Apparent Expert in an Alternate World

Chapter 200: 9The secret of the opener, the reason for coming to Shengyuan Continent

Soon after the female master left, the depths of Feifeng Academy sounded the roar of masters fighting each other. In the silent night, the brilliant sword aura rose to the sky, and the colorful magic continued to ring.

Chu Nan touched his neck: "This Feifeng Academy is really a Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger. It seems that the power of a heavenly master has just exploded, right? And it's not alone? I don't know this time the number one thief in the Saint Yuan Continent, is it right? To become a legendary character forever."

There was no block, Chu Nan called out the fire of the soul of the alchemy king, quickly modified several magic circles, and the intricate defense system quickly revealed flaws.

Time is everything. Chu Nan urged the sacred dragon to rush through the blockade quickly, and the huge bronze statue stood tall, not something difficult to find.


The closer he got to the bronze statue, the more Chu Nan could feel the bracelet on his wrist beating fast. Because the bracelet had another problem, Chu Nan instantly raised his speed to his fastest speed.


Standing in front of the bronze statue for a moment, Chu Nan saw the inside of the bronze statue like a hallucination, as if a halo that could be seen by the naked eye appeared, and the bracelet on his wrist jumped like resonance at this moment.

I haven't reacted yet, the bracelet and the bronze statue are like two magnets from the north and south poles encountering each other, and a strong attraction is transmitted from the bronze statue.

this is? Chu Nan's worries were somewhat relieved. Fortunately, this time the space bracelet was not about to swallow the bronze statue, or else the trouble would be really big.

Chu Nan knew that it was useless to resist this attraction. The more this thing resists, the greater the power it produces. In the end, it is himself who suffers, so he can do whatever he wants!


The moment a palm was slapped on the bronze statue, the ancient and long-lasting voice came straight into Chu Nan's mind from the bronze statue.

"Opener, you are finally here..."

"The opener? Is the opener again? What exactly is the opener?" Chu Nan muttered, "Can you explain it clearly?"

"Opener. You don't need to speak, I can hear what you think

"Oh?" Chu Nan laughed. It's better this way, the province's voice attracts more people's attention...

"Opener, this idea of ​​yours may be difficult to realize..."

The long-distance voice sounded again, Chu Nan was a little puzzled, how could it not be realized in such a quiet situation...

The next moment, the huge bronze statue told Chu Nan about its actions. It is difficult to say that it is not attracting attention.

Under the night sky, the huge bronze statue suddenly burst with a golden light that was even more dazzling than gold. Not only was the entire Feifeng Academy illuminated for a while, even the large area outside Feifeng Academy was illuminated by this golden light. .

not good! Chu Nan wanted to pull his hand, but found that his palm seemed to be coated with an adhesive such as super glue. It is no longer possible to want to draw hands.

"Opener, listen to me..."

"Listen to you?" Chu Nan simply used the fire of the Five Elements Battle World Jue to take advantage of the high temperature. Let the bronze statue inflate to get away: "Listen to you again, buddy, the male dignity will be cut off..."

More than a dozen high-speed moving figures stopped around the bronze statue. Chu Nan recognized a person not far away, who had seen the vice principal of Di.

Compared with the vice principal in the daytime, her strength at night is surprisingly high, and the figures of the earth level have reached the realm of the sky level, and she is not the most rookie.

The dozens of figures who came back at high speed stayed for a while, then quickly exchanged glances, and stepped back half a step, looking at the bronze statue with reverent eyes. Also looking at Chu Nan.

This look? Chu Nan was taken aback, his eyes were so familiar! Whenever someone is fooled into believing in the Great Sage of Mercy, they always look like this. It is reverence from the heart.

How is this going? Chu Nan was a little puzzled, and heard the voice of the bronze statue slowly coming: "They are all guards. Opener, please don't care about these small things, we have more important things..."

Little thing? Chu Nan looked at the masters around him. Anyone here who can be shocked by taking it out will drop his jaw. Why is it a trifle to get to the bronze statue? What is the origin of this bronze statue.

"Opener. Please forgive me for being rude and forgot to introduce myself. My name is Phoenix Girl, one of the soul fragments of Empress Xuanhua..." "Soul Fragment? Who is Empress Xuanhua?" Chu Nan was surprised. Opening his mouth, a soul fragment can create such a powerful campus. What kind of existence is Empress Xuanhua?

"Opener, you haven't awakened yet? How could it be?" The Phoenix woman's voice was full of surprise: "You have been asleep for so many years, why haven't you awakened?"

"Awakening? What are you talking about?"

