't believe you just checked all these tons of books and cleaned them up, can you?

"No, my brother feels like a (...) but I can trust him if it comes to alchemy books. My brother's only serious about alchemy research."

Mr. Letterio says with a slight odor.

He just seemed to be swinging by his free brother, but maybe he has complex feelings as the lead alchemist's brother.

"Hey! Iris - look - it's a cool box!"

"Huh? Wah, what is this!

What Ignis found was a leathery box that looked like a 'chest' even if he wanted to hide behind a bookshelf. It's placed to hide beneath that corner of the chair stored under the dresser, and it really feels like there's some kind of treasure in it.

"Crate! Something interesting might be in there!

"Iris - Lek - Let's open it!"

- Right there.

Mr. Letterio shrugged over Lulusu-kun's back pulling out the crate.



"That chest - I put a book in it...!

"I'm here to read it again later... I totally forgot..."

When Mr. Letterio, who gave in to the floor, opened the chest, there was a book inside with a fatty cover. This one, as I recall, is only damaged in half.

That, along with a bunch of paper in an envelope and a small notebook, and for some reason a ribbon of fine fabric.

"Oh! That's right. This was bracketed in this ribbon with the book."

"This envelope and notebook?

The head reaches out and changes the contents of the envelope.

I looked through some of the bundles of writing, turned the notebook apart...... and looked at the last page to round my eyes.


"Why is this crest here..."

I stretched my back and peered in at the head of the line.

What was there was a bright purple wax seal. It was pressed next to the last page of the notebook, on the back of the ledge.

"Brother, that's..."

"What? Is that, like, a royal crest?


- Royal Seal!?

I saw that purple mark again in that word of Lulusu-kun, who was peering in as well. The details are hard to understand, but the double-headed lion, the crest of the kingdom, could be seen with clarity. And this vibrant purple color is royal.

"Whoa, you don't know? There was a royal family in this workshop, right?

"Fair enough! The story of this book is about that princess!

Leg and Russ slipped their faces over the shoulders of the head, peeking into the notebook and books and starting to talk happily.

"What do you mean? Leg, Russ"

"What, our grandma told me!

"Look, you can read this book and this notebook and you'll see. It's the true story of The Princess's White Bulb, right?

"Princess White Bulb? But this book I read was supposed to be about the labyrinth..."

How could there be a story about the 'White Bulb of the Princess', which was the source of the festival of Venetos, when I came looking for the key to the labyrinth's anomaly...?

"Because that princess was there because (...) the (...) worker (...) the room (...)!

"Ugh, if you tailored it to a (...) ga (...) story (...), it burned, so you don't know anything about it."

Leg and Russ pointed and said at the greasy book and bundle of paper, then the notebook.

The princess was an alchemist.

The princess was an alchemist.

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