In addition to my usual 'country-style bread' today, I am also going to try to bake some new bread. Then I'd also like to try the grapes and melons (melons) yeast that I just made. I'm sure you can make a bread of sweetness and fragrance that's different from a raspberry.

"Hey - what kind of bread do you bake?"

"Um, bread for sandwiches!

"Nha? Isn't that the usual country-style bread or baguette?

"That's still enough, but I was wondering if we should have a few more variations. See, Ignis went out exploring with the Letterios, didn't he? How was your meal then?

"Mm-hmm - have a sandwich - melt the cube bread and soup and eat it... and I was wondering if you had some ham stuck in the baguette?"

As expected. I would have liked to hear more of your thoughts on the portable food set properly if it was true, but I was distracted to hear about Alecore and that weird guy at the bottom.

"That's right. Looks like you couldn't afford to cook, and then you'd eat some easy broiled ham, bacon, or cheese with bread, right? I'd like to make some more changes for you."

What we have there is rye and dried grapes, plus cream cheese, a new product of the ranch.

"Bye! I'll make 'country-style rye bread' and 'sweet and tender bread with dried grapes and cream cheese'!

"Kufu ~! Long name ~"

"Enjoy the sweet bread!"

"And before I do... I want to make marinades"

"Yes, yes, Iris. It's a fruit that I think I can use."

"Look, it's king grapes, oranges, nectars, melons!

"Thanks! Leg, Russ! Thank you, too, Hare."

As I thanked the hares for transporting me, they saluted me with short forelegs. Oh, cute!

But they loved each other. Shortly after, they ran statatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata with all their footprints and disappeared. You could take it a little slower...? And Russ laughed and said as she dropped me off running away.

"Ugh. Those kids want to be alone soon. I'm running around trying to cultivate a little more fields."

"... well. I have to be alone soon, too!

As the same apprentice, you can't beat the halibut!

"So, Lulusu-kun, can I ask you for some bread fabric?

"I'll take care of it! Iris stocked me with crumbled fabrics, so I can make them! You should make it round as usual, right?

"Yeah! The rye one is as usual, the grape one is a bit bigger than the palm. Round enough, please!

"That's a lot of stuff! Roger that!

Leave the bread to Lulusu-kun, and I'll get into making marinades. Soak it for about three minutes and it will taste good, so it will be reasonably tame during baking.

First, peel the fruit and cut it into edible sizes. With the help of Ignis, put it in a large bottle boiled and disinfected with variety and colour.

Just add olive oil and balsamic vinegar, then marinade liquid with sugar and white wine, and wait until you sprinkle a light load (mint) at the end.

"... Shall we also make marinades of vegetables?

I make vinegar more advantageous than marinade liquid for fruit and also make marinade liquid with a little salt and pepper added. I threw white eggplant, red eggplant (tomato) and sprouted pumpkin (zucchini) into the sweet chili pepper (paprika) that was abundant there, and also added thinly sliced lemon.

"Ok. Hope it tastes good......!

So I prayed, and I put a lid on ten bottles and went to the refrigerator.

"Lulusu-kun, how are you?

"I wish I could! Lurus, I think you did a great job!

In front of Lulusu-kun, who stretches his chest on the stepping stone, is a beautifully round-molded bread fabric. I can't believe we're molding this many in this short time.

"Yeah! That's Lulusus, he's good! Then Ignis, please ferment......!

The basic recipes go hand in hand with the usual 'country-style bread' or 'cube bread'. But the yeast is different, and the ingredients are in it. If it's true, I'm just worried about fermentation time......

"Yes ~ yes! Let it go!"

You can rest assured if you leave it to Ignis. Because this confidence! He's already a fine bread spiriter.... I won't tell you because it's going to hurt the pride of the Spirit of Fire (Salamander)!

And the fabric was wrapped in a sparkle of red light, plump and swollen.

"So here we are!"

"Sooner than ever?

I think so, too. Besides, Ignis' magic is getting stronger...? The light was stronger than before, and the sparkling grains looked brighter.

"Really!? Khufu... I guess because I worked hard in the labyrinth? I thought I might have gotten a little stronger!"

"Really? Speaking of which, is it a little big?

"Yeah! Really!? - Iris, I grew up?"

