"Is the Apostle dead?" No. 5 asked.

"Not yet, but he has lost his combat effectiveness." No. 2 closed his eyes and the beam of light in his hand lit up.

The alien species circled around the area where Li Haoran landed, forming a circular open space.

Then a strange falcon fell from the sky and grabbed Li Haoran in the circle.

"You start preparing and let the black dragon end this battle."

"Yes." No. 3 and No. 5 agreed in unison.

They looked at the unconscious Li Haoran, wondering what they felt in their hearts.

What the apostle said to them yesterday is still vivid in their minds.

They are demons, demons who call themselves hymns.

Now the devil's wings were broken and he was knocked out of the sky.

Isn't it good to let justice win like this? Should they continue to summon the black dragon?

"Hey! Didn't you two hear me?" came the scolding voice of No. 2.

"Today is really a ghost. The apostle has failed, and there is no news about No. 1. You two are still here pretending to be stupid!"

No. 2 cursed and took off his upper body clothes, exposing his back.

There is a circular curse mark on her back, with complex spells engraved in it.

This is the mark that summons the black dragon. The black dragon appears and ends.

"Did you see it? The tide of alien species can no longer be resisted!"

No. 3 and No. 5 looked into the distance. The alien tide had been retreating steadily under the attack of those super tanks.

Lasers, fighter planes, shock waves, giant cannons, and all kinds of terrifying thermal weapons take turns.

They couldn't tell which side was the monster.

"If they are allowed to win, they will be in pain." Number Five said, and she slowly unzipped her tights.

"After all, so many people have died. Many family members and relatives will collapse."

"It's better not to suffer or anything like that, just let's all die together."

No. 5 took off his shirt, revealing the black dragon mark on his back.

It seemed that No. 5 had completely accepted the Apostle's statement, and No. 3 was stunned for a moment.

Then he started to take off his upper body clothes, yes, there would be no pain if we were all dead.

The three people with the black dragon mark on their backs surrounded each other, and they put their palms facing each other.

Then he closed his eyes and recited an ancient and obscure mantra.

With a buzzing sound, the marks behind them began to emit a strange black-gold light.

The mantra continued to be repeated, and the black-gold light became darker and darker.

After a while, all three of them showed expressions of extreme pain.

Behind them, black blood was constantly seeping out of the black curse mark.

And the ancient incantations in the curse seal began to twist.

The spells engraved on the skin kept moving, tearing the three people's backs apart.

As the pain intensified, the voices of the three chanting mantras became louder and more urgent.

The spells behind them moved slowly and actually formed a pattern behind them.

A snake biting its own tail.


The pattern is completed, and the snake-shaped pattern shines brightly.

It seemed to come alive, moving crazily on the backs of the three of them.

A magic circle slowly unfolded with the three people as the center. It grew larger and larger. As it grew larger, the expansion speed was also accelerating.

Gradually, the amplification speed has changed from walking to running, and then to flying.

In a few breaths, the magic circle had expanded to the boundary of the battlefield.

From the rear of the battlefield, directly across several kilometers, it expanded to the boundary where humans and alien tides were fighting.

"What is this?" Rong Hubiao looked at the magic circle and fell into huge shock.

"What the hell is this thing for?" Yudan couldn't help but shout out.

All the people fighting on the battlefield were attracted by the magic circle.

Anyone who has fought against the Chant Organization many times knows that the wider the circle, the higher the level of the alien species that emerges from it.

The magic circle that summons the fourth generation species is only a few hundred meters wide, and what is the situation with this magic circle that is thousands of meters long! !

"Everyone is here, concentrate your firepower to eliminate the alien species in front!" Rong Hubiao's voice woke everyone up.

Whatever it was, there was no way out for them.

"Zhuang Yuan! How is Leader Lu Chen's recovery?"

"Because of the time force field, the treatment speed is also very slow." Yue Ji's voice came from the communicator.

"The Pyro Man has fallen, and the flames on the leader's body must have been extinguished!"

"Yes, the flames are out."

"Transfer the leader!" Rong Hubiao squeezed the steering wheel tightly.

"Zhuang Yuan, cancel the thunderstorm turret mode and let you transfer the leader of Lu Chen!"

"We can no longer face the enemy at the front. When the alien comes out, we must leave room for maneuver!"

"Okay!" Zhuang Yuan began to switch modes.

"All convoys obey the order, narrow the front line, gather firepower, and try their best to destroy the enemies in front!"

"Wait for my command and retreat at full speed when you hear the order to retreat!" Rong Hubiao shouted into the communicator.


Before Rong Hubiao finished speaking, an overwhelming vibration came.

The whole world seemed to tremble.


A huge roar like a landslide came from the magic circle.

"Here we come." Rong Hubiao gasped, looking at the radiant magic circle in disbelief.

"Everyone is here, gather your formation quickly!" His heart was beating wildly.

He felt extremely afraid of the unknown creatures in the magic circle.

But he couldn't retreat. He was the commander-in-chief of the Haicheng Alliance's First Army, and he had to make the most comprehensive plan at the most critical moment.

Under his order, the chariots on the battlefield quickly gathered together and formed a formation suitable for rapid marching.

"Zhuang Yuan! Quick! Quickly transfer Lu Chen's leader!"

"Yes!" Zhuang Yuan responded, she was already sprinting as fast as she could.

“Om En——————————————————”

The sound came again, and the magic circle began to vibrate violently.

"Yudan, come in behind!" Rong Hubiao said to Yudan.

"Okay!" Yudan agreed without hesitation.

Lightning is the fastest, has the strongest firepower, and is most suitable for back-up tasks.

"You go first! Maybe I can kill this beast alone!" Yudan said.




After three huge gasps like those of ancient creatures, the magic circle erupted into a black-gold light that covered the sky and the sun.


The earth couldn't help but tremble, and the whole world seemed to collapse.


A huge alien creature that looked like a mountain appeared from the magic circle.

Rong Hubiao looked at that figure, his mouth slightly opened, and his head went blank.

There is no better way for gods to come to this world than this.

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