
What arrived on the battlefield faster than the sonic boom was a chariot like a bolide!

Red flame!

The red flame is like an iron fist, rushing straight into the battlefield!

The zombies on its path were instantly burned to ashes!

It was impossible to tell whether they died from the impact or the flames.

When the flesh-and-blood blade was only 0.01 centimeters away from Yudan's heart.

He and the three younger brothers on Flash disappeared instantly.

"Space teleportation!"

The next moment they appeared in Chi Yan's parking space.

Lu Chen exchanged fish eggs and flashed in front of the bloody zombies.

The sharp blade shining with scarlet light almost sank into his chest.

Chase Lu closed his eyes slightly, and his thoughts drove the energy in his body.

"Time zero——"

Suddenly, the whole world slowed down.

Lu Chen turned slightly sideways to avoid the sharp blade attack.

Flick your finger to trigger the mechanism.


Two cold-glow hidden swords shot out of the air!

It kicked off its legs and flew out of the car.

1 second.

With a sharp blade slash, he rushed out of the car and came behind the bloody zombie.


A sharp wound cut it off in the middle.

2 seconds.

When he came outside the car, he could use his two swords.

Lu Chen turned around and moved his arms, the cold light of the sharp blade flickered, and sword flowers danced in the air.

The bloody zombie's haphazardly spliced ​​body was like a veil under the attack of the sharp blade.

Wherever the sword's edge touched, all life was cut off!

3 seconds.

4 seconds.

A total of 15 swords were swung.

White lights appeared on the blood-red corpse.

At the last second, Lu Chen leaned over and slashed horizontally.

Then he turned around, stood up straight, and shook his windbreaker.

Fifth second.

Traces of sharp blades appeared on the body of the bloody zombie.

Time ends at zero.

With a bang, the whole world started to move again.

Various sounds rang in my ears again.

Lu Chen touched the mechanism lightly and retracted the sharp blade.

Meanwhile, behind him.

"Swish, swish, swish"

A total of sixteen slashes exploded.

The bloody zombie was chopped into pieces of meat again!


A rain of blood splashed from behind, staining Lu Chen's black windbreaker.

Instant kill!

Before the weak Yudan could react, he suddenly found himself appearing on Chiyan.

"The boss is here!" he exclaimed.

The heart that had almost stopped beating again.

The boss is here!

He turned to the side happily and saw Lu Chen in a black windbreaker bathing in the rain of blood.

And the bloody zombie behind him was chopped into pieces!

So handsome, boss

Yudan looked at Lu Chen's handsome back, tears almost bursting out of his eyes.

Don't cry, a real man will never shed tears again.

He held back tears.

I didn’t even cry when I was about to die, how could I cry after being saved!


Suddenly, the younger brothers beside him could no longer hold back their tears and burst into tears together.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu————I'm saved, I'm saved."

Yudan looked at them, secretly thinking something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next second, he could no longer hold back the tears in his eyes.

"Wow wow wow wow——"

"Yes, I'm saved, I don't have to die anymore."

The four big men in Chiyan were fighting to the death because of zombies just now.

Now, because of a man, the collective burst into tears.

This is moral decay

On the base gate.

What's this!

Li Gang couldn't believe his eyes.

what's the situation!

Lu Chen's series of actions seemed to only happen in an instant in the eyes of others.

So from Li Gang's perspective.

The bloody zombie that was just about to stab the fish egg shattered into blood clots in the next second.

And behind it stood the real leader of the Death Angel - Lu Chen.

"Lord Chief!"

The observer on the side shouted, this time his voice was no longer panic, but joy.

"Lord Chief!"

"The leader is here!"

"Ah ah ah, leader!"

A violent shout erupted from the city wall!

The originally dormant Angel of Death base was filled with passion again.

A blazing sun shot through the layers of gloom that enveloped them, bringing hope.

Li Gang looked at that figure, his lips trembling slightly.


He murmured softly, his eyes already red.

Hearing fierce shouts erupting from the city wall, the team members who evacuated to the gate also turned their attention to the battlefield again.

Are you reading a novel?

Their mouths were slightly open, and their minds were full of questions.

How could someone be so handsome!

Why was it possible to kill that zombie instantly?

Lu Chen's appearance gave them a great shock.

Is this the man who broke through the base gate?

Is this the man who took over their Hongyuan warehouse?

Is this the strength of superpowers?

too strong

In the center of the battlefield, where everyone's eyes converge.

Lu Chen stood upright, quietly enjoying the shouts of the team members.

He shook his hands slightly. He had swung the knife too many times and his hands were numb.

While shaking his hands, he kept his attention on the zombies around him.

If only they dared to throw themselves at him.


He turns around and runs!

Yes, he turned around and ran without any hesitation.

Because time zero has ended, he is not much different from an ordinary person now.

So the heroes respected by thousands of people were feeling panicked at the moment.

If he hadn't thought that standing here would boost his morale, he would have run away long ago.

In fact, Lu Chen had already seen it in the tank group system, and saw that the level of Lightning had returned to level one!

At that time, he had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, so he immediately summoned red flames and flew over.

When he saw that the life signal of Yudan was weakening, he directly started air propulsion.

Red Flame arrived at the battlefield at a speed exceeding twice the speed of sound.

After that it will be Lu Chen’s personal performance.

Is this the Corpse King?

Lu Chen looked at the broken pieces at his feet.

It seems like nothing more than that?

"Lord Leader! It can be resurrected!"

Li Gang's shout came from the communicator.

Sure enough, Lu Chen saw that the people under his feet were gathering together again.

Harm——, you should have said it earlier, Lu Chen smiled bitterly in his heart.

Let’s just say it won’t be that simple.

Can't run, can't run!

He kept repeating it in his mind.

There are so many people watching, so don’t be anxious!

So Lu Chen pretended to be calm.

Turn around slowly and gracefully.

Stepping over the rotten meat that was gathering, boarded the Flash.

Just after he got into the car, the ball of minced meat quickly transformed into a human form.


It let out an angry roar!

It was angry, and he felt like he was being played by ants!



With another roar, the bloody zombie gathered its blood into a blade and stabbed Lu Chen fiercely!

Lu Chen smiled and waved to him, throwing out a small plastic bag.

The next moment, his figure flickered and disappeared directly into the seat!

The bloody blade pierced the bulging plastic bag.


There was a foul smell.

The bloody zombie punctured a stink bomb.

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