Just as Li Haoran rushed to the next target, a roar of engines swept over the ground.

Li Haoran looked up at the sky and saw a dark fighter plane flying towards him.

"Are you finally going to take action against me?" Li Haoran smiled slightly.

Then he controlled the fire with both hands, and countless flames spurted out from his hands.

Two huge fire fists rushed towards the fighter plane in the sky.

A sound of "Weng" came out.

Li Haoran saw a flash in the air, and a huge black shadow appeared out of thin air in his flames.

This is?

"Zi la la————"

The cutting sound of a chainsaw rang in his ears. That thing was a huge rotary cutting machine! !

Li Haoran's eyes flashed, and he kicked his legs violently, trying to bounce off the ground.

But his body didn't bounce up as he thought, instead it seemed to be suspended in the air.

Time superpower! The voice message No. 4 sent before his death flashed in his mind.

"The big guy is here!" Li Haoran stared at the approaching rotary cutting machine, and the flames in his hands kept climbing towards his body.

Finally, the moment the cutting machine stabbed him, the time force field disappeared. At this moment, countless lava flames surged into his body.


The cutting machine made a noisy and unpleasant sound as if it were cutting into diamonds.

The thorns and spikes on the Crazy Bee's body are being rapidly consumed and turned into molten iron.

Just when Li Haoran wanted to melt the cutting blade and destroy the little toy directly.

The space around him gradually changed, and a blue field emerged before his eyes.

"Interesting, interesting!" Li Haoran smiled. "How dare you drag me into the field."

After Lu Chen discovered that the mad bee's attack was not effective at all, he immediately stopped spinning and chose to pull Li Haoran into the realm of time.

You must control the opponent, the only uncontrollable variable, so that you can fight normally! !

After the Crazy Bee stopped spinning, it immediately fell to the ground, while Li Haoran followed the car and continued to attack with flames.

Each attack will cause at least 20% damage. What a terrifying power this is.


The chariot suddenly landed on the ground, kicking up a burst of dust. Lu Chen escaped from the chariot before the opponent's last giant fireball.


The Crazy Bee was declared useless in the fierce attack, and everything was reduced to ashes in the fire.

An incomparably powerful force, Lu Chen thought as he looked at the pillar of fire that soared into the sky.

"Were you the one who created these toys?"

Li Haoran gradually walked out of the flames.

"Killed four of my men and rescued people who besieged the city twice?"

"I'm quite interested in you," Li Haoran said with a slight smile on his lips, as if everything was under his control.

"Who are you?" Lu Chen said slowly.

As long as they delay, their side has an absolute advantage on the battlefield outside.

"Li Haoran, the apostle of the Southern War Zone of the Hymn Organization, you can also call me Zero." Li Haoran introduced himself as always.

"Lu Chen, leader of the Death Angel, leader of the Haicheng Alliance, killed four of your subordinates."

Lu Chen said as he retreated, keeping a certain distance from the other party.

"I have never met anyone who can compete with us. I once thought that the imbecile was finished."

Flames gradually climbed up Li Haoran's body, and his fists gradually turned into flames.

"Then are you surprised now?" Cheng An said, while also letting himself enter the molten state.

"Hahahaha, very surprised." Li Haoran rushed forward suddenly, the speed was so fast that the naked eye could not catch it.

Lu Chen grabbed it with his hand, but the time force field failed to capture the opponent's movements.

Before the time force field was formed, he had already rushed out of that field!

"Time zero!!"

With a buzzing sound, the whole world came to a standstill, but Li Haoran was still moving!

"Those who are related to time and have special abilities are interesting."

In Time Zero, Li Haoran said to Lu Chen, with a slight smile still hanging on his lips.

Lu Chen moved. No matter how powerful he was, during the time when Time Zero was activated, his speed could not catch up with him!

Lu Chen put one foot on the ground and rushed out towards Li Haoran. Two molten sharp blades bypassed Li Haoran's slow defense and pierced his body.

The sharp blade sank into the body, pulled out, and sank into the body again.

Lu Chen was surprised to see that every time he cut into his body, he would bring out streams of blood.

how come! It can actually hurt him! Lu Chen said in shock.

He didn't expect that he could attack the opponent so easily!

After dozens of knives were slashed into Li Haoran's body, time ended.

Li Haoran spurted out a mouthful of blood, and countless sword lights erupted from his body.

He rushed out and rolled directly to the ground.

how come! Lu Chen could hardly believe his eyes.

Will an enemy of this level be instantly killed by him with one move?

Lu Chen stepped on the ground and activated Time Zero again. At the same time, he used a time force field to attach to Li Haoran's body.

Speed ​​up the flow of time and cause the wounds on his body to bleed quickly.

After using Time Zero to get close to Li Haoran, Lu Chen made another double-edged slash.

Countless sword lights flashed out, and blood overflowed.

After launching Time Zero three times in a row and killing Li Haoran hundreds of times, Lu Chen stopped.

The flames around Li Haoran's body on the ground had dissipated, and he seemed to be really dead.

this? Lu Chen stood aside and looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

His intuition told him that it couldn't be that simple, that all this couldn't be that simple!


Suddenly, the light blue time domain began to break, and the fiery red color shone in bit by bit.

The opponent is activating the field, and he is indeed not dead!

Lu Chen looked at his feet again, and a fiery red magic circle appeared around his body.

The ground in the circle is heating up, and the air is becoming hot.

Lu Chen stepped backwards and left the circle, the moment he left.

A pillar of blazing sun rose into the sky, turning the entire sky into fiery red.

The Realm of Time occupies an increasingly smaller space, leaving almost only a quarter of the space.

Now the light blue that belongs to time is no longer visible in this area.

All that's left is the red color of the flames.

"I know you want to delay time." Li Haoran slowly walked out of the pillar of fire.

His whole body was covered in flames, and the golden flames made him look like a sun.

"You think if you delay the time, the battle outside will be won." Wherever Li Haoran went, the ground cracked.

"But what if you win this battle? I will kill you in this area, and then I will kill everyone outside."

Li Haoran opened his hands, and the golden flames rotated and gathered from his hands to form two ring-headed flaming knives.

"By the way, let me tell you that my superpower is 'Phoenix'. Every time you kill me, I can be reborn and become stronger."

Li Haoran placed two flaming knives in front of him to form a cross.

"Desperate, cry, my flames will evaporate your tears."

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