He stared at me with the circled eyes of a crease, and I nodded loudly by accident. I'd feel that way if they told me I'd grown up, and I don't think I've changed.

But, but I'm not the one who can betray you with such a glittering eye of anticipation.

"Has your tail grown a bit? Could the leeches have grown, too?

"Ho, really!? Wow - glad to hear that!"

Oh, what shall I do? My chest hurts a little. I didn't lie to you, but maybe it's because of errors or something in me? It's a difference to the extent that it seems. Yet Ignis is so happy......

"Good for you, Ignis"

"Yeah! I want to be a big dragon soon!"


"What is it?

"Yeah? You can be?"

Ignis, in an upbeat mood, imitated the dragon and blew the fire, "Oh!" and Ignis pretended his tail - oh, I think Hirahira is getting a little gorgeous after all. The colors could be kind of dark too - and he flew a cute wink at us.

"Lulusu-kun... I thought the Flaming Dragon, the Spirit of Fire (Salamander), was a dragon from the beginning..."

"Lurus doesn't know much about it either. The Spirit is my neighbor, but I haven't really studied in the business."

If you don't know what a leprechaun is, there's no way I know who you are. Because the Spirit, he makes a covenant, but barely talks about our world. There is no such thing in the literature as how the Spirit grows. I naturally don't even find it in the books in my vast [recipe].

"Hmm? I can be a dragon! Because my mom is a dragon!"

Me and Lulusu-kun looked at each other, and I opened my eyes.

"Yes, Ignis, there was my mom!?

"Probably! Oh, when I met Iris - he was gone somewhere -... in my memory - my mom is here!"

"That's right...!

The one I worshipped in the village was Ignis' mom's...... is it a dragon? I had no idea what to do......! Yeah, but Leg and Russ are twins, and it looks like they have a sister, and that means they have parents.

"I... might have thought that spirits were born of magic vegetables..."

Or that's the theory.

"Mm-hmm. That's true. - Mom and I - we're together."

"I don't know much about Lulrus."

"Shall I ask my teacher?

Ignis told me a secret ~! and it sounds kind of fun. Will this little Ignis really be a dragon, though he is cute like a kid with a successful prank?... will it be?

"Really, you're too surprised to find out, Ignis"

"Eh heh."

Ignis' mom...... where are you? I'd like to say hello. But I find it somewhat awesome not to remain an apprentice alchemist.

Because the Flaming Dragon is one of the top spirits of the Flaming Spirit (Salamander). Other undead birds (Phoenix) are also famous as superior spirits, but I still think the apex is dragons.

"Thinking about it, you really care about the Flaming Dragon in the Labyrinth..."

"I'm curious. It's supposed to be big. Huh?

The dragon, too, could have been anybody in that birdcage... really, where has it disappeared...?

"Yes ~ yes! Iris - I'm burned!"

While I was thinking about that, Ignis was brilliantly baking me two kinds of bread.

"Wow......! This smells like grapes! Mmm!"

I couldn't help but breathe heavily through my nose. Then the aroma of the grapes is so intense that it shivers the sense of smell. It is a sweet and aromatic summer fragrance, with its refreshing but concentrated fruit juice from the king's grapes.

"Is it sweet? Fluffy!?

"Hey Shiso ~ hey! But ~... not a bit much ~? Iris ~"

"Yeah, I tried baking a lot today!

I'll take the round country-style rye bread down from the heavenly version, and I'll get the cube bread out of the repeated shapes as well. Oh, even the hot air of the hocahoka is slightly sweet and smells like butter...... oh happy already.

"Do you want to put it away? Awesome number."

Lulusu-kun also lines up the baked bread with a flirty balls.

There are ten "country-style rye breads" baked. "Sweet and tender bread with dried grapes and cream cheese" is a few fifty of them. Spectacular.

"We're going to the city this afternoon anyway, right? Then I'll give the busy knights a tasting, and I'll plug it in. Fruit marinade is also hemmed!

The potion effect will all come with it, but the Knights will be busy this time of year...... well, I guess it's good. I delivered a portable food set, and I guess it's time for everyone on the Labyrinth Expedition to eat.

"Sa, Ignis, Lurus kun...... this is a tasting you will enjoy!

I cut the baked hocahoca, shark bread on a wooden cutting board. Oh yeah, we have to call Leg and Russ too!

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