After lunch, Mr. Letterio and the others returned to the city. Mr. Lamberto had to go and report to the lord, but lamented that it was bothersome.

"Come on, Captain, it's your job. Good luck with that!

Mr. Bardo laughing, Byrne! and thump encouragement into its back.

"It hurts!? Lieutenant! Well, I'll do my best... my father is busy at times, and maybe he'll throw a round at us. There are festival security meetings, and from tomorrow there will be greetings and dining for guests coming from the King's Capital... so much so that Letterio wants a hand over here. Ha..."

"I'm sorry. I'm just a deputy captain of the Labyrinth Expedition."

Haha and laughing. Turning a resentful eye to Mr. Letterio, Mr. Lamberto exhales again.

"Ha... well, I'll see if there's anything left in the Marquis Veneti."

"I asked. I... don't really care, but I'll talk to my brother."

Brother - I'm the lead magician at the Alchemy Institute. I'm only about the name, but maybe we're not very close brothers?

"Oh, Clemente might know something we won't notice."

"Right...... ha. I'm comfortable with alchemy entanglement... ha"

"Hey, speaking of which, have you figured out the footsteps of the man who gave Iris a strange hand?

That's what Mr. Bardo asked the two of us who were in a siesta fight.

I don't know about the upper levels of the city...... and I looked up haha too when I was thorough with the air. Yes, Mr. Lamberto told the gatekeeper to follow footsteps on the voice transfer flight (Tugumi).

"Oh, that's it... no record, and it was untraceable. The gatekeepers have never seen a man with such unusual hair colors."

"Uh... but there's only one way in and out of the labyrinth, right?


- Maybe?

"Iris, like the transfer formations that the Lulhus and the others used earlier, there might be a known and nasty entrance and exit. And what else does Lurus come up with... red pink? might be silencing the gatekeeper knight in some way? I don't know."

"I'll tell you as captain for once, there shouldn't be a takeover."

"I know. It's a possibility."

Is it possible? Then there could certainly be both.

'Cause I don't think the knights will miss a man that stands out. All I can think about is if there's some kind of secret entrance or if you're using a prohibited alchemy tool, like [Fairy Hidden Jacket (Cloak)]. If it is, but if you are a person in a position to use such a thing or know a secret entrance or exit...

"He was a little unusual after all..."

"Iris, I've told you many times, because it's not normal to just give 'Princess White Bulbs' to other women when there's a waiting list, is it?

"At least you're not a Veneto man."

"Please, I want you to be a normal man. I'm sorry it's so confusing..."

Each of them got stuck together and I laughed bitterly, "Isn't that right? Then Ignis comes down to my shoulder, anxiously shaking his tail.

"Iris... I'm worried about you."

"It's okay, Ignis. Look, he said he was locked up, and it seemed like some people were waiting, so maybe he crossed over to the group and rushed in and out! Right, sounds like it, doesn't it? Mr. Letterio."

"Right. It's against the rules, but I don't think so."

"Mm-hmm... if Iris gets something done - I'll blow the fire!"

Ignis, stop talking about the noise...!

"Ah, Iris."


"May I have the flowers that the man gave me?"

That's what Mr. Letterio, with a slightly more serious face, said to me as I was putting the waterproof cloth in a round backpack that twirled.

"Ah, yes. Fine..."

"Lek - throw it away?"


Ignis innocently says, "Throw it away," but Lulsus says, "No! If you throw it away, Luluz will get it! I want it!" he restrained in front of his backpack. Mr. Letterio laughs when he sees those two.

"I just want to ask Ignis to incinerate and dispose of it right now, because you might know something. I'd like to show it to my brother."

"At the head..."

Sure, if you look at it that way, you might see the special nature of that strong aroma of late-night grass. That flower... I feel something wrong too, don't I? At that time, while I was talking to that guy, I had this strange feeling that I was a little blurry...

"Yes, please, take it"

"Yeah, thanks.... Good."


"If Iris didn't want to let go of these flowers, I'd be in trouble."

…… Yes, I don't want to! Such a slightly suspicious flower!

Mr. Lamberto and Mr. Bardo watching in the back were always in the same nianya, and Ignis and Lulusu-kun laughed "kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu".

"Guys, it's too funny......!

I was a little hot on my cheeks and squeaked like shutting my backpack's mouth.

"I'm home!"

Back at the workshop, there was no one indoors. It's still after high noon, so Leg and Russ, who asked to leave a message, may be working in the field.

"Well, first we have to unpack and collect."

"Nyyyyy! I had fun this time! When I'm with Iris, I pick all sorts of crap and it's the best!

Heh heh heh heh! and sing a nose song, Lulusu-kun takes his collection out of his bag and begins to brag about Ignis, who was acting differently.

"Look, look, Ignis! Big time for Konnya. Hot Fleur Flowers!

"Wow! Yummy! I couldn't find it - Lurus, where did you pick it?"


"Oh, that Xiao Wei's?

"That's right. There was an interrupted compartment at the end, and there were all kinds of plants with flame attributes there. Iris was obsessed with the late-night grass, so Lurus picked up a lot of Iris' stuff. Are you there?"

"Of course! Wow! I've never seen a" Dragon Claw "or" Dragon Head Crown "so splendid......!

"Dragon Claws" is a spicy spice that is red, often used in cooking. "The crown of the dragon head" is a shaped flower that resembles a deformed scale that is rarely found over the head of a dragon. The name was given to the little flower because it looked like a gathering crown.

"This fruit builds up some magic. That labyrinth is amazing."

"Mmm - it looks delicious! Iris, Iris, just give me a grain!"

The crown of the dragon head is also a straightforward product that absorbs and fruits magic vegetables, just like the grass. However, it is not often used for the purpose of "taking magic", as it is after the flowers have fallen and because it is a small fruit. It is mainly used as an ingredient in medicine and tastes like ginger when I eat it, so in my hometown it may also be drunk as' kanmuriyu 'during a cold.

"Just a little bit, huh?... hey, is this sweet too?

"Yeah, sweet and sweet! Ooh! Ooh!"

It tastes spicy ginger to humans......

"It's sweet..."

"Sweet garlic."

"The taste of the Spirit of Fire (Salamander) is strange," we laughed face to face.

"Oh! I knew it when I thought I had signs!

"Come on! If you were home, call us, Iris!

The back door's burning! And he was opened up, and Leg and Russ, and then everyone in the Hare squad came running over with a bummer. These big and small halibut are always doing really well.

"Is Iris safe? Nothing missing?

"I've been worried about you because of strange signs, haven't I?

"Really? Yeah, I'm not particularly hurt or anything. I met someone a little odd, but I'm fine. I'm sorry to bother you, huh? Leg, Russ. Then...... this!

I offered them an apology for my concern, a thank you for leaving a message, and a freshly picked bright red 'Hope Moon Grass Fruit'.

"This is for both of us, if you like."

"Oh wow, amazing magic!

"Dude, this is amazing! All right, we'll process it!


No, I want you to thank me for eating...! Shortly thereafter, Leg and Russ told Lulusu-kun, "Get me out of my bag and get me out!," he hastens to build a mountain of grass to be served.


"You guys!

"You guys!

Halibut teams line up in two rows and carry more and more flowers into cages to the workplace. And I noticed. There was a line of little hares behind everyone. It's like I'm touring.

"Leg, Russ, what about those kids?

"Whoa, I'll introduce you! Apprentices of the King's Field!

"That's the apprenticeship of the Queen's Field."

Mi, apprentice......! Same identity as me......!

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