
A salvo of 10 Tomahawk missiles was fired, and the ground exploded instantly.

The entire bombed street seemed to fly into the air.

The damage of 10 Tomahawk missiles is enough to kill an intermediate third-generation species.

This does not include additional damage caused by electrical surges.

The damage caused by 10 Tomahawk missiles can instantly paralyze a huge alien.

Lu Chen believes that this kind of mechanical equipment will also have a huge impact.

In the explosion of fire and dust, there was a constant flow of fine currents.

As the dust fell, Lu Chen controlled the fighter plane and turned back to check the status of the first wave of fighting between the two sides.

Just as the fighter plane was getting closer, several missiles shot out from the thick dust.

“Swish swish————————”

These missiles came quickly and urgently, and at first they were covered by dust, so Lu Chen didn't react at all.

The three fighter planes collided directly with the missiles, lost contact with Lu Chen, and fell to the ground.

Lu Chen was shocked and quickly raised the remaining two fighters.

He never thought that the opponent's machine buried in the soil even had anti-air weapons! !

Regardless of his heartache, Lu Chen could only use the remaining two fighters to check the situation.

Through the dust that was about to disperse, Lu Chen saw that the outermost cutting ring of the Tushen seemed to have lost power.

It seems that even with the damage reduction of the soil layer, the effect of 10 Tomahawk missiles is still outstanding!

After raising its head and firing several missiles into the sky, the Saturn started again.

It used its prosthetic limbs to adjust its direction and bury its entire body under the soil.

The opponent is using the soil to avoid attacks!

Lu Chen's brows tightened, and thoughts kept flying in his mind.

Although it cost a little, it has now attracted the other party's attention.

It must stay in the shallow soil layer and cannot be allowed to drill down!

If it is allowed to drill down, we will have no means of attacking it.

We must let him come out of the soil and solve it with one move! !

"Zhuang Yuan, drive to Park Avenue!" Lu Chen shouted into the communicator.

Park Avenue was the direction the Saturn was heading, and the thunderstorm served as bait.

Lu Chen was sure that the other party's character would not allow a chariot to pass safely over its head.

It will definitely come out of the earth and attack the thunderstorm!

"Rong Hubiao! Take the east side of Park Avenue and move forward with the thunderstorm!" Lu Chen ordered again.

"Fishball, Li Hai, go around to the flank!"

While arranging their troops, Lu Chen's giant statue followed closely behind Lei Bao.

Thunderstorms were a priority for this attack.

If the opponent can cut the metal base, then its material must be at least as hard as the metal tower material.

After the Tomahawk missile, only the disintegrating laser can penetrate the metal tower.

The thunderstorm must hit the opponent!

"Boom, boom, boom——"

There was a roaring digging sound below the surface, as if a giant snake was moving at the bottom.

The streets on the surface continued to crack and bulge, and they were all broken.

On the wide parkway, blue thunderstorms charged towards the giant underground thing.

Like a lone knight facing thousands of troops.

Zhuang Yuan's hand holding the steering wheel kept shaking, and she stared straight ahead.

Although she had experienced many things with Lu Chen, this time she was facing such a huge machine alone.

His ears were filled with a loud sound like thunder, as if he was sailing into the abyss.

"Zhuang Yuan, you can start accumulating strength."

Lu Chen's voice came out from the communicator, even though it was mixed with the sizzling sound of electricity, it still made her feel a little relieved.

"Don't be afraid, I will take good care of you," Lu Chen said calmly.

Zhuang Yuan didn't reply, but relaxed his grip on the steering wheel slightly.

Even if you face a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, there will always be someone standing behind you to protect you.

This kind of power gave Zhuang Yuan great relief at this moment.

She tapped the disintegration laser button, as usual.

The disintegrating laser began to charge up, and the distance between the two sides continued to shrink.

Lu Chen's palms were sweating. If something went wrong, he would teleport Zhuang Yuan back to him as soon as possible.

"Everyone, prepare! After the opponent breaks through the ground, launch an attack as soon as possible and attack with all your strength!!"

Lu Chen shouted into the communicator to remind all team members.

This may be their only chance!

"Boom, boom, boom——"

The dull sound of breaking ground was getting louder and closer.

Lu Chen knew that this was not only the reason why the two sides had become closer, but also the reason why the other party had increased their height.

The Earth God is indeed about to launch an attack!

Lu Chen, who was using his fighter plane above, could see that the raised ground was getting closer and closer to the thunderstorm.

"Get ready, Zhuang Yuan!!"

Chase Lu reminded him for the last time.

Finally, the raised ground meets the thunderstorm, and the Earth God is about to break out of the ground! !


Lu Chen was stunned, why didn't the Tushen come out?

He saw the raised ground extending behind the thunderstorm, which meant that the other party passed through the thunderstorm.

Didn't it actually destroy the thunderstorm?

Lu Chen was filled with doubts and almost lost control of the fighter plane.

Just when Lu Chen was surprised, a violent sound shook the sky.


The Earth God breaks out of the ground!

It rushed out from behind the thunderstorm!

The huge cutter was like the god of death coming, swallowing the thunderstorm directly!


Lu Chen didn't even think about it, he gave up Thunderstorm and sent Zhuang Yuan back to him.


There was another loud noise, which was the launch of a disintegrating laser.

But this cracking laser can no longer hit the opponent.

He didn't attack from the front, but dodged the thunderstorm's disintegrating laser from the back! !

Lu Chen's mouth was slightly open, and his mind was constantly thinking of ways to solve it.

But no matter how he arranged his troops, he could not find hope of a comeback.

Thunderstorm was destroyed, and they no longer had any means to fight the enemy! !

Is there no choice but to retreat?

The light in Lu Chen's eyes gradually dimmed.

If you retreat now, Thunderstorm's loss will be in vain.

No, no! !

Lu Chen suddenly noticed something.

Why is the Saturn stationary?

He discovered that the Earth God had never returned to the earth since it broke ground.

Isn't he afraid of follow-up attacks?

This is unreasonable!

Lu Chen immediately opened the panel, and to his great surprise.

The thunderstorm data still exists and has not been destroyed.

It's just that the armor value is dropping like water.

It's stuck! !

It got stuck in a thunderstorm! !

Because he had never compared it with a metal tower, Lu Chen also misjudged the strength of Thunderstorm's body.

I thought that after Thunderstorm was swallowed by the Earth God, it would instantly turn into scrap metal.

Looking at it now, as a fully equipped C-class medium-sized tank, its armor strength is likely to be much higher than that of metal tower materials! !

still have a chance!

Lu Chen's heart was filled with ashes and he shouted into the communicator.

"Everyone sprints!"

After saying that, he stepped on the accelerator and drove the Colossus forward.

If you can't chew off the C-class tank, then I'll let you try my B-class tank! !

I'll kill you today!

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