An auction in which the son of light was the protagonist was robbed of the limelight in the blink of an eye. For such things, Chu Nan didn't care at all, after all, no one can guarantee to be in the limelight these days.

However, if the value of the tank depreciated because of this, Chu Nan would not be able to accept it.

The blessing of the fire spirit, this necklace itself is not qualified enough to challenge the super Ferrari, but because it is the handwriting of the first magic prop alchemist master of the Saint Yuan continent, it has been raised to a new height out of thin air. This height is also Enough to be on par with Super Ferrari.

Faced with such a situation, Chu Nan also had to sigh: The benefits of famous brands are the dragon! If someone else did this, it would obviously not have such a big sensational effect.

"It's interesting." Chu Nan smiled slightly: "It just so happens that I also plan to add an item to auction, don't you know it?"

Tang Wei couldn't hold his excited hammer anymore. After seeing Ou Yezi come up with such a magical prop, the Child of Light still had the courage to take out another collection. Obviously, this was a very, very amazing prop!

"The thing I'm going to auction is called a potion for reviving life from death." Chu Nan took out two bottles of potion from his arms. The ingredients of the heavenly potion have been analyzed by the alchemy king's soul fire these days, and five percent of them have been analyzed. With ten ingredients, it is believed that such a potion can be made directly in the near future, and it is no problem to sell a bottle occasionally.

"Resurrection potion?" Tang Wei looked at Chu Nan with some embarrassment: "Dear Son of Light, I don't believe your words. But you also know that if you don't prove it, then..."

"I understand very well." Chu Nan turned the potion in his hand and looked down at the people on the first and second floors and asked: "Everyone, can anyone of you volunteer to help me prove my potion?"

"Proof?" Tang Wei's hair was already erected. Obviously a very bad premonition, but he continued to ask: "How to prove?"

"It's very simple. Just squeeze all the bones of a person's body into powder, and then drink my potion, you can quickly recover in an instant, so that it can prove that my potion is effective." Chu Nan's expression is very relaxed, the others He already looked at Chu Nan with the same look of a lunatic.

Who would personally verify such a crazy thing? Isn't this looking for death? No amount of gold coins will help this!

The auction hall was very quiet, and no one dared to pant loudly. For fear that if you gasp too loudly, you will be mistaken by the Son of Light, someone will voluntarily make a move to find death.

"Son of Light..." Tang Wei looked at Chu Nan with some embarrassment: "It seems that no one wants to..."

"I'm coming." Avron's low voice echoed throughout the hall.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and even more people looked at Afron with contempt, a man who had abandoned his family, and now needs to rely on the flattery of the Son of Light to survive.

"Can you bear that kind of pain?" Faza walked out with a sneer: "I see, it's better for me to come. This requires iron will..."

"My will is stronger than diamonds." Afron also sneered in return: "Today let you know what is truly aristocratic."

Everyone was stunned again, what is this? The internal disharmony of the subordinates of the Son of Light has reached such a level, even if they quarrel like this in front of outsiders?

The nobles who spoke highly of Chunan before. At this moment, the evaluation of Chu Nan's ability to control his subordinates suddenly dropped a lot.

It is quite normal for the subordinates among the nobles to have discords and factions will arise. But such a thing can only be fought internally in private, and it must not be put on the table. This is an important indicator of the ability of a Patriarch.

Chu Nan scratched his head with a helpless look: "It's really troublesome. I think it's the old rules. Rock, paper, scissors."

The nobles were stupid again. As the leader of this kind of thing, the son of light did not make a decision, and instead gave such an important matter to his subordinates to solve it by himself.

When people thought that Fasa and Afron would be very opposed to this kind of trickery, they were once again scared by the group of Chu Nan.

A real nobleman, and a third-tier master of the prefecture level, the two of them actually played a naive game of rock, paper, scissors and so on in full view, and they could show incomparable seriousness on their faces. And the murderousness of the battle.

The nobles onlookers couldn't figure out whatsoever, it was obviously just a matter of rock, paper, scissors, and why the people around the Son of Light could do it so seriously.

"Bu! Haha I won!"

The victorious Avron cheered and screamed from the sky, as if he had not won with rock-paper-scissors just now, but what a great victory was achieved after a formal and brutal fierce battle.

Fasa, who failed in the guessing box, was even more dejected, as if he had really just fought a tragic defeat.

