"It's over." Chen Baojun looked at the tail of the snake coming from a distance.

That thing will sweep across the entire battlefield, and humans will no longer have the power to fight back.

"Retreat! Let's go!"

There was chaos on the city wall, and some soldiers began to run down the city wall.

The base also became chaotic, and many people began to gather at the entrance of the base.

In the face of death, the ridiculous base order could finally be maintained.

The five senior elders of Wolong Base and Chen Long walked quickly to Chen Baojun's side.

"Mr. Chen Baojun, please tell us the escape exit of Baosteel Base."

Chen Baojun looked at them. Aren't they the most loyal supporters of Leader Lu Chen? Why would they be the first to evacuate! ?

"You, you guys"

"Shh," the tall, thin, white-haired old man made a shushing gesture, "Mr. Chen Baojun, just tell us."

"The Anthem organization is more powerful than any of us could imagine, and staying here is a futile exercise."

"Now is the time to ensure the survival of the elite among humans. If the escape route is told to everyone, then those at the bottom will also flock in."

"Mr. Chen Baojun, please let us, the base's top brass and superpowers leave, and then tell the people at the bottom."

Chen Baojun was speechless. What is the difference between these people who sound like low-level people and those members of the Anthem who sound like imbecile people.

They are just weaker members of the Psalm. If they gain power, they will be just like the Psalm.

"Mr. Chen Baojun!" Chen Long shouted, then stretched out a stabbing sword from his sleeve and pressed it against Chen Baojun's abdomen.

"Please whisper and tell us the escape route."

“Chu tu tu tu tu————————”

Suddenly there was a burst of gunfire from below the base, and a guard member fell to the ground.

Someone grabbed the guard's gun and tried to escape through the gate.


Screams and chaos came out, and the base immediately fell into chaos.

"Let us out, let us out!!" everyone shouted.

"You saw it too, Mr. Chen Baojun," the white-haired old man said.

"Speak now and we can escort you away. The longer it is delayed, the more chaos will become."

Crazy, Chen Baojun looked at the people in front of him. These people were all crazy.

"Don't be crowded! Don't be noisy! Mr. Lu Chen can defend the base!"

In the chaotic crowd, the hooded members of the Lu Shen Cult were still working hard to maintain order.

"Don't panic! We will win, we will definitely win!"

"Mr. Chen Baojun!?" Chen Long's stabbing sword had already stabbed his skin, and blood was overflowing from it.

Chen Baojun looked at him and suddenly laughed.

"Hahahaha, hahahahaha, hahahahaha"

"What are you laughing at!" Cheng Long shouted sinisterly.

"You beasts should have died long ago!!"

Chen Baojun roared at everyone in Wolong Group.


Along with his roar, a roar like a dragon's roar came from outside the base.

"What is that! What is that!!!"

"Oh my God, what is that!!"

The soldiers on the wall shouted in terror.

Chen Baojun and the senior executives of Wolong Group simultaneously moved their sights outside the base.

Chen Long's eyes widened, and the stabbing sword in his hand fell to the ground.

The five senior elders had horrified expressions on their faces.

Chen Baojun's whole body trembled violently.

That's a miracle, that's a miracle! ! !


Outside the base, a mechanical dragon rushed out of the ground.

Cyborg, super tank, the final trump card of the Angel of Death.

Like a giant dragon, it passed over the heads of Rong Hubiao and others, and then rushed into the ground.

Its bright silver mechanical body shone extremely brightly in the sunlight, and the hard earth in front of it was like tissue paper.


The sounds of running parts, the cracking of the ground, and the roar of engines mixed into the ears of Rong Hubiao and others.

They looked up at the steel skeleton leaping over their heads, and felt an exciting force rising in their hearts.

It was a crazy secretion of adrenaline, and Cyborg's appearance ignited the blood that had been accumulated in their bodies for a long time.

"Come on!!!" Lin Dachui led many members of the mechanical repair department to shout.

"Come on!! Cyborg!!! Let that monster know who is the real boss!!!"

"Come on!!! Come on! Kill him, boss!!!" Yudan joined their carnival.

"Go! Go!!!!" Rong Hubiao stood up from the cockpit, holding half of his head on the roof of the car and waving and shouting.

"Charge! Soldiers who died for us!! Charge!! Leader!!"

"Come on." Yue Ji heard their roars and shouted softly.

Seeing Cyborg, she seemed to see Chase Lu and his courage to rush towards the aliens again and again.

"We must win, Lu Chen."


The steel frame with a length of more than 300 meters kept advancing in the earth, rushing towards the tail of the incoming snake.

The cutting disk is made of metal tower material, powered by dark matter annihilation. The hard earth is no different from water in its eyes.

Lu Chen stood in the steel cab, and the holographic image of the entire ground was presented in front of him.

"Come on," he stared at the giant snake. "Let's see who is the real dragon!!"


Lu Chen controlled the steel skeleton to drill out of the ground, and the huge cutting disk faced the whip of death.


"Bah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah"

The steel frame collided with the snake's tail, and the rapidly rotating cutting disk came into contact with the snake's tail covered with hard scales, sparks bursting out all over the sky in an instant.

The tightly covered scales were smashed into pieces by the huge steel-framed cutting disk like tiles.


Cyborg crashed into the ground with a section of the snake's tail, and countless thick black blood surged from the incision in the ground.


The giant snake screamed in agony.


The part of the snake's tail that was cut by the steel bone was instantly torn apart, and the giant snake's advantageous weapon instantly turned into blood foam.

The giant snake's entire body twisted, and the giant snake's head quickly turned towards the culprit who had swallowed its tail.


It opened its huge mouth and sprayed out a large amount of highly toxic solution at the exposed part of the steel skeleton.


The venom is sprayed onto the surface of the steel frame made of nanomaterials, emitting bursts of white smoke.

But that's all, its venom was completely blocked by the nano-shell.


The huge steel-framed cutting disc jumped out from the ground again, this time rushing towards the middle of the giant snake's body.


The giant snake twitched all over and turned to the steel skeleton that jumped out of the ground. It wanted to roll it into scrap metal! !

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