"Yeah! Awakening! Freeing the sealed Empress Xuanhua and saving the dying Saint Yuan Continent is the meaning of your existence!" The Phoenix girl's tone suddenly changed, and this time it sounded more anger in her words: " Your strength! You are so weak!"

"Release the Xuanhua Empress? The Saint Yuan Continent is about to perish?" Chu Nan frowned, "Aren't you kidding me? On Earth, there have been words like the destruction of the world on July 1, 2000. As a result. It's all bluffing."

"Earth? 2000? What are you talking about?" The Phoenix woman's voice was a little worried: "Opener, what happened to you? Let me take a look..."

"You! You have the power of the light demon? No! You still have the power of the dark demon! Opener! You surrendered to the demon? No! What is this? What is the power of this colorful? Fire and water are the strongest. The other powers are so weak that there is almost no...this...this fluctuation...the heart of the king! How can you have the heart of the king! Opener, want to rebel...?"

The Phoenix girl’s voice was full of anger and murderous intent: " actually imprisoned God the Father! No, no! Impossible! You can't have the power to imprison God the Father! Someone must be behind. Tricked! The power of the Father is mine! Give me the power of the Father!"

The howling of a ghost almost shattered Chu Nan's head, and the huge bronze statue shook violently, and a wave of power rushed towards his body from the bronze statue.

"Since you are still so weak! Give me the power of God the Father! Give me the heart of the king! Give it to me quickly! Otherwise, if you are discovered by other demons, you will be killed by them!"

The scorching power was like turbulent magma, and Chu Nan felt that every pore in his body was fully expanded to its limit. This power is much more terrifying than the previous earth and sky level power. If it wasn't for the body to be strong enough, it would have been burned to death by the power of this flame.

Sources of power sharing! where are you? Come out to me! Chu Nan opened his mouth and sprayed out a fire that soared into the sky, and the eyes of the surrounding Feifeng Academy masters shot admiringly.

"Give me! Give me! With the power of God Father! With the heart of the king! I am no longer a vassal of Empress Xuanhua! As long as I have these powers, I can swallow Empress Xuanhua!"

Almost crazy hysterical shouts, echoing in Chu Nan's mind, the magma-like force still showed no sign of stopping the input.

"This is?!?" The Phoenix girl screamed: "Light demon? No! This is not the light demon! Who set this trap?"

The badge of the Heir of True Light in Chu Nan suddenly exploded, and the power of the Phoenix Lady began to be swallowed by it.

"This is?!" The Phoenix girl screamed again: "It's you? You are in this confinement world! Don't take my power away! This is! You actually collected the five puppet gods? No! This is not you. Collected! You can't use it either!"

"This is?!" The Phoenix girl's third scream sounded again: "Ruin World! Your body is actually in the Ruin World! What is this? The red skeleton? How can the skeleton be so powerful..."

"I'm so stupid!" The Phoenix girl uttered a fourth scream: "The opener is the key to the land! Naturally there are many insidious things that make a fuss about him! My power... You are not going to die... Opener! You will die too! And soon! Your power is about to attract the attention of low-level inspectors! You must die too! Soon! Soon! Now you. Not enough Powerful self-protection power, you will definitely die!"

"Opener! I will come again! This is only half of my soul! You have absorbed me, which is equivalent to unlocking my imprisonment, and soon I will be able to break the seal! You wait! Everything you have is mine Hiding if you want to save your life! Wait for me to find you! If other guys meet you before me, they will kill you, and then take your king's heart. With the power of the Father God! And those two worlds !"

The light of the bronze statue soon dimmed, and the shaking colossus also stopped shaking completely, and it was completely hot and full of smoke. But for some reason, the clothes on his body are not damaged in the slightest.

The fiery red light had already completely disappeared, most of the power that rushed into Chu Nan's body was swallowed by the major absorption points, and some of it became part of the fire of the Five Elements Battle World Opener? Awakening? A lot of insidious things? Chu Nan stood there quietly, his brain completely out of chaos, the information just now was too much and too messy.

What are the five puppets? What is the power of God the Father? What is Empress Xuanhua? What is a low-level inspector?

What am i? Opener? Chu Nan gently rubbed his temples, no matter what they were, what did the Phoenix Girl say when it was the end or when it was about to die. The tone is very firm.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Nan quickly summarized all the information he had received, although he didn't know what happened. But obviously coming into this world is definitely not such a simple accidental crossing, it should be used by something, and it has been used by more than one thing!

The most important point, according to Phoenix Lady's inference. In the near future, there may be very powerful troubles. Carry out the order of death.

Chu Nan nodded lightly and made the final conclusion: that is to say. Someone want to kill me? And it's not one family, maybe there are many?

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