If you win, you will be crushed, and you can lose without incident. In this case. It turned out that the winner was extremely happy, and it was difficult for the nobles to understand what was going on.

A icy breath suddenly filled the entire auction, and the killing king Sephiroth, who had officially returned in the Arena that day, appeared again beside Afron.

As soon as everyone's cold hair stood up, they heard a scalp-tingling bone cracking sound, and Avron's ruddy face suddenly became pale. The big beads of sweat covered his face instantly. His neck.

A master with good eyesight can see it in an instant. Afron's pupils dilated violently, and then contracted sharply, and his whole muscles fell limply to the ground while shaking at high speed.

There is no painful howl, not even a moaning sound, the kind of suffocating roar that can touch people's hearts even more. In just an instant, Sephiroth showed everyone his extremely precise control, smashing all the bones of Afron's neck in the blink of an eye, and it was completely shattered.

Chu Nan squatted down quickly. The only bone on Afron's body that was not broken was the head. Seeing Chu Nan approaching, he quickly said, "No!"

Chu Nan was stunned, everyone was stunned. Afron kept twitching, and the muscles above his nose kept twitching. He breathed quickly and said: "Look for someone to check for injuries, and Ou Yezi to check for injuries."

Looking at Afran in pain, Chu Nan felt regret for the first time. He caused his companions to suffer such pain for a struggle of spirit. As the leader of the team, this was really a bastard's decision!

"Don't be upset, this decision is correct." Afron's whole body was shattered. Unable to wipe the sweat from his forehead, Faza, who had the strongest hostility against him, squatted silently beside him, looking for a handkerchief to wipe the sweat that kept oozing from his body.

"I still hate you from the Afron family." An imperceptible smile flashed in Fazar's eyes: "However, as far as this matter is concerned, what you have done is reasonable."

"Really?" Afron squeezed a painful smile on his face: "You did it. It must be painful to pee."

Ou Yezi could no longer keep his calm smile. He had seen a lot of lunatics, but it was the first time he saw such madness. These people are really crazy.

"Young man." Ou Yezi knelt down and looked at Avren: "I admire your madness. This madness is very suitable for becoming an alchemist. Although you are a bit older, if you want to learn alchemy , I am still very happy to accept you as my apprentice."

Many people in the hall are regretting, regretting why they didn't come forward just now and accept the bone crush. Become Ou Yezi's apprentice! What a glorious thing this is! The old family. If there is an apprentice of Ou Yezi, it is also very exciting.

"Thank you..." Afron squeezed a smile: "However, I have no time to be your apprentice. I also want to build my own family under the brilliance of Lord Son of Light, and build the first strongest family..."

It's crazy! More people began to think that Afron was crazy, and they would refuse to face such an opportunity. Only a madman would do this.

"Really?" Ou Yezi looked at Afron like a kind elder, "I look forward to your future development."

Slowly standing up, Ou Yezi said to Tang Wei who was standing on the auction platform in the distance: "Indeed, his whole body is shattered. I will guarantee it in my name."

"Son of Light..." Afron's smile was full of exhaustion: "I said. Now you should give me medicine quickly. It really hurts!"

"You!" Chu Nan shook his head helplessly, while pouring Afron with the potion, while whispering: "I must support you and build a strong and unmatched family. I swear in the name of Chu Nan!"

Afron's soul was shocked. As a nobleman, everyone has a set of ability to observe words and colors. After being in contact with the Son of Light for a long time, Avren often even suspects that the Son of Light is a pagan in the Temple of Light, when he swears by the reputation of the God of Light and the Son of Light. Although his expression is very solemn, only those who really spend a long time with him will discover the falsehood!

Compared to the God of Light and the Son of Light, Chu Nan swears by his own name for the first time! This kind of shock can only be felt by Afron as the person involved.

"In the future, the first of the family motto of the Afron family." Afron smiled and stood up and said softly: "If you can't follow Master Chunan. Then don't come to see me after you die. You are not the glorious Afron family. Posterity."

miracle! miracle! Those who saw Afron stand up, at the moment when they saw Afron easily release all their grudges again. Everyone was stunned.

Really! What a magic potion! The ultimate single healing technique of Light Healing can also make people with shattered bones quickly stand up again, but there will be a great discount in strength. Things like this without any problems will never happen!

Ou Yezi’s calm face was a little surprised. Although it is a different system of alchemy, he naturally knows each other as the first alchemist master today. Such a magical potion, the first potion alchemist master of the Holy Origin Continent, absolutely can’t do it. Out! Ou Yezi can still be sure of this.

