"We've confirmed the directions that have changed due to recent anomalies, and we've lifted the trap. Because I promise to protect Iris in case there is."

Shortly after we were thrilled with those words, we just went to the thirty-eighth level to serve the tent.

"I didn't think we were going to get to the bottom..."

I was walking in a dim cavernous place as I clenched my wand.

This is beyond The White Temple. The original place where dangerous demons come out is about four metres wide and the ceiling is high. If you look closely, white junctional stone fragments were rolling gobbly at the feet and at the lower positions of the walls, reflecting the light of glowing moss and luminescent stones, illuminating this place.

"Me too - I didn't expect to come with Iris. Good luck ~! Hey - Cornu ~"

"Yes, Na! In addition to my [purification], Ignis' [junction] is also strained, so it's perfect, Ze!

The line is in the form of a cross with me in the centre, Mr. Bardo in the lead, Mr. Letterio in the left and right, Mr. Lulusus and Ignis in the back and Mr. Lamberto and Cornu in the back. And even thin around us, like Moya in the red veil, this is Ignis' junction.

"I'll protect you from the bad stuff!"

"Thank you, Ignis"

Ignis flipped his back cloak and pretended his tail. I was relieved that there seemed to be no more subtle tension that I showed in the morning.

On the contrary, you seem in a good mood and in good shape, don't you? As usual, me and Lulusu-kun are together, so maybe they settled down naturally.

We get to the stairs to the lower level without a thing, and we get down from Mr. Bardo as soon as possible. I tried to step in, too, and the last time I dived into the labyrinth, my head snapped and Pita stopped.

"Iris? What's up?

"Oh, no."

Returns an ambiguous smile to Mr. Lamberto in the back and takes a slow step. I put my foot down.

The stairs are white today. The narrow walls and ceilings are white junction stones. Last time, I wondered if I could really go outside, not that gravel staircase.

I understand that, but my heart makes unpleasant noises about dokins, dokins,

- And I was staring down at the ground, my hand was offered in front of me.

"Iris, it's okay. I'll be there in a minute."

"... Mr. Letterio"

There's always a smile there if you put your face up. A little horrified, I took that hand.

"... thank you"

Same hand that pulled me up then.

When I held that hand modestly and went down the stairs, my unpleasant heartbeat gradually subsided as well. And as Mr Letterio said, the stairs were quickly over and I reached thirty-six floors.

"Because this hierarchy isn't that big, and the next staircase is just around the corner"

"Oh, yes."

"And, unfortunately, there's no place I can pick it up on my way. Around here, it's demonic material or ore..."

"Oh, no, I'm fine. Um... thank you"

That said, I loosened my connected hand.

Mr. Letterio walked out with his hands intact, however dim...... I knew it was embarrassing. Yes, and I've settled down! Above all... I guess it's your body watching over you, I'm worried about Mr. Lambert's gaze... right!?

"Iris, Iris"


"The ingredients are picked by Lurus. Even in a place full of konya rocks, there's some plain material you can find because it's Lurus' eye!

"Iris - Thirty-eight layers had material, so hey! It's a great moonlight grass."

Yes, it was. Hope Moongrass that can be collected in the deepest part......! I had my head full of disturbances, but I'm sure it's a great quality with dark magic buildup!

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it!

And the thirty-eight layers we reached were different spaces.

It was red on one side that jumped into my eyes. And white.

"Wow... Hope Moongrass is amazing...! And here, the temple...?

It was covered there with bright red Hope Moon grass and bright white junction stones. It's like a continuation of the thirty-five layers of "White Temple". It looks just like the building and the material.

But the difference is that the red reflects on the white on all sides, and the entire thirty-eight layers are dyed red... which would be creepy. That's also because this is a rectangular space that's not that big.

In front of the back wall...... is it an altar? I see something of a stone build, but I don't see it well covered with the lush Hope Moon grass.

Step by step, proceed as you scratch the forest of Hope Moon Grass.

But the aroma of 'red bulbs' is strong. And the thorns hurt. The back length is the same as the thirty-five layers of 'flower garden', but the size and aroma of the flower and the color were completely different.

"Nha... it's really bright red..."

"Right... the scent is amazing... oh, the fruit is pampered"

A strong scent that makes me want to pick my nose unexpectedly. Could Moongrass change the scent depending on the intensity of the accumulated magic vegetables? Because it's a fruitful fruit, isn't it? Yeah, we'll find out when we get home.

"It's like" Flower Garden, "but this is a flower bed."

"The ground is the floor..."

The Hope Moon grass here was growing like breaking through a white laid stone. I'm totally surprised by its vitality.

Nevertheless, I feel that the air gets heavier every time I go back. Could this be a sign of the Spirit of Fire (Salamander) being filled with deep depths?

"It's even redder than yesterday, isn't it?

"The front half was light red, wasn't it? And..."

Mr. Letterio took the silver watch out of the slime container and showed everyone the plate.

"Wow, haven't you got more red parts again?

"That's increasing. I guess I'll be red in almost nine minutes."

"... I knew it was affected by the thirty-eight layers (here) of magic?

"With magic vegetables? Is it because of this deep red 'Knight's Red Bulb'?

Mr. Lamberto stared and groaned at the plate surface, and Mr. Bardo looked around at the bright red room as he stroked his jaw.

"Let's hurry to the back. It's that pedestal that Iris wants you to see."


Mr. Bardo has stepped down the moon grass with his feet and is making his way but still difficult to walk.

I also feel hotter than no heart or thirty-five layers...... oh I want to take my robe off. I'd at least wrap my arms around it, but the thorns hurt.

"Shall we find out and go back, Ze? I'm calm here! It's going to evaporate, Ze ~"

"Do you want a demon stone? Cornu."

"Food U"

I guess this is an uncomfortable place for the Spirit of Water (Undine) Corne. The corners and the body are contracting small. How about Ignis, a compatible flaming spirit (salamander)? And I peered at the hood.

"Hey, how's Ignis? - Is that it, Ignis?

I thought it was strangely important. Speaking Ignis was wrapped around his cloak.

"What's going on? Not feeling well?"

"Hmm... that sounds kind of weird."

Ignis lifts up his sleigh and face and claps his hands on my cheek.

"Wow, that's hot!?

"Mm-hmm... what is it? Maybe it's on the magic of the flames here. Something - I want to blow a fire and I'm gonna wuss it."

"What am I going to do... do you think I can stand it? If it doesn't seem possible, why don't we go upstairs and blow the fire?

I asked Mr. Letterio with my gaze and he nodded.

"Ignis, if it's hard, you can wait on thirty-seven layers, okay?

"Mm-hmm... I want to stay with Iris... I'll be patient! Iris - I'll bake lots of bread when I get home!"

"Yeah, okay. Let's bake some delicious bread and unleash magic!

"What kind of conversation, yo?"

"Looks like you're gonna burn some amazing bread again..."

"So much for the development of new products, right? Iris."

"Ignis, can you wholesale me to the Golden Axe Pavilion?

"You can exchange it for meat!"

With such a light slap, we proceeded to the back.

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