"Master Ou Yezi, can we talk in private?"

Chu Nan walked back to the room, and only Zhaojun followed Chu Nan into the room, and everyone did not follow Chu Nan in.

Not distrust, but fear of hurting others! Everyone understands this very well, and no one has any objections to it.

Ou Yezi was taken aback for a moment, and still calmly walked into Chu Nan's private room.

Two thick gates were closed tightly. In the spacious private room, Chu Nan looked at Ou Yezi with a smile: "I can see that you are a real master with a very broad mind. I feel very interested in studying the lower arm. If it is possible, I hope we can have it together, do you think it is okay?"

"Are you also a goldsmith?" Ou Yezi was a little surprised, from Chu Nan's body. He couldn't feel the taste of a good alchemist.

Ou Yezi himself couldn't tell what the specific taste was, but as the number one alchemist master of magic items in the Saint Yuan Continent, he could indeed determine whether the opponent was an alchemist when he saw someone else.

"How do you say it?" Chu Nan gently touched his nose: "I should be considered an alchemist."

"Really?" Ou Yezi smiled lightly, and said very kindly: "Young man, maybe you are someone who just entered the world of alchemy. Then I want to tell you that the lower arm contains a very complicated and profound meaning. Alchemy knowledge. It is so profound that I may not be able to study it thoroughly. If it is someone who has just entered the world of alchemy, touch that item. You may be mentally unable to withstand what it contains and cause death. If possible, I am willing to send you. A few of my works."

Zhaojun nodded gently, this is the real mastery! Although Ou Yezi's strength was not high enough, his broad-mindedness was far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Chu Nan scratched his head in embarrassment, about the soul fire of the alchemist king. He did not intend to let others know. After all, people are greedy, especially those who have reached the top in alchemy. It is very difficult if you want to go one step further. If you know the existence of the soul fire of the alchemy king, it may cause Ou Yezi to be unable to maintain it. That calm heart.

In the face of such an open-minded master, if you don’t say anything, it seems very inappropriate. Chu Nan thought about it for a long time, and finally sighed and made a decision: "Let’s do it, I’ll show you something. This is also I made a gadget by myself. If you still feel that I am not qualified to share it with you after reading it, and discuss the vast knowledge of the alchemy world together, I am willing to withdraw from the fight for that arm."

Gently tapped the space bracelet on his wrist. This was also the first time that Chu Nan showed his space bracelet in front of outsiders. A small surprise flashed in Ou Yezi's eyes. Space bracelet? This really surprised him. He didn't think that the young Child of Light was actually a heavenly master, and he didn't have the slightest greed for the space bracelet.

"Zhaojun, help..." Chu Nan looked at the pile of artifacts in the space bracelet. Considering whether to take out the first artifact in the knife, Mingxingchen, or to show it is inlaid with seven super-perfect gems with different properties, and the top is inlaid with the seven-color crystal called the heart of Diablo. The staff world has changed.

"That's it." Zhaojun helped Chu Nan get an idea, and reached out to take out a bow from the space bracelet.

A bow that seems to be made of the most common wood. The old wood seems to be shattered with one touch.

"This is...?" Ou Yezi narrowed his eyes.


Zhaojun's heavenly power was injected into the wooden The next moment the wooden bow that was about to decay and break suddenly burst into colorful light, and the majestic power erupted everywhere like a landslide. Even the people outside the room felt that the auction hall was about to collapse!

The masters in the box in the hall all changed their colors, and Alfredna was calmly looking at everything. His eyes suddenly burst into divine light. The two dragon eyebrows were twisted together, and his face was very solemn and whispered: "Artifact!"

Ou Yezi stepped back several steps, his eyes widened in surprise and looked at the bow in Zhaojun's hand.

"God...artifact..." Ou Yezi was stunned for a long time before reacting. The more top alchemy master, the better he can understand how difficult it is to make the artifact.

Ou Yezi, the number one alchemy master of magic props on the Saint Yuan Continent, has also made artifacts! Alchemists who can make artifacts in Shengyuan Continent can count them with one palm.

But someone who can make artifacts at such a young age has never appeared.

Ou Yezi carefully looked at the artifact in front of him, the mysterious magic circle that ordinary people couldn't understand was wrapped around the arch, and he was even more surprised when he saw his eyes!

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